Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen #16

Thanks to Mood Swing Creations for the banner!

Thirteen Ideas to help my husband buy my Birthday Gift

My birthday is next week, and I thought I would help my husband out by giving him some ideas of what he could get me for my birthday. I have started giving him a list (I refused the first few years we were married, I made him suffer through it all alone!!!), and I think it helps him out. I know I like to get stuff I want or need. I like surprises too, but it’s always nice to get things you’ve been lusting after!

1. Jewelry is always good
2. Yankee Candles are even better, two are twice as good! (He got these for my birthday last year, went in and smelled them and picked out the ones he liked best, I LOVED that!)
3. anything from Bath and Body Works
4. Godiva chocolates, or chocolates from a new candy store that just opened right by our house
5. an iTunes gift card so I can get more new music for my iPod
6. any book from my Amazon wish list; books are always a huge hit with me
7. any cookbook from my Amazon wish list; I love cookbooks!
8. a docking/speaker system for my Ipod, for my nightstand
9. any Life is Good t-shirt or sweatshirt (size Medium), or lounge pants for winter
10. another Life is Good mug; I love mine!
11. gift card to Borders, so I can buy my own books!
12. any of the “chick flicks” on my Amazon wish list
13. a new dog, canine companions make wonderful birthday presents — don’t you think?!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItÒ€ℒs easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

  1. Andrea Said,

    Now those are 13 very good hints. Hope your hubby picks one or more of them.

    happy tt.

  2. Suzy Said,

    Loved your list and you’re right….giving a list to hubby definately helps out!

    I used to be a Yankee girl (still love them)… but now I get these soy candles from this place out in the country here in Illinois. Oh my gosh..they are devine and everyone asks me what the scent is. (Mom’s Kitchen….ahhhhh!!)

    Border’s is good too…gotta love Borders!! Happy birthday early!

    Oh, oh, oh….one more thing…love the colors of your blog. Sooo relaxing!

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Great list! Except for #13, that could just about be a list from ME — I’d have to change the “new dog” to “new cat.” ; )

    In case I’m not back by then, hope you have a great birthday!

  4. Kay Said,

    My birthday is coming up soon as well. Maybe I should do the same for hubby. Hehe.

    Mine’s up. Care to drop by?

  5. amy Said,

    Great list…I should use that on my hubby sometime

  6. Silver Said,

    Hehe, great gift ideas – hope you get all of them πŸ™‚ Happy TT and happy birthday!

  7. TC Said,

    Fun TT! Great birthday Ideas!

  8. deb Said,

    That Life Is Good site is all new to me! Thanks for the link…I’m definitely going to revisit that place. That’s my kind of clothes ;~)

    A new puppy would be a perfect gift, Stace!

  9. Gail Said,

    Great list Stace! You made it way too easy for him, those are really good ideas. Maybe he’ll actually go for the last one this time!
    I could do this when it’s my birthday, but Don would never see it!

  10. Christina Said,

    Great list! B&BW is one of my favorite stores, as is Amazon.com. I’ll have to remember a few of these ideas for when my husband is fumbling around for Christmas/bday ideas for me!!

    And your Slow Cooker Thursday recipe looks very hummy, by the way πŸ™‚

  11. Bev Said,

    I hope you’ll let us know if Tim used your list for your BDay. It’s a great list, too. A lot of your items would be on any list I made as well.

    Have a Happy!

  12. Michelle Said,

    This is probably a list I should make my husband, he hates shopping for me and would much rather hand me cash than try to buy something. I rather him put some thought into a gift than handing me money all the time.
    Love the list, and thanks for sharing!

  13. The Shrone Said,

    Happy Birthday a little early! I, too, give my Loving Husband lists, only for him to say that he then can’t surprise me, but without the lists he has no clue. It’s a no-win arrangement between us. Hopefully, your LH will be able to surprise you with many wonderful gifts! I’ll be checking back to see how your birthday went to find out, too!

    Thanks for visiting my TT today!

  14. Shannon Said,

    Great list! Hope you get what you want.

    Happy Thursday!

  15. Michelle Said,

    Let’s hope he reads your blog!

  16. KarenW Said,

    I hope you have an awesome birthday!!

  17. Caryle Said,

    That’s my kind of list. πŸ™‚ I’m especially in-line with you on the books for your birthday thing.

  18. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Can’t go wrong with jewlery, Yankee Candles or Bath & Body works!!!!

  19. Barbara H. Said,

    We took the example of Christmas and birthday lists from an older couple we loved and respected. It does help a lot! πŸ™‚

  20. Sparky Said,

    Now that is an easy list to shop from!

  21. Laurel Wreath Said,

    Oh what a great idea!!! Mine is the 19th. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  22. Write From Karen Said,

    Speaking of iPod accessories, I don’t know if you saw this on my blog or not, but it’s called iTrip and it’s a radio transmitter that hooks onto your iPod. http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/itripnano/

    This enables you to listen to your iPod through your car stereo. I can’t say enough about this little gadget – it’s just the coolest and works REALLY well. Now I can listen to my iPod while running around town and just stick it in my purse when I’m done. Anyway, that might be another good birthday hint. *grin*

    Happy early birthday!

    And thanks for stopping by!

  23. Lindsey Said,

    LOL, what a great idea! I may need to do that at Chrstimas! Hope he takes the hint. Happy TT!

  24. Les Said,

    Happy Birthday. I got the dh one of those docking/speaker stations for his nightstand for Christmas this last year… He looked at me like I was crazy (he hates it when I buy stuff that ISN’T on the list)… and He LOVES it!!! Complete with remote!!!

    Happy TT!!

  25. Stacy Said,

    I can’t wait to see what he ends up getting you. You have a nice little list there. I could almost copy it word for word for my birthday next month!

  26. Brony Said,

    I think most hubby’s need help.
    Happy TT!

  27. Janet Said,

    Great list! Hard to go wrong with any of it…except…please don’t buy a dog from a pet store! If you knew what those poor dogs go thru…

  28. Jenny Ryan Said,

    Happy Birthday early!

    Great list!

  29. Barb Said,

    What a great idea for a TT! I need to do this one week and show my husband, since my birthday is Dec 14th. Too close to Christmas.

  30. Tess Said,

    I’m all for you getting an ipod docking station for your bedside, if that’s any consolation.

    Maybe you could post his email address and we could all spam him reminding him to go birthday shopping for you! lol πŸ˜‰

  31. Tracie Said,

    Great list! I love the cute pug picture! (one day I am going to get one of those pugs….)
    I would definately be happy with anything off of this list for my birthday.

    I can’t believe that you mentioned Godiva!

  32. Debi Said,

    Here’s hoping you get at least some of those! Amazon wishlists are so great to give out to people if they’re looking for ideas. And books! Always a hit!

  33. Jenny in Ca Said,


    nice idea for a TT! I am thinking that from the graphic, you are hoping for the dog?!

    have a great week, my TT is up!
    Jenny in Ca

  34. Jane Said,

    That is a great list. I hope your hubby pays very close attention!! Let us kow how it turns out.
    Thanks for stopping by my T13. I have been out of town since Friday and just now am catching up with my visitors. Hope you will come by again.

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