Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

I didn’t post a menu last week, and believe me, I’ll be glad to have one this week, so I at least have some idea of what to fix each day. We may not stick to it 100%, but at least I have an idea 🙂 I still have to finalize my Super Bowl menu, but I have the bulk of it figured out, I think. We’re having a lot of family and friends over, so I’ll be busy on Saturday, getting the last of the food, fixing dips and mostly – cleaning the house up 🙄

Hope everyone has a good week!

Monday Slow Cooker Thai Chicken, whole wheat spaghetti noodles, broccoli or green beans, maybe a salad. We’re having a buddy over to watch 24 🙂

Tuesday – Soft tacos, pinto beans, spanish rice

Wednesday – tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

Thursday Crockpot Chicken with Potatoes, butter peas, salad, homemade bread

Friday – Date Night or Spaghetti with Meatballs, garlic bread

Saturday – TBD or pizza

Sunday – our Super Bowl party, menu coming soon, but the bulk of it is taco soup, burgers, hot dogs, dips, chips, veggie platter, fruit platter, cheese and sausage platter, Li’l Smokies, and Tim’s prized bacon wrapped deer backstrap. I’ll skip that one 🙂

  1. Lynne Said,

    I think it’s a great idea to have a weekly meal plan. I had been doing that until Shelby’s work schedule (right after school) messed it up. The crockpot chicken sounds really good. I’ll have to try that one soon.

  2. Shawna Said,

    The Crockpot Chicken and Potatoes looks good. I just got a huge new crockpot and haven’t tried any homemade dinners in it yet. I’ve made a couple of the Banquet Crockpot meals, though. I printed off the recipe and may try it one day this week or next.

  3. paperback writer Said,

    Sunday: Penne with spicy arribata sauce (I realize that I repeated myself there. It’s like saying PIN Number.)

    Monday: Baked ravioli

    Tuesday: Cajun steaks with Fettucini

    Wednesday: Free Day

    Thursday: something with scallops

    Friday: somthing with shrimp

    Saturday: free day

  4. Susie Said,

    I love butter peas. And homemade bread! I will be there at 5:30 on Thursday, is that good for you? 😉

  5. Angie Said,

    Hi Stacy! Missed you last week. I have been craving the tai chicken but haven’t fixed it since I’m the only one that will eat it!LOL Can’t wait to see the superbowl menu – I’m making homemade salsa to take to a friends and trying to think of something else to take. I can’t decide whether to make cayenne pretzels or brownies with cream cheese swirled in them. Hope you have a great week!

  6. Shayna Said,

    I also printed up the recipe for the Easy Chicken with Potatoes Crockpot recipe, it sounds so good, and I may even attempt the homemade bread! Yum!!

  7. J. Fergie Said,

    Wow! Homemade bread. I’ll get there one day!!

    Your Superbowl party sounds like it will be tons of fun. Have a great week.

  8. Judi Said,

    Yummy! I didn’t post one last week either and I was lost. It’s funny how you get used to these tools!

  9. Jill Said,

    Everything looks delicious! Hope you have a great Monday!

  10. Gail Said,

    Who’s coming to watch 24? Y’all will have to come up & watch with us!
    Don’t skip Tim’s backstrap, it’ll be good!
    It all looks good.

  11. Barb Said,

    I admire all of you who do this Monday Menu plan. I usually have a pretty good idea what we’re going to have throughout the week but I just fly by the seat of my pants. Unless I’m making something that has to cook all day, there are days when I decide what we’re having an hour before dinner. I’ve never been good at planning meals for every day.

    Rob just walked in the door from his first physical therapy appointment and doesn’t look real happy so I’m off to find out what they did to him!

  12. Barb Said,

    Menus look great!

  13. mamichelle Said,

    Yum, I just printed your thai chicken recipe. I just bought a new crockpot at Target yesterday!!

    I should do this some day but I can never plan that far ahead with my family!!

  14. Simply Dawn Said,

    That sounds yummy…may have to try the chicken dish 🙂

  15. southernfriedgirl Said,

    The crockpot chicken sounds good. May have to try that one out.

  16. Becca Said,

    Stacy if I weren’t still here in beautiful Hawaii, I would be at your house in a heartbeat! Dinner this evening sounds delicious!


  17. jen Said,

    Sounds wonderful…I’m looking for an orange chicken recipe to surprise Madison with…she loves that.

  18. Kim Said,

    Your menu sounds great this week. I’m glad you mentioned 24; I forgot it was going to be on. My husband loves that show. I pretend to watch while I play on the computer.

  19. Jen Said,

    Mmmmm… that Thai Chicken sounds really good. I’m definitely going to have to give this a try. Your menu looks great!

  20. Becky Said,

    Can I come watch the Super Bowl at your house. The food sounds so good! Me being the forgetful person I am….I completely forgot about the Super Bowl and will have to alter my menu plan for that day. You can’t watch the Super Bowl without Super Bowl food! 🙂 And, I’m going to have to try your Slow Cooker Chicken recipe. Thanks for sharing. Between you and your sister I may just have my menu plan for next week! 😉 Have a great day!

  21. Dawn Said,

    that Thai Chicken sounds yummy. just printed up the recipe to try! =)

  22. Sherry Said,

    I’ve said at least three times now that I am going to try the slow cooker Thai chicken! Well dangit! I finally printed it out and added what I need to our grocery list which I just happened to be writing out (at 240 in the a.m. go figure)

    I am going to HAVE TO cut back on the peanut butter and the nuts …. or use reduced fat peanut butter or something.

    I’ll let you know what I end up doing to dr. the calories/fat to fit into “The Journey” lol


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