Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen #8

Thirteen Things About our Morning Walks

Thanks to Goofy Girl for the banner!

We try to walk on a regular basis, around our neighborhood, which is roughly 2 miles from start to finish. I haven’t been able to walk for the last few days, and I’ve actually been rather missing it. My ankle is hurting and swollen, and I’m trying to stay off it more and elevate it. I don’t miss the heat (98º for a high today!), but we normally walk in the early mornings, and I do miss the exercise and the time with my husband. So, without further adieu…

Thirteen Things about our Morning Walks

  1. We hear the alarm clock going off and I hit the snooze, then we proceed to converse about whether we actually want to get up and go walking, or go back to sleep :mrgreen:
  2. We usually guilt one another into getting up and going – we know the exercise is good for us and we need to go. We would just rather sleep
  3. We check the outdoor temperature on the display that Tim now projects on our ceiling. Read this blog entry for more info 🙄
  4. We dig out shorts, tshirts, socks and tennis shoes. Usually in the dark
  5. I get my pedometer out, so I can log my steps for the day
  6. I strap on my new Timex sports watch, so I can set the stopwatch to time our walk
  7. We go outside, and I pick up the newspaper so I won’t have to bend over and pick it up after we get back (I’m really stiff at the end of the 2 miles!)
  8. We stop and stretch at the curb – my ankle needs lot of stretching and flexing
  9. We walk to the end of our street and back. Tim hates this part – he hates going by our house and then having to keep going. Something psychological about passing your own house
  10. We head towards the back of the subdivision – we sometimes see bunnies in people’s yards, there are two or three spots where we most always see a bunny. So cute, and they sit perfectly still, thinking they are not being spotted 🙂
  11. We head around the outskirts of our subdivision, towards the main road; we usually see several people leaving for work
  12. We head towards the back side of the lake in our subdivision. We usually see ducks and geese, and there are always several spots where we have to avoid what we call “goose poop�. Those geese poop A LOT!
  13. We head around the lake and back to the house. Reward for getting up out of bed and going walking is coffee and cereal. And a big pat on the back:lol:

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  1. laura Said,

    hope the heat wave breaks soon for you…it was triple digits here for voer two weeks with no delta breeze evening and morning respite. Going to sleep and waking up to temps in the 90s suck!
    My tt is up.

  2. ~ Stacy ~ Said,

    [chuckle] Betcha almost everyone can relate to your #1. Walking is my favorite form of exercise, but I’d rather not get up early to do so.

  3. Dianne Said,

    Good for you guys. Walking is my favorite exercise too. Unfortunately I’ve just been too stinkin’ lazy to do much lately. I will pay though – my back and hip are reminding me. Your morning walks sound great.

  4. Gail Said,

    I wish we could get back to walking in the morning instead of evening….way too hot for late in the day for me!

  5. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Sounds like a lovely walk. I wish George would do that with me. I see lots of bunnies around our area too. They are so cute.

  6. Debbie Said,

    Good for you that you get up and do it! I hear my treadmill calling me and I am so trying to ignore it!
    MY T13 is up. Happy Thursday!

  7. Something's Missing Said,

    I love a morning walk, but no one will go with me! I tried the tredmill, but it just wasn’t the same. Morning walks are awesome!

    My Thursday Thirteen is up!

    Happy Thursday!

  8. KarenW Said,

    I need to walk in the mornings but I am so not a morning person. My TT is up.

  9. TC Said,

    Great TT! I love a morning walk.

  10. Dawn P Said,

    Wow I really need to do more walking. I love that you guys walk together!

  11. Goddess In The City Said,

    What a wonderful ritual!

  12. nat Said,

    Morning is such a great time to walk! I enjoyed reading about your morning exercise and all of the joy it brings you. Peace!

  13. Laura Said,

    It sounds great! 😀 I’m telling you, my husband would NEVER EVER get up early enough for it. He doesn’t even get up early enough to be at work on time. I think you mentioned Tim has flexible hours, or at least doesn’t have to be at work very early.

  14. Mysterious Lady Said,

    Wish I could go for a walk in the morning instead of work. I’m jealous!

    Have a wonderful thursday! Keep enjoying those walks they are good for you!

  15. Raggedy Said,

    Great list! I really enjoyed taking a walk with you…
    I hope that your ankle feels better soon.
    I really should start walking, you made it sound not so bad…
    My TT is up

  16. c.a. Marks Said,

    I admire you.

  17. YellowRose Said,

    I’m more of an evening walker….not a morning person, at all! 😉

    You have a good routine! Good going!! Happy Thursday!

  18. southernfriedgirl Said,

    I so wish the hubs would walk with me. He just whines.

  19. Write From Karen Said,

    I might be able to get my husband to do that. He’s an early riser and he likes to walk … hhmm…

    Good for you guys! Keep up the good work!

  20. Katrina Said,

    Sounds wonderful. Good job taking those walks!

    Thanks for visiting my T13!

  21. Barb Said,

    OH, to be motivated to walk! I used to do it religiously, when I broke my hip, but got out of the habit – need to get back in.

    My TT is up.

  22. Mommy the Maid Said,

    I wish I had the motivation to keep up and out of bed to walk in the mornings. I am usually too busy fidgeting with sippy cups, diapers and cereal. Forget getting out the stroller and waterbottles. LOL

  23. Bev Said,

    What a wonderful way to start the day and spend time with your husband. I’m going to have to mention this to my husband. 😉 I hope your ankle gets better.

  24. Les Said,

    I really should consider something like this… but I am SO not a morning person. Maybe I will just start making it a point to go after dinner with dh!!!

    Happy TT!!

  25. Shannon Said,

    Wow! I am impressed. Wish I had the motivation.

  26. Pilot Mom Said,

    Morning is my favorite time to walk. However, I struggle with getting out of bed. *sigh* But it’s cooler so I like that better than doing it later in the heat. Good job on being faithful with it.

  27. kT Said,

    A very motivational TT (without the Tony Robbins scare tactics!!)

    Mine is up.

  28. presentstorm Said,

    That is awesome. I wish wer could discipline ourselves to get up early and walk before work. We were walking every evening after dinner but it has been SOOOOOO hot. It is so miserable. Oh How I really hate the heat..lol

  29. Catherine Said,

    Cute list.


  30. Margie Said,

    You actually make walking sound not so bad of a thing to do. I have to do something, and in this heat.. early morning will be my only option as the kids are sleeping then. Great 13 -Margie

  31. cat Said,

    It’s always good to have an exercise buddy to guilt trip–er, I mean help keep ya motivated. 🙂

  32. Cam Said,

    Oh…I’m cracking UP over #3! 😀 😀 😀

  33. Kailani Said,

    What a great way to start the day. I wish I had the willpower to do that every morning. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

  34. Dane Bramage Said,

    great List. I will have to start my walks back up. Thanks for stopping by my T13.

  35. Leanne Said,

    I loved taking a walk with you – and I’m sorry about your ankle! I hope it feels better soon!

    September 1st is my back to exercise date – it’s just a pain to do anything with little ones in pajamas until noon. 😉

    Thanks for joining in!

  36. kelli Said,

    When I get into the routine of walking, I really enjoy it! I want to start back….maybe I can soon! Thanks for stopping by TT!

  37. kristarella Said,

    Good on you! I sooo need more exercise 😛

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