Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Lookie, lookie at what we bought each other for our anniversary! We shopped around all day on Friday, then went to a new Cingular store near our house on Saturday and got me one of these. And, to match, Tim got one of these. Yippee, these Razr’s are so cool! Then, we went shopping for cases. I was actually wanting something cute and girly, maybe pink or red, but we found this instead, and bought one for each of our phones. Then, we bought Tim a Blue Trek Bluetooth earpiece like this one. He’s going to test it out and see how it works, and I’m also going to give it a go and see if I like it and if it fits my ear. Then, we might splurge and get a second earpiece for me. Right now, I’m just tickled to have a phone with a battery that won’t run out after 10 minutes on the phone. :mrgreen: PLUS, I have a camera phone, which I have been coveting for so long. Bluetooth is just icing on the cake!

OK, I couldn’t resist. Here’s a picture of our phones, side by side (Tim’s is on the left, the black one):

Motorola Razr's for Us!

  1. Gail Said,

    Nifty! I see people with those ear pieces all the time.

    Apparantly this must be like the ipod, it calls for more and more accessories!

  2. deb Said,

    I bought Scott one of those for Christmas and he loves it! My daughter has a PINK one! I want a pink one, too, but I’m not ready to shell out the big bucks for it lol

    Enjoy your new toy :))

  3. Suzanne Said,

    I have a blue tooth and now I have lost my pass key so I can’t use it………any suggestions………….great phones you got there………..

  4. Amanda Said,

    Nice! I’m envious! I have a REALLY old phone that could die at any time. I’ve been holding off on getting a new one because I have such a good wireless plan grandfathered in from CellularOne. 500 free minutes, free nights and weekends, free incoming calls for only $24.95. They told me that if I changed phones, I’d have to change plans. Since I have not found a plan that will compare, I have clung to my old beat up Nokia. It will barely hold a charge for more than a 8 minute phone call.

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