Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Empty No Longer

I’m not quite sure why, but several of you asked to see what my new fridge looked like, once I had moved all of the food into it. I thought I’d go ahead and do this while it’s all nice and shiny and clean, and most of all – organized!

Remember my new fridge on Sunday, totally empty, waiting to cool off for the required amount of time:

Empty Refrigerator

Here’s what it looked like late Monday night after I had moved everything from old small refrigerator into the new side by side:

Filled Up Fridge

And this is a built in slot area on the door, that I’m not quite sure what it’s meant for. We don’t buy canned drinks, so I don’t even have a can to test to see if they fit in the slots. Tim thinks it’s too small for cans and I think he’s right. Irregardless, it seems like a perfect place to put my yogurt, so that’s what it is for NOW!


What I really like about this refrigerator is that it’s so adjustable. Almost all of the shelves on both sides are adjustable, I can move them up and down and rearrange them. All of the drawers on the door are movable, and I’ve moved them up and down several times trying to get stuff to fit. Same thing on the freezer side. The freezer has two pull out drawers, but the shelves are able to be moved up and down. And the openings on the door side of the freezer tilt out, which is really nice. All in all, very customizable, which is one reason we picked this one.

OK, I’m going grocery shopping later today, so I’ll have to see what I can do about filling it up more! 😀 I wanted to go ahead and post a picture, because it will probably never look this good again, LOL!

  1. Cam Said,

    Oooo, beautiful! I bet you had so much fun stocking & organizing it. I love doing that with my current fridge after I clean it out, but it has to be even more fun doing it with a brand-new fridge with a whole-new type of set-up!

  2. mamichelle Said,

    Verrrrry nice, Stacy!! Looks a lot like mine. Is that yogurt container below your egg place? You must be loving it.

  3. Gail Said,

    I wanted to see it because, I WANT A NEW FRIDGE! I NEED a new fridge!
    Although Don still thinks this one is ok, I think it’s way too old.

    Looks really good! I wouldn’t put the milk on the door though, think we already talked about it and I know Tim wants it there. I think I had more trouble with mine being on the door in the summer rather than winter but maybe since yours is NEWER than mine, yours will be ok!

  4. maia Said,

    thats a nice refrigerator! I so want a side by side one.

  5. Lauren S. Said,

    Oh, I am jealous! I bet it feels so clean and new! ENJOY!

  6. Heidi Said,

    I like Florida’s Natural OJ too. Is that slot meant for a package of eggs?
    I’m always forgetting that my fridge shelves actually pull out too–this humors my husband when i am trying to reach something way back in there.

    I’m glad you are enjoying it!

  7. Carrie Said,

    Very pretty! :o) Looks like mine, LOL. I just went grocery shopping this morning and we’re stocked and ready! :o) We have one of those thingers (although, ours looks slightly different) and cans fit perfectly in ours.

  8. amy Said,

    Awesome..I want a new one!!!!

    I see some coke zero in there!

    Thanks for signing up for the Scavenger hunt!!!..We are having a great time. If you havent checked it out, please do.

  9. Laura Said,

    Aren’t you not supposed to put milk/dairy products in the door? Just something I’ve heard…

    You have tons of food to fill it! Lol.

  10. Southern Girl Said,

    Oh, yes, it looks even better full of food! 😉

  11. Sparky Duck Said,

    oh oh pictures of your refridge reminded me. Blueberry Cobbler coffeemate is the bomb!!

  12. Melody Said,

    Looks good, Stacy! And very neat too. Now I need to clean up the fridge & have everything organized! LOL.

  13. JennaG Said,

    Oh, that is so very organized and clean looking. How jealous am I? I’m not sure how you are going to fit your groceries in there though–looks pretty full already!! 😉

  14. Stacy Said,

    Well, I see the Coke Zero, so all is right with the world! 🙂

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