Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Doing the Laundry

Washer Judi, over at Mommy of Two‘s blog, wrote me last week, and suggested a couple of great questions that I can ask here on my blog, as a “Question of the Day“. Thanks Judi! :mrgreen: We asked the first one last week (here) and I wanted to ask the second one and see what everyone else had to say. Leave us a comment and let us know!!

Here’s her other question – do you wash all of your clothes/laundry in cold water or do you follow the instructions on the garment label?

And here’s my answer – I wash almost everything on cold. The only notable exceptions, that I can think of, are that I wash towels on warm and anything Tim wears outside when he sprays chemical get washed on hot (in the sanitary setting on my new washer). I would normally wash sheets on warm, but the tag on my sheets actually call for them to be washed on cold and delicate. I wash all of our regular, every day clothes (t-shirts, jeans, underwear, socks, etc) in cold water.

So, how about you? Jump in and answer today’s “Question of the Day” – do you wash your clothes on cold or whatever the garment label calls for?

  1. Sparky Duck Said,

    cold, 95% of the time. Sheets when we are ill and undergarments get a blast of hot water first. I think Mrs Duck has other ideas about laundry though

  2. annie Said,

    warm most of the time. Cold only on delicates. My mom is wonderful with special need laundry so some times I just send bundles home with her of the good stuff and she delivers it back, perfect and even ironed. No one else does laundry around here. :o)

  3. Write From Karen Said,

    Colored clothes on cold, whites on warm. We don’t DO special laundry needs in this house, lol. Need something ironed? Throw it in the dryer. *grin*

    What do I do about dry clean only? We don’t buy dry clean only. I’m such a lazy butt, lol.

  4. Carrie Said,

    I wash everything in hot water. Yep, yep, Yep!

  5. twiga92 Said,

    I wash everything in cold water. But I think that Jono washes in warm.

  6. Gail Said,

    OOOH, don’t get me started on this! We had a fight/disagreement just the other day over this issue, grrhhh!
    I tend to use cold for clothes, like jeans, shirts, shorts etc.
    Hubby wants underwear and towels washed in HOT on the sanitary or some long cycle like that! He would want sheets like that too but I so kindly pointed out that the label said cold, don’t think he liked that.
    Been thinking about blogging about it but I get too worked up over it!

  7. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    We do the cold/cold setting. My brother chnges it regulalrly, so we have to switch it back. Thankfully, our dryer is fixed.

  8. Lynne Said,

    I do everything in warm with a cold rinse. I never thought about using cold for the wash, but it would save a lot of hot water. Do regular detergents work in cold, or do you need a special one?

  9. Heidi Said,

    I used to be a all cold water person, but since then, I have convinced myself that warm water cleans a lot of things better than just cold.

    I do not really have barely any clothes that need special laundering, so warm water works for almost everything.

  10. Laura Said,

    I do whites, delicates, pjs, towels, and sheets on warm. Everything else in cold. 🙂

  11. Mandalyn Said,

    I wash most everything on cold except towels. I wash towels in hot water.

    The only thing I read the tags on is how to dry stuff.

  12. rach Said,

    We don’t have hot and cold water in our house. We just use tap water for washing clothes. But we make sure we send delicate clothes for dry cleaning.

  13. Melody Said,

    I washed all the clothes in cold water, except for bedsheets.

  14. Jen Said,

    I always do cold, but my partner insists on starting the load with warm since she thinks it disolves the soap better.

    I keep telling her it’s already liquid.. it doens’t need to disolve!

  15. JennaG Said,

    I use cold for everything except whites, sheets, and towels–they get hot. Isn’t it interesting that we have different ways of doing it–most of us just do what our moms taught us.

  16. trista Said,

    I wash everything in warm water. Boring, but it works for us. One less dial on he washer that I have to worry about adjusting. 🙂

  17. mamichelle Said,

    I usually use cold. Like you, I wash towels on warm and also whites. I try to follow the label the first time. I don’t always stick with it!

    I don’t use hot for anything other than something that’s really dirty and needs bleach.

  18. Katrina (Callapidder Days) Said,

    Stopping by to let you know that you won one of the books in my Books Galore #3 giveaway. Congrats! You can see which one you won here.

    Can you send me your mailing address so I can pass it along to the author? Thanks!

    callapidderdays AT gmail DOT com

  19. Cam Said,

    I wash whites in hot with bleach, colors in warm, and towels/sheets in hot. I never read any labels unless the item has an unusual material. LOL! I’ve never ruined anything yet. I have no idea what our sheets say on the label, but I would still wash them in hot because I like to kill dust mites. I wash whites in hot because…ewww, underwear & socks & dishcloths are very germy!

    When I start washing diapers again, I’ll use hot for those, too, and I’ll be washing them in the same load with our underwear & socks, with bleach.

    Philip’s mom insists on washing everything in cold, and back when Philip was still living there, all his t-shirts had stiff stains under the arms because cold water didn’t break down his sweat/deodorant combo. (I know, gross) I don’t think cold water cleans well at all.

  20. Lisa Said,

    We wash everything in cold. Occasionally I’ll do a load on hot, and my husband doesn’t notice and the next half dozen are done in hot and things shrink. So everything is in cold. This is ok, cause he does all the laundry washing/swapping and I fold, so however he wants is fine with me.

    I will admit that I wish some stuff were cleaner, in particular, baby clothes. The stains just don’t come out in cold, but I live with it.

  21. amy Said,

    Defintely cold. I heard it saves you money..Brother in law is living with us and he changes it to warm all the time..Ugh

  22. Judi Said,

    Thanks Stacy! Interesting answers! I am still a tightwad and I will still use cold. Except the sheets and towels!

  23. Debi Said,

    Everything cold.

  24. Sherry Said,

    Almost always cold water. I use warm water if the towels are icky, if I *ahem* mistakenly left a load in overnight and it gets musty, or for sheets.


  25. Kim Said,

    I do almost everything on cold. On a rare occasion, I use hot.

  26. Stacy Said,

    I do most things on cold. Towels are usually on the hot/cold cycle since we use them more than once.

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