Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I know I haven’t done a lot of “real” blogging lately. It seems I’m mostly doing memes, posting my menu, some book or movie reviews every now and then, and my favorite, posting a “Question of the Day”. The main reason being twofold – 1) I don’t have anything all that interesting going on to blog about and 2) I haven’t been feeling really motivated lately with my blog. Either this one or my Project365 blog. I hope my mojo comes back soon! 🙂

In the mean time, here’s a few random, and incredibly mundane, thoughts:

  • It’s rapidly passing from spring into summer here where I live. We’re having to run the air conditioning quite a bit now that it’s getting in the 80’s during the day and only the upper 50’s or 60 at night. I’m totally dreading going back to wearing shorts. I’ve picked up quite a bit of weight since last summer and I have the feeling that my shorts are not going to fit. 🙁
  • I’m also getting to that seasonal point I reach most every year at this time, in the TV season. Some shows are just wearing on me and knowing that summer is coming and they’ll all go on break and leave me frustrated really gets me. We’ve given up on Amazing Race, and Tim won’t watch Dancing With the Stars much with me anymore. At least maybe now that Sanjaya is gone from Idol, that will be marginally acceptable. 🙂 Mostly, I’m just getting tired of some of these shows and not having plots or characters I like or reality contestants I want to root for. I’d rather read a book most of the time. Or watch football 😀
  • Speaking of football, at least the NFL draft is this weekend. Tim loves the draft! Always something to look forward to for him!
  • Books, glorious books, I wish I could spend all my time reading. I have so many books I want to read, and after cruising so many blogs who are doing the Spring Reading Challenge, I’ve found tons more books I want to read. I am also loving that my library finally, at long last, got an online reservation system. I go put my name on the list for a bestseller and poof – when it’s my turn, they call me up and say “your book is ready!”. It’s enough to make a bookworm like me squeal with joy! :mrgreen:
  • We have a lot of work to do in our yard and seem to stay so busy with other stuff that we’re not getting it done. Someone want to come and help dig up some flower beds, plant new shrubs, put out mulch and help me plant spring flowers? Please, pretty please?!
  • I am so unmotivated to go shopping. Other than household stuff and groceries, I have no interest in going out and buying clothes for myself or Tim, new shoes, birthday or Mother’s Day presents or anything like that. I think I need a personal shopper!
  • I did break down and go to Target to pick up a few things last week, when Gail was here visiting. We do like Target! I bought mostly food, household stuff (those pillow covers) and some pet snacks for Beau. I also picked up a set of their Target/Home brand solar landscape lights for our backyard. I’m so terribly disappointed in these things. They don’t put out any light. I know solar landscape lights are not as bright as regular wired ones. But good grief, they don’t put out even a candle flicker level of light. I am going to have to dig them up, clean them up, box them up and return them. What a huge waste of time and money. They look really good, but from a practical, light at night kind of mode, they are useless. I’m so disappointed. 🙁
  • Finally, my most random thought for the day …. why on earth can’t dusting be one of those “every once in a while” kind of things? I get so tired of dusting furniture. It seems like I dust and two days later it all needs to be done again. I’d do laundry or cook and clean up twice as much if I just didn’t have to dust the furniture, but oh say, every 3 or 4 months?! 😀
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    1. Carrie Said,

      Are the lights in a sahy spot? That makes a difference. Before pulling them up, make sure you have them placed where they are able to get enough sun suring the day. What a bummer to have to dig them up and return them. We got lucky with all of ours. Think we got them at Lowe’s.

      I just love Target. The closest one is in another town about 45 minutes away. Wish we had one right here, though.

    2. Carrie Said,

      LOL, *sahy* … you understood that, didn’t ya?! I meant to say *shady*. :o) Sheesh! I then went on and said *suring* rather than *during*! I promise I’m not drunk, LOL!

    3. Gail Said,

      Dusting, HATE it! I wish more housework would be of the variety where it didn’t have to be done so often!

      Love Target, bummer on lights.

      I LOVE shopping, most anytime! Kathryn could be a personal shopper, if she would.

      You come to my yard first!

      Love books too of course but don’t have that nifty library system.

      I think I’m tired of the reality shows and lots of shows in general, but I don’t quit watching!

      And finally, weren’t you just fussing a few weeks ago about how cold it was! See, that’s better than all the hot to me!

    4. Heidi Said,

      Oh my! I am not a fan of dusting. I just hate taking everything off a piece of furniture and then putting it all back. So my house is a bit dusty, but I have really given up.

      I am in the same boat with you as shorts go. I have a few that fit, but not many. I bought myself a new swimsuit as a motivational item and we have done a lot more walking in hopes of dropping a few pounds.

      That is a bummer with the lights–I have noticed with my in-laws that theirs didn’t work till about a few weeks later, but I’m not sure I would take the chance…

      I feel like I have had a blogging drought too. I just felt like I either didn’t have anything interesting to say or that no one found what I wrote interesting enough to comment. But hopefully things will brighten up for both of us…

      I always do enjoy your questions anyhow!

    5. Laura Said,

      I love shopping! I just need more money. 😀

    6. Susie Said,

      I’m with ya on the shorts thing. I dread it every single year. Luckily, I weigh the same this spring as I did last spring, but that wasn’t the plan! I couldn’t wear most of my shorts last year so I’m sure I can’t this year, either. I’m at a certain size where I practically refuse to buy many new clothes because someday, one day, I’ll lose some weight! Surely if I keep up that mantra it will work eventually, won’t it?

      Sorry your outdoor lights don’t work well – that would irritate me for sure. Maybe you can find some better ones somewhere else.

      Have a happy week, Stacy!

    7. Lynne Said,

      Dusting – hate it! Have to do it tomorrow. I’ve been putting if off for so long, but I want the house clean before I go away on Thursday. Don’t mind cleaning bathrooms even – just hate to dust. And Maggie is allergic to dust so it really needs to be done often.

    8. Sparky Duck Said,

      oh yea the draft!!! Who does Tim want his team to take?

      Target is so addictive

    9. Debi Said,

      Dusting is the bane of my existence! I’ve done whole posts about it in the past.
      And I know what you mean about TV. I’m down to just 5 shows I watch on a weekly basis. And I’m actually looking forward to them being over for the summer…maybe then I’ll get some of the books read for all the darn challenges I keep signing up for. lol

    10. Dawn Said,

      i could not possibly know less about college football players so the draft is literally meaningless to me. i just wait for the experts to write it up after the fact & explain to me who the Patriots picked, why & what it may mean. i miss football but i am lucky to be a baseball fan — that keeps me occupied all spring & summer.

    11. Cam Said,

      I hear you on the shorts. I’m staying in capris as much as possible, but shorts are inevitable eventually. And nothing of mine from last year fits!

      That’s a bummer about those lights. I’d take them back, too.

      And dusting. Oh yes, I totally agree. I let it go for way too long, just because I hate it so much. It actually HAS been 3 months since I dusted! :-O

    12. Trista Said,

      Hi Stace! I am catching up on my blog reading. I am kind of having a droubt in the blog department too. I just can’t seem to get to the laptop every day.

      The end of the TV season is bumming me out. I missed most of DWTS results show last night b/c of severe weather again.

      Our yard work is unfinished too. If you have any volunteers send them our way when they are done helping you. 😉

      Bummer about the yard lights from Target. I would take them back for sure.

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