Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen #10

Thirteen Fortune Cookie Sayings

Thanks to Yellow Roses Garden for the banner!

I love and adore Chinese food, and blogged yesterday about how excited I was to get to go to a local place and get some Tuesday night. 🙂 My husband is more than a little burned out on it, and if he had his way, we’d probably not eat it but once or twice a year. Me, I could go 3 times a week. But, he’s sweet and takes me fairly often, even when he doesn’t want to go. :mrgreen: We always keep the fortunes if they are decent. I come home and enter them on our main website, Hambones.org in our Fortune Cookie section. Yes, we have a whole section for Fortune Cookies, we’re really odd that way. You can check it out here. Just click Open Fortune for the first one, and then “Open Another” to randomly scroll through some of the hundreds we have entered over the last couple of years. 🙂

Have a great day!!

13 Fortune Cookie Sayings

1. As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point your way.
2. We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them.
3. The truth is always bearable when told with compassion.
4. Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.
5. Truthful words are not always beautiful; beautiful words are not always truthful.
6. Live each day as if it is your last.
7. The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get less than you settled for.
8. In order to take, one must first give.
9. The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.
10. Your smile brings happiness to everyone you meet.
11. Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice.
12. Work is the true elixir of life. The busiest man is the happiest man.
13. Travel to appease your restlessness.

  1. Kailani Said,

    Great sayings. My favorite is #2.

  2. Debi Said,

    #13 is funny. I have one on my desk at work – “when in doubt, mumble”

  3. Bev Said,

    #6 is one I always hear and every day I try to remind myself of it.


  4. KarenW Said,

    I think my dh could eat chinese everyday. I like it but not that much!
    My TT is up.

  5. Meredith Said,

    # 1 … oh how true!

    Happy TT!

  6. Write From Karen Said,

    My favorites are 6, 8, 11, and 12. Words to live by!

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. Gail Said,

    All things Chinese this week! fun…..I always think the fortunes in our local restaurant are not really fortunes, so Liz always feel cheated I think!

  8. Matt Said,

    Gotta love fortune cookies. Only thing is that I don’t eat the cookie. I just get the fortune and give the cookie to someone else.

    My T13 is up also! Have a wonderful Thursday.

  9. Dawn Said,

    1 & 9 are my favorites! =)

  10. froggie mama Said,

    yum!! i love chinese food, too! and there is this really good place that actually DELIVERS to our house! you can’t beat that! 🙂

    #6 & #11 are my favorites! 🙂

    happy tt!!

  11. tnchick Said,

    I don’t think you’re odd for havin’ a cookie section LOL

    I love chinese, we just ate it day before yesterday. Mmmm. Good stuff, I tell ya!

  12. Amy Said,

    great list!! I like # 1 5 and 6 the best. Happy TT

  13. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Those are all pretty good ones. Love the splinter one but the ones I really like & think many should live by is 2, 3, 5, 6 & 8. Very creative list!

    Have a terrific Thursday!

  14. Seren Said,

    That first one, ouch! LOL!! Loved them. (And thanks for visiting me!)

  15. Christine Said,

    These are all great, but I like #1 & #7 best.

  16. Jenny Ryan Said,

    #1-so simple, and yet so profound 🙂

  17. Trisha Said,

    Good stuff and a great idea! Thanks for stopping by to see mine. Number one (like so many other commenters) is my absolute favorite.

  18. Jenn Said,

    OK I hate chinese food, but LOVE LOVE there cookies! Those are some wonderful words to live by…I should print them out and leave them next to my computer…to always remember

  19. tbirdonawire Said,

    Love it! Great list!

  20. TC Said,

    Those are wonderful! I love them.

  21. presentstorm Said,

    ahhh you have learned well grasshoppa!…lol

  22. Mrs Lifecruiser Said,

    I think #13 is written for me, although I’m not quite sure that I travel because I’m restless. I’m curious 😉

  23. Trista Said,

    I just wanted to say that you are my kind of gal. I love that section of your main site. Do you know that I was recently told that I was “too thorough and boring” on my blog because I write about what we eat for dinner and such? I am not offended by this at all, b/c I really am blogging for my memories, not someone elses. Your TT was great, even though I am late reading it!

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