1. I wonder how long it will be before I cave and dive into the Halloween candy
2. I want to go to Sonic soon and try one of those Strawberry Cheesecake Shakes 😈
3. I have to go to the doctor next week (female kind) and I so hate and dread going. You have no idea. I’m always afraid they’re going to find something else wrong with me
4. I didn’t get my birthday dinner out last week, since we were busy getting our new dog!! So, I hope we can go to eat Italian tomorrow night on Date Night. Complete with Tiramisu for dessert
5. My big goal in life right now is to get our new dog Beau to eat something
6. I’ve been burning the new Pumpkin Spice Yankee Candle that I got for my birthday, and it smells so good!!!
7. I got an iTunes gift card from Tim’s brother and family for my birthday, and I’m having a hard time deciding what music to buy next. 😀 Suggestions?!!
8. I’m out of straightening gel for my hair and need to find a place that sells Pureology… I can get it at my salon but I want to look for another place to get their products
9. I haven’t worn flip flops in two weeks and I’ve stopped painting my toenails. Hoorah!
10. We’ve had several rainy grey days lately, and the hermit in me has just loved them! I still open the blinds for a bit of sunshine, but I love staying home sometimes when it’s dreary out and just hibernating
11. I have some birthday money left … gotta decide how to spend it. Suggestions?!!! 😆
12. I signed up for a Pets Perks card this week at Petsmart… maybe not as exciting as my Borders Rewards card, but not too shabby 😀
13. OK, so I lied. I only have 12 Random Thoughts. Sue me 🙄
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