Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Year of the Appliance

I blogged back in late December, when we had to buy a new washer and dryer, that I thought that 2007 was going to be the “Year of the Appliance“.

Boy, is that turning out to be true! My clothes washer went out in December, and we got a new hE washer and dryer. I said then that my dishwasher was going out soon, and I was right. It has broken twice this week, and the first three times, Tim used a parts kit we had bought to fix it. After it broke for a fourth time on Saturday, we decided to go get a new one. We were just going to get a dishwasher, mind you.

You guys don’t know my husband. :mrgreen:

Here’s what we came home with:

Whirlpool Gold Dishwasher

Whirlpool Gold Refrigerator

Char-Broil Commercial Gas Grill

I honestly think Tim would have bought me a new stove/oven if I had let him. After all of this, I was near coronary stage, seeing all of those dollar signs. I thought I was going to hyperventilate after we got the grill today (we ordered the dishwasher and refrigerator on Saturday afternoon and they were delivered Sunday). We had to run back to Lowe’s to get a fitting for the dishwasher, and Tim said “let’s get a grill too”. 🙂

To be fair, the dishwasher was broken, our old fridge was small (17 cu ft) and old (14 years) and our old grill had rapidly deteriorating grates that had already been replaced two times. We grill a lot, year round, and Tim absolutely loves to grill. I call him the “Grillmaster”. :mrgreen: Now, the only things left (knock on wood) are the stove, water heater, AC unit for the house and the roof. I hope those hold out a lot longer, so they don’t need upgrading or replacing.

In the mean time, I’m running my first load in the new dishwasher right now, and trying so hard to be patient and let the fridge and freezer cool off before moving all of the food from the old one to the new one. We’ve moved the old refrigerator into the garage for a day, till the new one cools off. After that, we’re going to donate it to a church. We had the delivery guys haul the old dishwasher off, since it was dead as a doornail.

All in all, a really exciting weekend. If you like to spend money and buy shiny new appliances, that is!

P.S. I have to figure out where to put all of my food in the new refrigerator. We had a small one before, and not a side by side. This one is completely different, and so much bigger. I’ve never had a humidity controlled drawer for my fruits and vegetables. 🙄 I have to figure out where to put everything. Maybe in the next couple of days, if I’m really bored, I’ll show you guys a before and after picture. 😆 Right now, it looks like this:

Empty, isn't it?!

  1. Suz anne Said,

    Very very nice, your fridge looks like mine from outside. I know Tim will love his grill !!
    Good you got that too. What kind is it ?? It looks good, all of it. Yeah….

  2. Project 365 » Day 119 Said,

    […] We bought not one, not two, but three new appliances this weekend.  I just posted more pictures and blogged about them over at my regular blog, here.   Here’s the first one, the only one we really needed, since our old dishwasher broke yet again.  After fixing the old one three times, I told Tim it was time to get a new one. […]

  3. shellsq Said,

    Oooh, very nice, Stacy! You know this happened to me too. It started with the microwave….

    You must be thrilled to have new appliances!! It feels great, doesn’t it?! Enjoy them.

  4. Gail Said,

    Nice! Which dishwasher did you end up getting? Did I see this particular fridge when I was with you? Send me some bigger pics! You know, I think my fridge is older than yours, yep just looked back at what you said, my fridge is 18+ years old and I told Don at lunch that y’all got a new one. And said how old mine was and I needed another one and he said, “it’s working just fine!” Grrhhhh.

  5. Debi Said,

    Wowza! How nice! All three are absolutely gorgeous! I think you all spent in one weekend as much as we make in 6 months…LOL. Hope you enjoy! And you should take another picture of your fridge once you fill it up.

  6. Southern Girl Said,

    Wow, big day for y’all, huh?! 😀 How exciting! That dishwasher is beautiful — it’s black just like ours. And your fridge looks a lot like ours, too, except ours isn’t the side by side. You will LOVE the humidity controlled drawers!! Our fruit and vegetables keep so much longer with those than they did in the old fridge — we’ve been astounded how nice strawberries stay in them.

  7. Dianne Said,

    Oooh nice, Stacy! I love the stainless steel look of the fridge. We could use a new one and I want a side by side when we do. When the dishwasher goes, Mike will just need to get remarried in order to replace it. (I’ll let you figure that one out!)


  8. Heidi Said,

    Wow! They are all really nice! Your refridgerator set up looks almost exactly like mine. I had a little trouble switching from a regular fridge to a side by side, but it was more the freezer organization that troubled me.

    It sounds like you were due for new appliances. Those shiny new grills are hard to pass up, I guess! Enjoy them!

  9. Heidi Said,

    p.S. What kind of tile do you have in your kitchen? Do you know if it is porcelain or ceramic? We are thinking of putting in a tile floor in our kitchen (the old vinyl is kaput!) but I’m not really sure about it. Do you like yours and is it easy to clean?

  10. Carrie Said,

    Your fridge looks like mine ~ ours is white on the outside, though! We just had our house built this past summer so all of our stuff is brand new. It’s been fun using our new things. I know you’ll really enjoy yours, too!

    Had to laugh at your husband and Lowe’s … sounds like my husband. Since August, when we moved in, he’s spent more money at Lowe’s than we have at the grocery store all year! LOL! Boys and their toys!

  11. Kim Said,

    I am so jealous of the new fridge! Ours is so small. I’m off to the kitchen to see if I can break it somehow (just kidding). Catch up with you soon.

  12. Laura Said,

    Look at you go! What my fridge can hold would probably fit in the door of that new one – like your old one I’m sure!

    It’s funny, because I am the spender in my household – I’d be more likely to want every appliance than my husband! He won’t even go for a new fridge! Lol.

  13. Cam Said,

    Oh wow! Lucky you! What a great weekend. 🙂 Sorry your old dishwasher went kaput, but hurray for getting to buy a new one!

    It’s the year of the appliance here, too, although I hope that we’re done now. First was the washer, then the microwave, and I just bought a new dryer today. 🙂

  14. Susanne Said,

    Very, very nice. LOL to hubby throwing in the grill for himself. My hubby did the same thing when our fridge broke last time. Came home with the kit and kaboodle for the kitchen even though the other two still worked.

  15. Susie Said,

    Wow, girly! Those are all so awesome! Congratulations on your new house friends. 🙂 I’m especially envious of that refrigerator. Ours is about 20 years old and it grunts and moans all the time. Yours is so sleek and shiny and nice.

    You’ll definitely have to share some pictures once you get everything situated. And later on when you grill something tasty!

  16. trista Said,

    Very nice! I bet you were pretty googly eyed after purchasing 3 large appliances. It would have been fun shopping though! Have a great week!

  17. Lynne Said,

    Aren’t new appliances great?? They look terrific.

  18. marianne Said,

    oh wow, those are all great! Enjoy! I’m really loving that grill – we’re coming up close to needing one too – what kind is it?

  19. Lauren S. Said,

    WOW! Those are great! I am sure you won’t have trouble putting them to good use!

  20. Barb Said,

    Wow. If I got this many new appliances all at once, Rob would have to call 911. They’re all gorgeous. We grill year round, too, so I understand why he wanted a new grill. We use ours until they collapse.

    We kept our old fridge. It’s wonderful having a backup in the garage. We mostly keep pop and the overflow from our Sam’s shopping trips in it but it really comes in handy when I’m planning big holiday or just family dinners and need extra refrigerator space for party trays and stuff. Geez. I sound like a movie star. An extra fridge for my party trays. LOL

  21. JennaG Said,

    I just have to say that I am trying not to be jealous. We put a new dishwasher in this house when we moved in 2 years ago, but the stovetop and oven/microwave are quite old, and I would love, love , love to replace them. I’m really so happy for you–they are all lovely.

  22. Stacy Said,

    So glad you sent a link to this one!! You guys are so funny. I hope you have a wonderful time with your new toys! 🙂 But, what is your hubby going to do since he doesn’t have anything to fix? Does he want to come to our house?

    Jeff & I need a new kitchen floor and we keep saying we are going to wait until we have to replace the fridge anyway, but it seems to be hanging in there…guess that flooring will have to wait!

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