Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen #13

Thirteen Random Thoughts in my Head This Week

1. Had a really good, long Labor Day holiday weekend, but now my week is all messed up.

2. Monday felt like Sunday

3. Tuesday felt like Monday

4. I have a sore throat and am so hoping that I am not getting sick

5. I can’t be sick, because we’re having a big garage sale this weekend πŸ™„

6. We have more junk accumulated than any normal person should have. I have every spare inch of space in our house piled up with junk at the moment, waiting to be put out
for the sale.

7. It’s going to be a bugger to take this junk to Goodwill if it doesn’t sell in the yard sale

8. I have to go to the bank and get lots of change and one’s for the garage sale. Note to self πŸ˜†

9. I still haven’t had to report for jury duty yet… thank goodness!

10. BUT – I have to call every day during the month of September. Bummer.

11. We leave on vacation soon and I have lots more trip planning to do

12. I tried the new Peach Smoothie from Sonic and if you like peach, definitely try it. It was good!

13. I love our new digital cable and this OnDemand stuff. We have an exercise channel and I have lots of exercise videos to pick from now. This girl loves her variety when it comes to exercise. I need motivation, lots of motivation! :mrgreen:

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItÒ€ℒs easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  1. Meredith Said,

    Hope you feel better, and your sale is a success! Happy TT!

  2. Samantha_K Said,

    I’ve been wondering about the peach smoothie…I think I’ll try one this weekend.

  3. my 2 cents Said,

    My week felt all messed up too. Yesterday should have been Monday, today should have been Tuesday, etc. I hope you don’t get sick. I just had a sore throat and slight cold myself.
    Good luck on your garage sale this weekend! And have a great Thursday!!

  4. Tracie Said,

    I had that messed up day thing going on too.
    And the garage sale….let me just say that I have been making a garage sale pile for over a year, now it would be more appropriate to call it a “garage sale mountain”! Hope yours goes well.

  5. Kailani Said,

    I wish we had a Sonic here. They show the commercials for those mini banana splits and I start to crave one!

  6. Shoshana Said,

    I was all discombobulated this week.

    I agree with the Sonic thing. Yum!

  7. MommyBa Said,

    I hope your sore throat gets better soon.

    Wonderful list!

    Happy Thursday!

  8. Debi Said,

    We need to have a garage sale too. I hope you don’t get sick. I’m sick today. Blech!

  9. deb Said,

    Good luck with the yard sale…I need to have one, too πŸ™‚
    Hope you feel better!!

  10. PinkJeweledCat Said,

    I know how you feel about the junk. The movers come to pack us up to move to GA in one week and I have about three more days of sorting through our crap to do. Wish me luck! Ta for now dahling!

  11. Claire Said,

    Sorry you don’t feel well. Have you tried gargling salt water yet? There is a REAL reason as to why this works. It’s scientific and I don’t know if you want to hear it…basically has to do with equilibrium of solutes and stuff! πŸ™‚ It won’t get rid of the virus (if that’s why you’re sick) but it will decrease your pain. Anyway, hope you feel better and that your garage sale is a success.

  12. Bev Said,

    I love four day weeks but they really mess up my schedule. I forgot to put the trash out on Monday because I thought it was Sunday. πŸ˜‰ Thank goodness the temps are cooler.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Great List and Have a Happy!

  13. K T Cat Said,

    How close is your yard sale to trash day? There may be an easier way to get rid of stuff! πŸ™‚

    My TT is up.

  14. Jersey Girl Said,

    We don’t have Sonic up here in NJ. We do have onDemand, love that.

  15. Cam Said,

    Oh, you’re having a garage sale! Can I come join you with all my junk? πŸ˜› Whenever I have one, whatever is left at the end of the day, we just chuck it in the truck and go straight to goodwill to drop it off. I hope you have a successful sale!

    I just read your Sonic peach smoothie comment to Philip, and guess where he is now? He just left to go up to Sonic and get himself one! πŸ˜€ He loves peach flavored drinks, and we have a Sonic just a few blocks away.

  16. Dawn P. Said,

    For some reason when we have a short week at work it seems so much longer.

    Hope you have a good weekend and have a good garage sale!

  17. trish Said,

    Hope you’re feeling better and your garage sale is a success! πŸ™‚ I hear ya about the messed up week. I’m sitting here wondering why I’m at work on a Saturday.. and then remembering.. today’s only Friday. πŸ™‚

  18. trish Said,

    PS – Thanks for visiting my TT!

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