Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, February 02, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Nine

What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
I was so totally unfashionable, it’s not even worth talking about. But, when I was in high school, I asked for a Polo for Christmas and got one. I was tickled pink. So, I guess the preppy stuff!!!

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
That I’m a bit standoffish. Mostly, I’m shy and reserved and very uncomfortable around new people until I get to know them. 🙂 After that, watch out people!

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
Umm, is -25 not an option?! 🙄

Main Course
If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
I have no idea, but I’m sure Tim could come up with something to sell.

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to drink hot cocoa (my homemade) when it’s cold outside.

  1. Gail Said,

    I had some of your hot cocoa this morning! It was the last bit from what you gave me so I’ll have to make some more soon, I think I have all the stuff!

    -25 is not right for you silly!

  2. Write From Karen Said,

    You?? Standoffish?

    Girl, you’re one of the most friendly people I know both online and off ( okay, so I don’t know a lot of people, but still!)

    And I’m not sure my writing style rubbing off on you is such a good idea – or is it? I’m still trying to decide if I’m flattered or not. lol

    Seriously, I think you’re fab and wouldn’t take you any other way. 😀

    And what is this -25 work thing? Are you kidding me? Look at your archive list – you’ve been doing this for TWO YEARS. You also maintain a photo blog and live a full life outside of the blogging world. Your work ethic is most certainly positive. *grin*

  3. amy Said,

    Nice geast! I enjoyed reading it. I cant wait to check out your reading lists. Im looking for biographies to read

  4. suki Said,

    😉 LOL Some days I feel like it’s a negative day too..when it comes to work and being productive, 🙂

  5. Susie Said,

    I agree with Gail – when I saw your “-25” comment I thought you had gone crazy for a second! I know you keep your house spotless and you cook dinner most nights. That’s work, girl!

    Happy Friday!

  6. Dawn Said,

    we are so alike when it comes to your answer for the Soup! =)

  7. Raggedy Said,

    Great Friday Feast!
    Your dessert sounds yummmmy!
    LOL at the -25
    My feast is served.
    Have a wonderful day!
    (“)_ (“)Å 

  8. Debi Said,

    -25! That made me giggle! I’ll bet it’s not true though, is it?

  9. tiggerprr Said,

    Mmmmm hot cocoa ! And homemade to boot. Yum!

  10. paperback writer Said,

    Preppy was the name of the game for me too!

  11. Kim Said,

    I love the picture of the fridge. I love to see what people have on their’s. I would post today with a picture of mine, but I rambled on and on earlier enough that anybody who reads it will require large doses of caffeine to recover.

    Maybe I’ll post one over the weekend and let you know. I found some 8.5 x 11 magnetic frames at Walmart that I am using to display the girls latest art projects.

  12. local girl Said,

    C’mon now, I’m sure you work harder than that? maybe a -15? LOL!

  13. Becky Said,

    I joined in the Feast today! 🙂 It was fun…my first time! Honestly, I think we were all unfashionable in our teenage years when you look back on it!! I know I was! I very seriously doubt that you are a -25 worker…give yourself some credit!!! Have a great day!

  14. Judi Said,

    I love the feast. And I am SURE that “-25” is way off for you! Sometimes I feel like that though.

  15. rach Said,

    I love it everytime you mention ‘tickled pink.’ It’s such a nice expression. Wow, a 25! I love a nice, warm cup of hot chocolate when it’s cold. Mine is up too.

  16. Cam Said,

    I think you would be around a 10! Silly woman.
    I’m standoffish, too. I’ve been told by people that their first impression of me was that I was stuck up! But then they get to know me and find that I’m not. I hate that, but I can’t change how I am. I’m just shy & standoffish till I know someone a little better. 🙂

  17. mamichelle Said,

    Great feast, Stacy! You and I are the same on the soup!!

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