Thirteen Things in My Junk Drawer
Thanks to Caryn at Novelist in Training for the banner!
13 Things in my Junk Drawer
I had this cool banner that Caryn made a while back, and I’ve been meaning to use it. Thanks Caryn!
This is one of two junk drawers in my kitchen – the smaller one, and also the one most presentable for a picture on my blog. You ain’t gonna be seeing the other one until I get it cleaned up. It’s a mess 😆

1. Rubberband balls (one large one, and a new one in progress)
2. Candles for birthday cakes
3. Holders for said candles
4. Candles for pumpkins at Halloween – yes, I use them over and over
5. Batteries of all shapes and sizes
6. Packing Tape
7. Scotch tape for wrapping presents (ask a family member about this, I’m famous for it. I tape them up so tight they can barely get in them!)
8. Scraper for removing stickers and things from glass and windshield
9. Eyeglass kit (for tightening those pesky sunglasses that are always getting loose)
10. Tags from most of the shrubs and trees we’ve planted in our yard
11. Old scissors to cut open things that I don’t want to use my “good” scissors on (they’re in the other junk drawer)
12. Sliders for chair bottoms (bent over white thing in the middle) – we put these on all the kitchen table chairs when we laid ceramic tile last fall
13. Last but not least, my ziploc baggie full of bread twistie ties.
As you can tell from the picture, the big excitement in this drawer are the rubberbands, twistie ties, batteries and tape. Everything else is secondary 🙄
Oh…but look at how neat your “junk” drawer looks. The pictures of mine would not be pretty! 🙂 Happy TT!
I’ve had junk drawers so bad that I couldn’t even open them!
A great idea for a list! I agree, your Thursday Thirteen header is really cute and goes perfectly with your list!!
Hope you have a great Thursday!
Goodness! Your draw makes my kitchen junk drawers look like the city dump! LOL!
My TT is up!
Great list! That could soooo be my junk drawer! I LOVE junk drawers! And I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one that saves the twisties!!!! 😉
Happy T13! My list is up, too.
That’s one thing we can’t keep in the junk drawer or batteries. We always run out of them. I can’t save twisties either. The cats seem to love them, along with the milk container twist offs, they make great cheap cat toys!
Have a great Thursday!
i love your rubberband!
Don’t you just love your junk drawers? Sometimes I just go through them, organising, looking, etc. I’m a junk-junkie I guess! 🙂
My TT is about my new kitten.
That drawer looks pretty organized! We have several junk drawers and they’re nowhere near that good lookin’. Rubber band ball is pretty cool.
You can never have two many twistie ties. But mine are just strewn out in the drawer, not neat in a bag like yours.
Gosh my junk drawer looks like “junk” compared to yours. Such a nice little cubby ya got there.
So nice! Happy TT – ours is up!
I don’t have a junk drawer, I have a junk room. It was a junk house, but I’m working on it! 😉
That drawer is way too neat to be a junk drawer! And look at that rubberband ball, wow, somehow I’ve missed that when I’ve been there! Good list.
Junk drawer? Hah! I scoff at your junk drawer!!
I can never find my scissors or tape or rubberbands or any of that stuff!
Your junk drawer is so organized! Mine? Well I can never find the junk I need. lol
Isn’t it funny how EVERYONE has a junk drawer?
Happy TT!
Your junk drawer looks neat and well organized to tell the truth. LOL! Sometimes I think my junk drawer exploded to include the rest of my house. Especially when I leave Hubby home alone with my 3 year old daughter. Great 13. -M
I love that you were brave enough to share your junk drawer. I have a junk drawer, a junk cupboard, a junk box, and a junk spare room. I really do need to go clean sweep on my house. LOL But I probably won’t
My problem is that I have about 10 junk drawers and they keep getting bigger.
I think having a junk drawer in a home is one of those universal things. *g*
Great TT! It makes me think of mine — your junk is in a drawer, but mine’s spread out all over my desk. 😉
That is so cool! I have always wanted to make a rubberband ball, but I could never figure out how to get it started, LOL! Happy TT!
A bit similar to my husband’s junk drawer!
How do you make a rubberband ball??? you look very organized! and I loved your quote, thanks! 🙂 happy TT!
We call our junk drawer the Habib Drawer. Don’t ask why…
How can you call all of those items junk? Seems to me that they are all necessities. 😉
Cheers and thanks for dropping by.
Rubberband balls? Is there a support group for that??? Just kidding – never saw that before. My gram used to keep them wrapped about an old match box – in her junk drawer, and that’s exactly where mine are, only in a ziplog bag with my chip clips.
Duh – I just noticed the neat header 🙂
Your Junk drawwer looks way neater than mine.
I like the basket you have in there.
Great TT
My TT is up
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Hey… I needed that packing tape today!
Happy TT!
Your junk drawer is so well organized! Come organize mine? Thanks for visiting!
You must be related to my uncle. You have to have scissors to open anything from him. Thanks for stopping by my TT>
Be honest, did you clean that drawer before you took the picture? I can’t even open mine! LOL!
Every household needs a good junk drawer or two. And if you have room, one in each bathroom and two in the kitchen. It’s a requirement I know I read it in some book somewhere.
Come on by and visit my TT, it’s up and running.
Nice clean junk drawer! Mine are a mess from kids always rifling through them!
For some reason my drawers never have what I expect in them. It’s either because my kids are taking what’s in there or putting things in there that don’t belong!
Happy TT!
You always have the coolest TT’s… Your junk drawer is so neat compared to
Can you come and clean mine now?
I noticed you have a Janet E book on the right of your blog. I just took two out of the library today. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers raving about them so I thought I’d check out what I’ve been missing. Also Maeve Binchy. I just finished one of hers which I loved. Firefly Summer.
For a junk drawer, that looks awfully organized!
Thanks for visiting my TT 🙂
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