Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

What’s That on the Ceiling?

What’s that on the ceiling? A bird, a plane, a UFO? No, it’s the time and temperature displaying constantly.

HUH? Please let me explain. We love gadgets. All kinds of gadgets, but being the geeky techie people that we are, we really love electronic gadgets. For Christmas last year, I bought Tim a new atomic clock, probably this one. It’s made by Lacrosse Technologies and is an atomic clock with time, temperature and humidity displays. There’s a separate piece that goes outdoors to monitor the outdoor temperature. It sets itself automatically by the US atomic clock service, which I think is very cool. He tinkered with it Christmas afternoon and it’s been running fine ever since.

Then, the lights blinked one day last week, and for whatever reason, for the first time ever, this thing lost track of the time. So, as Tim was resetting it, he figured out how to get it to project not only the time, but also the outdoor temperature on our bedroom ceiling.

He’s tickled pink with it. Me, not so much. I am starting to get used to it, but it is a little disconcerting to wander into our bedroom after dark and see these large red numbers displayed on the ceiling. Or say, you’re laying in bed having trouble falling asleep and all you can focus on is these numbers above your head in red.

Needless to say, I tried to take some pictures, but it was hard to get it focused at night without activating my flash. I tried several modes and finally came up with a couple of shots. Of course, these are zoomed in, but you get the picture. Just imagine these numbers are on the ceiling above your bed in your bedroom. 🙄

Time on the ceiling

Temp on the ceiling

  1. Cam Said,

    Oh, I’m laughing my butt off! That is just like a man to do that and think it’s the coolest thing! 😀 It IS neat, but it would drive me batty, especially if I was having problems getting to sleep. That’s too funny! Hopefully you can talk him out of using that mode.

  2. Laura Said,

    I don’t think so! lol!

  3. Dawn Said,

    omg…i would go insane staring at those when i couldn’t sleep!! LOL

  4. Suzanne Said,

    outdoor temp on the ceiling. Gee you can plan your days clothes before getting out of bed !!

  5. Southern Girl Said,

    Oh my goodness, that would drive me bananas. I can’t stand *any* light in my bedroom when I’m trying to sleep, so I even take a towel or shirt and cover up the numbers on my clock/radio and the little red light that shows my phone is charging on my bedside. *g* Bright red numbers on the ceiling wouldn’t work at all!

  6. Tracie Said,

    Everytime we see one of those things at the Discovery Store my husband picks it up and pets it and stares longingly at it….I think he would kiss it if he wasn’t afraid that the clerks would kick him out of the store. I think I will be joining you in red numbers on my celing soon after his birthday this month! 🙂

  7. Susie Said,

    That is so funny! Well, irritating a little to you too, I’m sure, but very funny nevertheless! 🙂 Just knowing it was there would keep me awake at night.

  8. Bev Said,

    Oh man, that would drive me nuts. I’ve got to have black-out conditions in our room at night or I’d never get to sleep. I have a hard enough time with the light on the digital alarm clock. 😉

  9. Trista Said,

    How funny! I have to tell you that I just bought one. At CVS no less. They had one listed in last week’s ads. I have been wanting to get one for Alan b/c he is always waking me up when he leans over on me to see what time it is. I can totally see myself staying awake at night fixed on the numbers on the ceiling. hahaha

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