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I have that Julie Andrews song from “The Sound of Musicâ€? stuck in my head. You know, “raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensâ€?. 🙂 Here’s some of my favorite things, with no particular rhyme, reason, order or theme! 1. Chinese food |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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all those are great things (well, i don’t know tim but i do like football).
i’ve posted 13 also at
Your list hits everything I like, except I don’t know Tim! Thanks for the list.
I agree with most of yours, and I would also add clean sheets and cats sleeping in a pool of sunlight! Oh, and music.
Ah, yes, a lot of these are my favorites too – particularly coffee, bookstores, and blogging.
I liked your list.
My TT is up too
Well sis, we would have most of the same ones, chocolate being high on mine & you started me on this addiction of Yankee candles! Ooh, crisp, clean sheets is a good one too! Good list.
mmm. the smell of fresh towels. 🙂
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 – agreed! And I’m sure I would enjoy going to a football game with Tim, too, but I’ll just take your word on it. 😉
Oh, lots of my favorite things on here too, I’m going for Chinese later today in fact.
Hmmmm, I love warm towels!!! It’s so nice to be surprised by one when I get out of the shower.
heheh This one required a bit more thought than “things on your desk” so I enjoyed it. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my 13.
Here’s my luvvies:
(I love hockey, books, hot hot hot coffee, my kitty cats purring, looking at the birdies outside my window, listening to books on tape while driving, my husband’s hugs, my neighbor Emma, my ipod, journaling, blogging, singing to my cats and my angel goddaughter Lauren.)
I SO love bookstores and Chick flicks too!! Great list!
Talk about hitting the nail on the head. I love chinese food, and what is it about popcorn at the theater? Its just sooooo good. Thanks so much for sharing.
Blogging is a great thing! This list is quite eccletic! Different things here. I love chic flicks and football too! No big on Chinese, but love all things chocolate. Bookstores are great and get me into trouble! My list is up!
Great ones!! Those are so wonderful. I love simple pleasures. Fresh towels AND sheets! Mmm.
Yeah! I love coffee too!
Thanks for dropping by my blog =)
I also like a lot of those!
Ohhhhhh chinese food is soooooooooooo good! Especially if the place makes really good eggrolls! *drool*
Wonderful list of your fav things. Thanks for dropping by my TT. Have a great day. 🙂
That song pops into my head very often! I love it. I’m with you on #4 & #5!
Oh, that makes me want Chinese food. Too bad I just ate Mexican food.
Oh, nice things! chocolate everything, yes!!!Bookstores! I can spend whole days there… and blogging too! Happy tt 🙂
We do have similar interests! I love popcorn at the movies and towels fresh from the dryer. Sometimes when my hubby is showering I’ll throw his towel in the dryer so it’s nice and warm when he’s ready for it! I thought about buying a towel warmer for our bathroom. It’s an idea! 🙂
I’m going to peek around and get to know you better! 🙂
Blessings on your day!
LOVE chinese food!!!
LOVE this list! I love to read these things!!!
Movie popcorn is a big thing in my family of origin. We’d actually talk our way into theaters JUST to buy popcorn and then turn around and leave with it. Mmmm! There’s nothing like movie theater popcorn!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I like when I see a bluebird of happiness!
I loce chocolate and blogging too. I could live with only those 2 things if I needed to!! Thanks for stopping by my TT!
Love your list!! I like it all, too!
This could be my list…except I don’t like football!! 😉
Happy Thursday!
Bookstores! Me too. B&N or Borders with coffee and spouse. My T13 is up at FBI – Bible Misquotes Edition.
Definetly my list too! Except football, would be baseball! 😛
Have a great Thursday!
Oh, I have some of the same favorites!!
Happy TT!!
I’m with you on every singe one EXCEPT number 8…I don’t think Tim would want me there;)I’m not a sporty gal! LOL Great TT, thanks for visiting mine! Stacie
I definitely would have many of these on my list, too! And I LOVE that song!!!!
My TT is up here
We have something in common with your #s 1 and 13.
Thanks for dropping by.
It makes me think of the song “these are a few of my favorite things” such a great list…thanks for the visit!
Love your list. Great idea.
Love it! Especially the warm towels from the dryer – what a treat! My 13 are about berry-picking. Come and see! http://kellycurtis.blogspot.com/2006/07/thirteen-things-about-berry-picking.html
Great list! The things I really love from your list are:
1. Chinese food
4. Chocolate anything
5. Bookstores
6. Curled up by the fireplace in winter, reading a good book
7. Chick Flicks
10. Puppies
12. Popcorn at the movies
13. Blogging!
I agree with many- I would have to add roadtrips and well I guess I just need a longer list. Thanks for stopping by today- Be blessed.
I’m with you on 1 through 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13. 🙂
Thanks for visiting my TT!
2, 10, & 12!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Stacy, Thanks for stopping in at A Particularly Persistent Point of View and thanks for the compliment about my first TT. I enjoyed doing it.
I like all the same things you listed. I’d only change one; ie, # 8. Mine would read Red Sox instead of football and Oz instead of Tim.
Oh, I miss fireplaces. We don’t have one in our house, but my parents had one in their house. My dad would light the fire almost every night in the winter and I would sit in front of it and read my book. Sometimes we made smores in the fireplace. Good times.
Good list… happy T13
I love the popcorn they sell at movie theaters. I keep eating them until my stomach hurts. I don’t know why I do that. Thanks for stopping by!
I love all of those things! Except maybe popcorn at the movies. It gets stuck in my teeth.
Wow, you got a lot of comments on that list! It’s a great one.
That is a great list! I love all those things too! Thanks for sharing your favorites!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Great 13. I love all of those things too. Yankee Candles are awesome. I live near the factory and I’m ashamed to say that I drive by but I’ve only been in once. I go to the store in the mall instead. (bad me)
Have a great weekend!!!!
I love books and anything about them. And, with a nice piece of chocolate and a good cup of coffee…..hmmmmmheaven!
Great list.
Great list! I love them all too! Of course, I haven’t been to a football game with Tim, but I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve been to without him.
Like your blog! I’ll be back!
ooohhh yeah … chocolate, coffee, puppies and blogging 🙂
As always I’m a day late and a dollar short 😉 thanks for stopping by my TT yesterday. Have a wonderful weekend…
There is nothing like nice hot, fresh towels from the dryer especially when your cold! Gotta love the chick flicks too and shooting stars ~ how magical!! Great list you have there!! 🙂
1. Great stuff!
2. I don’t get to do this enough.
3. I agree.
4. Exactly!
5. I love them…especially when they have a coffee shop in them.
6. Haven’t done that in years.
7. I like some of them.
8. Football games…not so much. 🙂
9. They are wonderful!
10. I’m a kitty person.
11. Very magical moment!
12. Don’t forget the extra butter!
13. Coulnd’t agree more!
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