Weekly boring update, take fifteen! Warning: this one is pretty photo heavy!
Big Thing that Happened: We had a full day of yard work on Tuesday! Tim took the day off and went early and rented an aerator and aerated the entire yard. We went and returned the aerator and also got pine straw and the first of two pickup loads of sand. He cut the yard before we put the sand out, and in cutting the yard, the front left wheel broke on our mower He left to go to Lowe’s and Home Depot and I thought he was coming back with a new mower, but instead he came back with a replacement wheel. We spread the two pickup loads of sand in the front, back and both side yards. I thought it was a lot of sand, but it only covered spots. Tim said we really could have used 4 or 5 yards, but we started with “just” one! We were so tired when we finished, that we just stacked up the pine straw and saved it for another day
Needless to say, we were both exhausted and sore the next day or two
But, it was good to get it done and hopefully it will help our struggling grass
Tim aerating the yard:
Tim dumping out sand for me to spread:
Sand in the back yard (it looks worse than the front with all the big trees):
And an up-close shot of what the aerator does, the holes it makes and plugs it pulls out:
Glad That… It has been just beautiful weather here. I think our 60’s and even our 70’s are mostly gone. The 10 day forecast has 80s and low 90’s in the forecast and the rain is starting to ease up. Spring will give way to summer very quickly here. I’m really hoping to make it to the end of the month without turning on our air conditioner. So far so good, but this upcoming week, we may have to turn it on. We shall see!
Bonus Photo: I had a bluebird one day on my feeder, a bit blurry, but this was as good as I could get without scaring him away!
Sad That… We only have one more week of Bible study. I’m going to miss seeing everyone all summer and doing our studies. I’m hoping to do some on my own this summer, we’ll see how I do without the structure and instruction.
Book I’m reading: – Spent almost the entire week working on the first in the Appleseed Creek trilogy of Amish mysteries, “A Plain Death” by Amanda Flower. Finished it up Saturday and started one by Melanie Dickerson, a new-to-me Christian author. I found one of hers on Amazon Prime, so my Prime book loan for the month of April is “A Spy’s Devotion”.
Things we ate: Monday, I tried something new (another item checked off my culinary bucket list!), shrimp and grits. We both loved it and I’ll definitely make it again. Tuesday (after being in the yard all day), we had tostadas, beans and an avocado salad. Wednesday, we had pan fried flounder, zucchini patties and corn on the cob. Thursday, I was feeling adventurous and tried another new dish. I had seen a recipe here for Korean Beef Bowls and had everything but the gochujang. Surprisingly, I found it at Kroger (a big tub of the stuff!) and got it to try. Tim, predictably, loved it! He lived in Korea a year when he was in the military and he LOVES spicy food. Me, not so much. Just the beef with the red chili flakes was enough for me! The gochujang is too spicy for me, so that entire container is now all his But he was glad to have something new, Tim is great to try anything I make
Friday night we ate out at Newk’s with my sister Suzanne. Saturday I was on my own (translation: fruit, avocado toast, cereal, etc) while Tim played in a crawfish tournament at his golf club. I thought he was going to eat there, but he came in a few minutes before dark with a styrofoam to-go container of crawfish. Sunday after church we were originally headed to get a salad, but we smelled them grilling at church in the back parking lot and so we switched and went for burgers instead! The power of persuasion
Food Photos from the week, first shrimp and grits:
The gochujang is a red spicy paste in a tub:
My delicious already bitten-into mushroom swiss burger from Majestic:
TV and Movies: – Tim and I watched Pacific Rim, an older one we had recorded from TV. I watched bits and pieces of Star Wars: The Force Awakens every chance I got! We watched a lot of regular tv shows, trying to catch up on our favorites while our less than favorites (SuperGirl, Agents of Shield, etc) pile up on the DVR. Some shows, we have 5 or 6 episodes languishing there! Others, like Blindspot, Blacklist, Blue Bloods, etc get watched as soon as humanly possible! Blacklist was quite the shocker last week as promised, and this week they made no indication that things will change. We shall see, we shall see! Saturday, while Tim was gone all day for his tournament, I watched Star Wars all the way through, some of the extras and then started my summer annual Potter-a-thon, starting with Sorcerer’s Stone.
Sunday night, we watched an older one on the DVR that we’ve seen, Taken 3.
A Happy for Me!! – Tim has a new project going for me, can’t wait to show you what he’s making me next
Random Thought du Jour: Here’s something that makes me happy:
Now, I know a random photo of shoes by the door doesn’t look like much to anyone, but it makes me happy. It means that Tim takes his shoes off when he comes in from outside and doesn’t “track up the house”, as my mom always used to say. It means that he’s being thoughtful and considerate and not making extra work for me. That makes me really happy! So, a question for the day, do you try to take off your shoes when you come inside? Does it not matter to you about bringing outdoor dirt and stuff in? Maybe you have a housekeeper, but I don’t, so it matters to me!
Hope everyone is having a great day!
If my shoes are wet or dirty, I’ll take them off. Most times, I’ll kick them off in my closet when I put on my “at home sweats”
I always like to read your menus, they sound so good. Also, your meals in the south are so different than what I cook. It’s fun to read about different kinds of food.
Unfortunately, we never got into the habit of taking shoes off when we come inside, as much as I tried to implement that. Especially when the kids were still living with us. It’s funny, because it’s obviously a habit in a lot of homes, because their friends would come over and leave their shoes at the door. So, I would encourage my kids to do the same, first because it tracked in less dirt, and second, because they would eventually take their shoes off anyway and it was better for me to have a huge pile by the front door, than shoes strewn throughout the house! But the biggest challenge was my husband. He just refused to do it. And since he is so cooperative in helping me out with just about everything else, it was something I just caved on. So . . . shoes in our house and messy floors and dog prints, too:(
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