Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Cuddle Socks

This is a dual purpose blog post. It’s something I’ve been wanting to blog about since it turned colder, and it’s also my photo of the day for my Project365:

Soft, Comfy Socks!

Yup, it’s socks! Snuggle-up, cozy-up, lounge around kind of socks. I love these things! I wear them all the time in the winter. My hands and feet seem to stay cold this time of year, and I usually wear two pair of socks when I’m around the house for any length of time. I wear a pair of white athletic socks, then one of my snuggle socks. It helps keep my feet warm!

You see, I have self-diagnosed myself with something my grandmother had, and I think my mother had also. It’s called Raynaud’s and in its milder forms, it really just means poor circulation to the extremities, resulting in cold hands and cold feet. As it worsens, your extremities become increasingly colder and start turning white, blue and red. Now, no doctor has ever told me I have this, but I think I do. My hands and feet are cold year round, but its much worse in winter. I have often been known to wear gloves inside in the winter, and usually 2 pair of socks and even shoes or slippers. Once my feet or hands get cold, I get cold all over and it takes quite a bit to warm me up.

Aside from that medical oddity, I just love these big comfy socks. So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you have any of these cuddle socks that you wear? Or do you have a big pair of comfy slippers or something else to keep your feet warm when it’s cold outside? Or are you so hot-natured that you don’t need these kinds of things? Inquiring minds want to know 🙂

Posted by Stace

Finished “The Janson Directive”

The Janson Directive by Robert LudlumI finally finished “The Janson Directive” by Robert Ludlum last night. This is a book we own, that Tim had read and really loved. And, I can see why. It’s definitely a “guy” kind of book, especially after all of the totally gooey women’s stuff I’ve been reading lately! It’s a lot longer than I would have liked and I really struggled to get through it. It had a good plot, with lots of intrigue and twists and turns. You can tell that Ludlum obviously knows this genre and puts a considerable amount of research into his books. The scenes are well thought out and painstakingly described. And therein lies the problem for me – I really don’t want to read a 5 page dissertation on rappelling equipment, on parachute jumping and wind shears, on a torture scene that he is reliving through a flashback, etc. Some sections were just so long-winded, on subjects that I don’t care that much about, so I really struggled with those parts. The overall plot, the characters, the descriptions of the locations were good, but the weaponry, covert ops, surveillance, guerrilla tactics, warfare and torture were not really things I enjoy reading all that much.

That said, I’m glad I read it and I would consider reading another Ludlum book. Tim still insists that his Bourne books are some of the best he’s ever read. But, for now, I’m going to stick to my women’s fiction and Christian fiction. It’s easier for me to read that genre, and more enjoyable. 🙂

Oh, and reading this book reminded me of one thing I don’t like to be reminded of – my vocabulary is not as good as it should be. I literally ran across dozens of words that I do not know. I was stopping and looking them up as I went along, and then realized that it might take me months to finish this book at that rate.:roll: So then, I just started writing them down, and after I filled up an entire sheet of paper, I stopped for a while. Then I picked it back up, and I literally have 50, 60 or maybe 70 words written down to look up. Boy, do I have a lot of looking up to do!

For the record, that makes 7 books so far this year, with a total of 2,284 pages read. Up next is a paperback I bought this past weekend at the library sale – “Blue Smoke” by Nora Roberts. I bought this book for one reason – to try to hurry up and read it before the movie comes out next week on Lifetime TV! They’re still running those 4 Nora Roberts movies on consecutive Mondays. I had a hardback of Carolina Moon (the last of the 4 movies) in my hands, but put it back in favor of other books. I enjoy the movies without reading the books, even though I do like the books too. I’m still trying to figure out if I like Nora Roberts… maybe the verdict will be in after I finish this one!

Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

I’m really late today with my menu, but there’s a reason. I have a refrigerator overflowing with food left from our Super Bowl party yesterday! I probably don’t need to cook that much this week, but hey, let’s face it – this is all junk food, and as much as I’d like to live off of chips and dip, sausage balls and Lit’l Smokies for a week, I don’t think that’s very prudent. 😀

So, here’s a basic plan for the week:

Monday – Super Bowl party leftovers (Taco Soup over Fritos, hot dogs)

Tuesday – Chicken Stir Fry, Egg Rolls (trying to use up the carrots, broccoli and sugar snap peas in the veggie tray from the party)

Wednesday – Light Night before Tim weighs in at work…. either Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese or a big Grilled Chicken Salad

Thursday – Crockpot BBQ Chicken, Smashed potatoes, Sauteed Green Beans

Friday – Date Night or Spaghetti (didn’t have this last week)

Saturday/Sunday – TBD

As always, be sure to cruise on over to Laura’s blog and check out the other participants’ menus. Last week, there were over 80 that were posted!!!

Posted by Stace

Bloggity Blog Blog

Blog BirthdayI got so busy over the weekend, getting ready for our Super Bowl party, that I let a very important date slip by me. I actually had it on my calendar, and a reminder popped up to remind me, and yet I still never had a chance to sit down and blog about it. So, even though I’m a couple of days late, I wanted to celebrate my blog’s two year anniversary! Or is it birthday? What does a blog have, LOL!

I started this blog mostly on a whim. I started out with the intent of learning something new, doing something to entertain my two sisters, and as a way to try to keep up with our family members who live far away from us, and might be remotely interested in what was going on in our house. I have learned a lot of new things since I started, I think I keep my sisters mildly entertained (and I’m happy to say, both of them have started blogging since I started), but as far as the family keep-in-touch project goes, I struck out miserably on that. All of my grown nieces and nephews that live out of state could care less about my blog. They don’t check it and they don’t try to keep up with us, which is fine, but on that point, I definitely struck out. What I didn’t envision, though, was something far greater. I’ve made new friends online, fellow bloggers, wonderful ladies who are sweet, funny, encouraging, supportive, generous and just downright lovely human beings. I never thought that would happen, and for that extra benefit, I am profoundly grateful. I have found so many blogs that I love to read. So many new friends. So many people whose lives I love to read about, whose opinions and values I share, whose recipes I have tried and loved, whose books they read I have read and loved, who watch the same TV shows, who listen to the same music, and the list goes on and on. It’s a funny thing, this Internet and blogging, but it can be a wonderful thing when you find people that you can make a connection with. Funny, and wonderful, and totally heart-warming. I never could have pictured that happening, and I am so happy it has. And I hope it goes on for a long, long time!

Along the same lines, be sure to go over and vote in the Share the Love” blog awards. So many of my favorite blogs are nominated in the different categories. I’ve already gone and voted, so be sure to head over and vote soon, I think the ballots close tomorrow sometime.

Posted by Stace

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl 41 - Colts vs BearsIt’s late, the party is over, the game is over, and I’m a tired but happy camper since the Colts won. 😀 If our beloved Saints couldn’t go (thanks to dem Bears), then I wanted Peyton and the Colts to go, and to win.

Our party got cranked up about 12:30 when my dad arrived. Everyone else dribbled in for the next few hours, but several people were not able to make it, due to sickness. We hated that we didn’t get to see them, but were really happy that everyone else was able to stop by. We had a lot of food, and we have a lot left, so I won’t need to worry about much of a menu for the next day or two, LOL! Poor Beau was relegated outside most of the day and hated to miss out on all of the fun. I think he was glad when it got dark and his momma (me) insisted that he be able to come back inside.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Posted by Stace

Library Sale

This morning, I got up early and went to the book sale at my local library. I wish I had gotten there just a tad earlier…as I saw 2 or 3 books I would have wanted in other people’s arms! hehehe 🙂 As it was, I got more than I could carry. One of the older lady volunteers came up to me and said “Honey, let me go get you a bag!” I had more books picked out that I was thinking of getting, but I sat myself down in a corner and went through them several times. I was trying to be good, and a bit realistic about just how many more books do I need to have at home on my bookshelves, so I ended up putting several of them back. As it was, I ended up bringing home 11 books. One is more for Tim (Hades Factor by Robert Ludlum), and one is the only John Grisham we don’t own (Bleachers). But, the rest are all for me!!

I posted a picture of the ones I bought over at my Project365 blog – click here to go check them out. Books, glorious books!

The rest of the day is going to be really busy. We have some errands to run, then a lot of cleaning up and cooking to do before the big Super Bowl party tomorrow. Feel free to stop by, we’re going to have plenty of food and hopefully a great time watching the game 😀

Posted by Stace

What’s On Your Fridge?

Yesterday, I visited one of my favorite blogs, Vader’s Mom. She just happens to be Stacy too! What, a great name, huh? LOL!

She posted here about her fridge, and I decided to play along. This is also my photo for today, and I’m posting it here rather than at my photoblog. Thanks, Stacy, for letting me swipe this idea and use it here. :mrgreen:

I wish my fridge was nice and new. We want to get new appliances, but the washer and dryer we bought in December is going to put a hold on any new appliances for a while. This lovely white tiny refrigerator is about 14 years old and we really need a new one. We want to get a stainless side-by-side, but right now, that’s just a dream.

Anyway, the front of my fridge is your basic hodge-podge. I love putting photos on there, and I have Christmas cards I put on the side that hang up there all year. On the front is a collection of magnets from places we’ve been, the menu for the week, coupons to the Christian bookstore, things I’ve cut out of the newspaper, photos, etc. There’s also a dry erase board where I write reminder notes, or Tim’s “honey-do” list. You’ll notice that is really short right now. I have a bigger list on a piece of paper of things I want him to do before our Super Bowl party on Sunday. LOL

So, here’s my fridge…feel free to play along at your own blog. Leave me a note if you do, and I’ll come on over and check it out 😀

The front:
Front of my fridge

The side, where I put some Christmas cards. I fix my cereal and coffee on the countertop next to the fridge every morning, so I get to see these smiling faces every morning!
Side of my fridge

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, February 02, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Nine

What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
I was so totally unfashionable, it’s not even worth talking about. But, when I was in high school, I asked for a Polo for Christmas and got one. I was tickled pink. So, I guess the preppy stuff!!!

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
That I’m a bit standoffish. Mostly, I’m shy and reserved and very uncomfortable around new people until I get to know them. 🙂 After that, watch out people!

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
Umm, is -25 not an option?! 🙄

Main Course
If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
I have no idea, but I’m sure Tim could come up with something to sell.

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to drink hot cocoa (my homemade) when it’s cold outside.

Posted by Stace

PSA – Books Coming Soon

I was going through a very large stack of mail last night, and one of the things I flipped through was a catalog from Sam’s Club. It’s a Valentines thing, and it has tons of chocolates, diamonds and yummy food in it. I got all weak in the knees. Anyway, in the back, there’s a couple of pages about books now available at Sam’s, as well as some coming soon. A couple of my favorite authors are listed, so I thought I would post the books that are coming out, in case anyone else is interested.

February 6 – Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky
February 27 – Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella
March 6 – Whitethorn Woods by Maeve Binchy

And some others from authors I haven’t read yet, but have heard good things about:

February 6 – Step on a Crack by James Patterson
March 6 – Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

And, I get a newsletter from Debbie Macomber, one of my very favorite authors. She has a new hardback coming out in May, called ” Back on Blossom Street”. Yippee!

Posted by Stace

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday Meme


What are your reading habits? Do you tend to read at specific times during the day, or does it vary from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute?

I am a creature of habit, to be sure. My sister once coined the phrase “routinized” about me, which means I stick to a routine, like clockwork. I do break out from time to time, but the majority of time that I spend reading is in the evenings, before bed. Sometimes, if there’s not much on TV or Tim doesn’t coerce me into watching a movie, I will read earlier in the evening. But mostly, it’s just a half hour or so before bedtime. The only other time that I might read is on the weekends, when Tim is playing golf, hitting practice balls, or at the driving range. I am not a golf fanatic like him; I’d rather spend my time reading.

Click here if you’d like to go participate in Booking Through Thursday and play along at your blog 🙂

Posted by Stace

The Daily News

I’m going to cheat and piggyback off of yesterday’s post about calendars. :mrgreen: I blogged about the fact that I’m a throwback to a previous generation. As much as I love technology and all of the geeky things available to us today, I still hang on to some older things. Case in point – calendars. I use electronic ones constantly, but I still have a paper one hanging on my wall near my computer.

Same with newspapers. I read news online, watch it on TV, listen to it on the radio sporadically, and still, we get a newspaper delivered daily. It’s something I’ve done since I was out of college and living on my own. I grew up in a household where you read the morning paper over coffee (and in my mom’s case, with a cigarette in your hand, while you worked the crossword puzzle). It’s something I’ve never completely let go of, although these days, I’m as likely to read the paper in the evenings as much as I am in the mornings.

I do love getting a paper for several other reasons. I love getting the localized news, the neighborhood kind of news. I love seeing the recipes and articles in our food section. I like our Entertainment section that comes out on Thursdays. I like being able to grab the paper and look up a movie time if we’re running out to a movie. But most of all, I love the coupons and circular ads on the weekends!!!

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – do you get a newspaper delivered to your house? If so, it is daily or just on the weekends? If not, how do you prefer to get your news, on the computer, tv or what source?

Posted by Stace

A Calendar Question

Today’s photo over on my photoblog is of the calendar I have hanging near my computer. It’s from Local Girl, a very sweet blogger who lives in Hawaii. She gave away a couple of calendars earlier this month, and I was tickled pink that she drew my name out of a hat and sent me this beautiful calendar. The pictures are gorgeous and it reminds me of her, and of the state I hope to visit one day before I die.

But, back to the topic at hand – today’s topic is calendars. I’m a throwback to the old guard, I still like to have a paper calendar around. When I was working every day in an office, I had a daily calendar on my desk (Far Side, Dilbert, dogs, Bible verses, something with a picture or new thought every day), and also one hanging on my wall. Now, I like to have one on my wall in my office at home. I use the calendar on the computer a ton, and rely on it heavily; I’d definitely be lost without Outlook and the reminders and alarms. I also have my calendar synchronized to my PDA, which I take with me everywhere. But, still, I cannot completely let go of my paper calendar. Same with the newspaper (another topic for another day) and even a landline phone. I think I’m a throwback to the previous generation. I still want to hang onto those things, even though I embrace the newer things like electronic calendars I can carry with me, the ubiquitous cell phone and even reading my news online.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – how about you? Do you have a paper calendar? At home, at work or both? Do you use electronic calendars? Or both? What works for you? Leave me a comment and let me know… inquiring minds and nosy bloggers like myself would like to know!

Posted by Stace

Six One Way, Half a Dozen the Other

I love these things! As seen here, a couple of weeks ago at Dawn‘s blog. Thanks Dawn, for letting me swipe it 😀

1. Name six things in your refrigerator. Skim Milk, Calcium fortified OJ, pepper jack sliced cheese, Coffee-mate flavored creamer (currently, gingerbread and low-fat cinnamon), Hoisin sauce, Wishbone FF Italian Dressing

2. Name six things in your freezer. boneless skinless chicken breasts, ground deer meat, ribeye steaks, frozen broccoli, Morningstar corn dogs, Boca spicy chicken patties

3. Name six things under your kitchen sink. homemade glass cleaner in a spray bottle, 4-09 cleaner, Cascade dishwasher gel, Palmolive dish soap, antibacterial hand soap refill bottle, Glad kitchen garbage bags

4. Name six things around your computer. Cordless phone, speakers, Dazzle card reader, PILES OF PAPERS!, remote to small tv, Saints cup with pens and pencils

5. Name six things in your medicine cabinet. Tylenol PM, Equate Tylenol (Walmart generic brand), Equate Advil, q-tips, Neosporine, Soft Lips lip balm

6. Name six things on or around your nightstand. Lamp, Guideposts 2007 daily book, iPod clock radio, Hallmark heart shaped thing Tim gave me one year, magazines, books

I won’t tag anyone specifically, but please let me know if you play along at your blog 🙂

Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

I didn’t post a menu last week, and believe me, I’ll be glad to have one this week, so I at least have some idea of what to fix each day. We may not stick to it 100%, but at least I have an idea 🙂 I still have to finalize my Super Bowl menu, but I have the bulk of it figured out, I think. We’re having a lot of family and friends over, so I’ll be busy on Saturday, getting the last of the food, fixing dips and mostly – cleaning the house up 🙄

Hope everyone has a good week!

Monday Slow Cooker Thai Chicken, whole wheat spaghetti noodles, broccoli or green beans, maybe a salad. We’re having a buddy over to watch 24 🙂

Tuesday – Soft tacos, pinto beans, spanish rice

Wednesday – tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

Thursday Crockpot Chicken with Potatoes, butter peas, salad, homemade bread

Friday – Date Night or Spaghetti with Meatballs, garlic bread

Saturday – TBD or pizza

Sunday – our Super Bowl party, menu coming soon, but the bulk of it is taco soup, burgers, hot dogs, dips, chips, veggie platter, fruit platter, cheese and sausage platter, Li’l Smokies, and Tim’s prized bacon wrapped deer backstrap. I’ll skip that one 🙂

Posted by Stace

Finished “It Had to Be You”

It Had to Be You by Susan Elizabeth PhillipsI finished another book this weekend, a small paperback I had picked up for 50 cents at a library sale last year, called “It Had to Be You” by Susan Elizabeth Phillips I had read one other book by this author, “Match Me If You Can”, last year, and liked it. This book had a lot of the same characters in it, but had occurred earlier in time, so it was nice to go back and see how this couple met and fell in love. I liked the book, but I’d have a hard time recommending it to most people. It had quite a few raunchy scenes in it, a bit more than I would have liked, so if you’re not into fairly explicit love scenes, then this book definitely wouldn’t be for you. The rest of it was good though, so I don’t completely discount it. 🙂

For the record, that makes #6 on the year, with a total of 1,737 pages read. I have been going through my pile of books, trying to decide what to read next. Tim saw me skimming the bookcases and said “when are you going to read some of my Ludlum books?” As in Robert Ludlum, the guy who wrote the stories that the Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy and upcoming Bourne Ultimatum movies are based on. Although, according to Tim, the books are totally and completely different from the movie. Anyway, he has some other Ludlums I have bought him through the years as Valentines, anniversary or birthday gifts. They are a little more stand-alone and he hand-picked one for me to try. It’s called “The Janson Directive” and it’s a whopper, nearly 600 pages. That’s almost too long for me, and I’m not totally committed to reading it. I’m going to give it 50 or 75 pages and if it doesn’t grab me or hold my attention, I am SO going to abandon it and go back to my “girlie books”. 🙂

P.S. I used my new booklights I had bought a couple of weeks ago last night. You can check them out over on my photoblog 🙂

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