Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

What’s On Your Fridge?

Yesterday, I visited one of my favorite blogs, Vader’s Mom. She just happens to be Stacy too! What, a great name, huh? LOL!

She posted here about her fridge, and I decided to play along. This is also my photo for today, and I’m posting it here rather than at my photoblog. Thanks, Stacy, for letting me swipe this idea and use it here. :mrgreen:

I wish my fridge was nice and new. We want to get new appliances, but the washer and dryer we bought in December is going to put a hold on any new appliances for a while. This lovely white tiny refrigerator is about 14 years old and we really need a new one. We want to get a stainless side-by-side, but right now, that’s just a dream.

Anyway, the front of my fridge is your basic hodge-podge. I love putting photos on there, and I have Christmas cards I put on the side that hang up there all year. On the front is a collection of magnets from places we’ve been, the menu for the week, coupons to the Christian bookstore, things I’ve cut out of the newspaper, photos, etc. There’s also a dry erase board where I write reminder notes, or Tim’s “honey-do” list. You’ll notice that is really short right now. I have a bigger list on a piece of paper of things I want him to do before our Super Bowl party on Sunday. LOL

So, here’s my fridge…feel free to play along at your own blog. Leave me a note if you do, and I’ll come on over and check it out 😀

The front:
Front of my fridge

The side, where I put some Christmas cards. I fix my cereal and coffee on the countertop next to the fridge every morning, so I get to see these smiling faces every morning!
Side of my fridge

  1. Project 365 » Day 33 Said,

    […] Click here to check it out   Have a great Friday! […]

  2. Gail Said,

    Hey, I’ve seen that fridge! I played too and swiped it from Stacy as well. Cool pictures on the side, tee hee!

  3. Desert Songbird Said,

    I used to have a fridge covered in photos like that. Then I got my new fridge, and I can’t stand to see anything on the front! I just like to admire it, all shiny and clean.

  4. Stacy Said,


  5. Laura Said,

    I make lists on my fridge, too, but my husband is good at never seeing them. So mostly they are for me, so I can remember to remind him to do things. Lol.

    Our fridge is really old too, but whats more its TINY. It almost looks ridiculous sitting in its fridge spot. The dryer gave out first, so like you, we did those first. Since we’re still paying off the A/C, I figure we’ll wait until that expires (we’ll be done paying in April), then find another 12-months-same-as-cash sale and get a fridge. Lol.

    Wonder if my house will EVER be “done”? Heh.

    I like your sun chip and dip bowl.

  6. BeckyKay76 Said,

    It’s odd, but I always like looking at people’s fridges. They put interesting things on them!

  7. Claire Said,

    My fridge is one of those aweful tiny apartment refrigerators…and right now the inside light is out! I just bought some magnets so that I can put pictures up. Currently There are three…all of my cousins’ children. Cute little kids I cannot resist. My parents got a new fridge when they moved as the old one (albeit the 23 year-old one!) broke in the move. They got a stainless side by side and I think really like it.

  8. Susie Said,

    My refrigerator is very similar to yours. White, about 15 years old, with lots of fun stuff attached to the outside. Just don’t ask me about the inside; it’s due for a big cleaning out!

    Fun post!

  9. Heidi Said,

    I have a newer fridge because there wasn’t a fridge in our house when we moved here 5 years ago.
    I personally think that fridges are for showing off pictures and artwork of children, etc. Although nice clean fridges DO look nice, I’d rather mine have personality and be more “homey” to me.

    Great topic! I might have to tuck it away and use it sometime!

  10. Southern Girl Said,

    There’s absolutely *nothing* on our fridge! You might remember we just got a new shiny stainless steel one — the new hasn’t worn off enough yet for us to cover it up with anything. 😉

  11. Simply Dawn Said,

    I love all the pictures 🙂

  12. Shawna Said,

    My pictures will be coming soon! Your fridge looks an awful lot like the one we used to have. Beef’s parents gave us the fridge, but now we’ve got a nice stainless one. We found a great buy!

  13. sarala Said,

    My fridge isn’t magnetic. I feel deprived because I have nothing to stick magnets too. I use the file cabinets at work, though.

  14. Judi Said,

    My fridge is a new side by side, white. But it is very cluttered front and side!

  15. Sherry Said,

    I like the sun on top of your fridge — is it a plate?

    My fridge is black, because the stove was black and microwave. It’s less than 2 years old because our last one was a gazillion years old and died.

    I have a dry erase marker, a couple of magnets, flylady timer and cling, and daisy girl put her birthday list on there. *hint hint*


  16. rach Said,

    Cute Mickey Mouse magnets. I love how neatly you displayed those Christmas cards and photos. I like that small white board on your ref door. Must be very handy for making short notes and reminders. The decorative Sun plate above your ref is pretty.

    I have a similar post about this one which I’d like to share with you:

  17. Cam Said,

    I like this idea! Very cool to see your fridge. I couldn’t even tell that it’s old.

  18. Suzanne Said,

    What !! I see no photos of little ole’ me !!

  19. mamichelle Said,

    I had a ton of photos on the front of my old almond one. Just got the new one and magnets don’t stick! Oh well, it looks nice and neat. I like yours better though! Like to have the photos to look at.

  20. Christine Said,

    Your fridge looks like ours, except I need to get one of those Dry Erase reminder boards. I’m going to have to play along and swipe this idea, if that’s allright!

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