I blogged back in late December, when we had to buy a new washer and dryer, that I thought that 2007 was going to be the “Year of the Appliance“.
Boy, is that turning out to be true! My clothes washer went out in December, and we got a new hE washer and dryer. I said then that my dishwasher was going out soon, and I was right. It has broken twice this week, and the first three times, Tim used a parts kit we had bought to fix it. After it broke for a fourth time on Saturday, we decided to go get a new one. We were just going to get a dishwasher, mind you.
You guys don’t know my husband. 
Here’s what we came home with:

I honestly think Tim would have bought me a new stove/oven if I had let him. After all of this, I was near coronary stage, seeing all of those dollar signs. I thought I was going to hyperventilate after we got the grill today (we ordered the dishwasher and refrigerator on Saturday afternoon and they were delivered Sunday). We had to run back to Lowe’s to get a fitting for the dishwasher, and Tim said “let’s get a grill too”. 
To be fair, the dishwasher was broken, our old fridge was small (17 cu ft) and old (14 years) and our old grill had rapidly deteriorating grates that had already been replaced two times. We grill a lot, year round, and Tim absolutely loves to grill. I call him the “Grillmaster”.
Now, the only things left (knock on wood) are the stove, water heater, AC unit for the house and the roof. I hope those hold out a lot longer, so they don’t need upgrading or replacing.
In the mean time, I’m running my first load in the new dishwasher right now, and trying so hard to be patient and let the fridge and freezer cool off before moving all of the food from the old one to the new one. We’ve moved the old refrigerator into the garage for a day, till the new one cools off. After that, we’re going to donate it to a church. We had the delivery guys haul the old dishwasher off, since it was dead as a doornail.
All in all, a really exciting weekend. If you like to spend money and buy shiny new appliances, that is!
P.S. I have to figure out where to put all of my food in the new refrigerator. We had a small one before, and not a side by side. This one is completely different, and so much bigger. I’ve never had a humidity controlled drawer for my fruits and vegetables.
I have to figure out where to put everything. Maybe in the next couple of days, if I’m really bored, I’ll show you guys a before and after picture.
Right now, it looks like this:
