Exceedingly Mundane

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Archive for the ‘Project365’ Category

Posted by Stace

Ah, That Hits the Spot!

Today’s photo for the day, Beau really likes Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash!

Posted by Stace

What’s On Your Fridge?

Yesterday, I visited one of my favorite blogs, Vader’s Mom. She just happens to be Stacy too! What, a great name, huh? LOL!

She posted here about her fridge, and I decided to play along. This is also my photo for today, and I’m posting it here rather than at my photoblog. Thanks, Stacy, for letting me swipe this idea and use it here. :mrgreen:

I wish my fridge was nice and new. We want to get new appliances, but the washer and dryer we bought in December is going to put a hold on any new appliances for a while. This lovely white tiny refrigerator is about 14 years old and we really need a new one. We want to get a stainless side-by-side, but right now, that’s just a dream.

Anyway, the front of my fridge is your basic hodge-podge. I love putting photos on there, and I have Christmas cards I put on the side that hang up there all year. On the front is a collection of magnets from places we’ve been, the menu for the week, coupons to the Christian bookstore, things I’ve cut out of the newspaper, photos, etc. There’s also a dry erase board where I write reminder notes, or Tim’s “honey-do” list. You’ll notice that is really short right now. I have a bigger list on a piece of paper of things I want him to do before our Super Bowl party on Sunday. LOL

So, here’s my fridge…feel free to play along at your own blog. Leave me a note if you do, and I’ll come on over and check it out 😀

The front:
Front of my fridge

The side, where I put some Christmas cards. I fix my cereal and coffee on the countertop next to the fridge every morning, so I get to see these smiling faces every morning!
Side of my fridge

Posted by Stace

New Photoblog!

Tim worked quite a bit last night on getting me setup with a new photoblog for the Project365 photo project. Thank you sweetheart!!! It’s on my sidebar, or you can click here to reference it. I just updated it with today’s photo 😆 I have also started a listing of others who are participating in this project… so if you are and you’re not on my list, leave me a comment and let me know so I can add you!

Oh, and I’m still trying to decide on a look for this new photoblog. Right now I have the mountain one, just because it reminds me of winter, without being holiday oriented. That may change sooner or later!

Posted by Stace

Photo Project 365

Well, I’ve been thinking, mulling, pondering, and deliberating on whether or not to join the Project 365 photo project. It’s an awfully big commitment and I’m not sure one that I will be able to complete. The idea of taking and posting a photo a day for 365 consecutive days is rather daunting to me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I take a ton of photos already. I would guess that I take, on average, 1000 photos a year, maybe more. Of nothing, of everything; of food, animals, people, events, holidays, flowers, things around the house, etc. Taking the photos is not that big of a deal to me, it’s something I am already doing. It’s just the general idea that I commit to a project this demanding and see it through to the end. It’s the “forced” nature of the project. I rather enjoy taking my photos and don’t want it to become a chore or something I feel that I *have* to do. Nor do I want it to be something I tried and failed. I’m a bit competitive, ya know, I don’t like to fail. 🙄

Having said that, I am going to at least attempt it. But, with the caveat that I might not complete it, that I might not post a picture every day (yup, my blog, my rules, my way, nanananana!). I will quit if I feel like it’s become something I don’t enjoy doing any more.

In the mean time, I’ve set up a separate area of the blog for this immense project. It’s called Project365 and is on my sidebar. I will also be posting a lot of the pictures here, as I’m doing today. I hope to incorporate the pictures I use for this photo project into my regular blogging. Some days I will and some I won’t. I often post photos anyway (yes, of Beau the wonder dog and food I cook, I know, but remember this blog ain’t named ‘Exceedingly Mundane’ for nothing!), so hopefully it won’t be too burdensome to post extra ones as a part of this project.

Drumroll please… click here to see the first two days entries, and my entry for today is below:

I found Beau staring out the window this morning into our backyard which was filled with birds. I think we have more birds in the wintertime because I put out suet, bird seed and also corn for the squirrels. We get a lot more activity, I think, when they have trouble finding other food. This morning, I was able to see both a cardinal and a dove in one section of a tree… I took multiple pictures and was able to get the camera to focus on either the dove or the cardinal but not both. This was the best of the lot 🙂

Dove and Cardinal visit our backyard

P.S. I just read over at Susie‘s blog that she is participating too. Yeah! I like how she’s setup a separate photo blog for this. I wanted to do this, but will require help from my geeky husband to get it going. Something to strive for in the future 🙂
