Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A Calendar Question

Today’s photo over on my photoblog is of the calendar I have hanging near my computer. It’s from Local Girl, a very sweet blogger who lives in Hawaii. She gave away a couple of calendars earlier this month, and I was tickled pink that she drew my name out of a hat and sent me this beautiful calendar. The pictures are gorgeous and it reminds me of her, and of the state I hope to visit one day before I die.

But, back to the topic at hand – today’s topic is calendars. I’m a throwback to the old guard, I still like to have a paper calendar around. When I was working every day in an office, I had a daily calendar on my desk (Far Side, Dilbert, dogs, Bible verses, something with a picture or new thought every day), and also one hanging on my wall. Now, I like to have one on my wall in my office at home. I use the calendar on the computer a ton, and rely on it heavily; I’d definitely be lost without Outlook and the reminders and alarms. I also have my calendar synchronized to my PDA, which I take with me everywhere. But, still, I cannot completely let go of my paper calendar. Same with the newspaper (another topic for another day) and even a landline phone. I think I’m a throwback to the previous generation. I still want to hang onto those things, even though I embrace the newer things like electronic calendars I can carry with me, the ubiquitous cell phone and even reading my news online.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – how about you? Do you have a paper calendar? At home, at work or both? Do you use electronic calendars? Or both? What works for you? Leave me a comment and let me know… inquiring minds and nosy bloggers like myself would like to know!

  1. Stacy Said,

    Well, since my home computer is dead and I’m reading this from work. I’ll start with work. Everything here is electronic. I have to synch my calendar with the boss and that’s the only way to get it done. But, for me personally. I keep up with things better on a regular wall calendar. I have a “Care Bear” calendar hanging here at work with all my events and birthdays on it. (It’s the more complete calendar) And I have a “Cars” calendar hanging on the fridge at home to remind Jeff of things–like his friend’s birthdays, appointments, places I’ll be so he can keep up better. I like to think that he looks at it, but I wouldn’t place money on that 🙂

  2. Heidi Said,

    I have a Chick Fil A calendar that my friend gave me for Christmas. It has coupons for every month for a free item or discounted item at the restaurant. Speaking of, I have one that I need to use before tomorrow, so we might eat fast food tonight for dinner!

    I used to use Electronic calendars when I worked, but I had a backup paper calendar, and now it’s easier to just use paper.

  3. Susie Said,

    I love calendars! I always enjoy picking out calendars for my mother and mother-in-law for part of their Christmas presents each year. I also get one for myself! I like to get the nice calendars at http://www.lang.com and then I usually get one or two desk calendars after they go on sale in early January.

    I’ve also just started using http://www.30boxes.com for my online calendar for work. It’s still in Beta, but it looks promising!

  4. Gail Said,

    I have to have a paper calendar here at the house, it stays in my kitchen area downstairs…..2 might be nicer so I could have one upstairs by the computer! I have to go buy them to start the year out, usually I’m with you when we get them! I have a NY one again this year but color pics this time, and I think I loved my black & white one better from last year.
    I was thinking as I read this that I was surprised that you do still hold onto this since you are so techie and all with your little pda! Everywhere I go with you, your pda is always with you! But there’s just something about a calendar hanging where I can see it, I think I’ll always have to have it.

  5. Lynne Said,

    I love having my calendar on the computer and also on my PDA, but I really need a paper calendar too. I have one I printed with separate pages for each month hanging in the kitchen. I use it to mark work schedules for Shelby and Dom and also for the dogs’ medications. Sometimes I’ll mark other appointments, but having the work schedules right there in the kitchen helps me plan meals – at least I know who’s going to be home for dinner that night.

  6. deb Said,

    I have calendars everywhere. In my office, I have a desk calendar, an Avon wall calendar, a work schedule calendar, a monthly meeting calendar, a Franklin Planner and a daily scheduler on my computer.

    At home, I have calendar bookmarks and a wall calendar in the kitchen.

    Even with all of those calendars, I still get confused on what day it is ;~)

  7. Debi Said,

    Probably shouldn’t admit this…but I have no idea what an electronic/computer calendar is! So, needless to say, that would make me a paper calendar gal. I have one from the school district hanging inside a kitchen cupboard (like this one because it has all the school function dates printed in it…but it’s ugly). Also have a wipe-off one on the fridge that I change each month (guess that’s not really paper, huh?), and it’s the one where I write down everybody’s “stuff”.

  8. Laura Said,

    Here is what I have! At work: a pugs daily desk calendar. A Dilbert wall calendar. A big wall monthly calendar. And I use my computer’s date/calendar many times a day.
    At home: a pugs daily desk calendar (downstairs, different from the one at work). A baseball wall calendar. A pugs wall calendar. And another, smaller pugs wall calendar.

  9. Becky Said,

    Oh, I definitely have to have a paper calendar! I actually spend quite a bit of time searching out just the right planner. I just updated my new planner complete with address book, tear off to do lists, shopping lists, etc. I love my calendar and can not function without it! I told your sister I should have written the Nora Roberts movie down in my planner so I wouldn’t have forgotten! 🙂

  10. Cam Said,

    Yep, have to have my paper calendar. It’s all I use.

  11. Southern Girl Said,

    I DO have a paper calendar, courtesy of the good folks at Shutterfly, that features pictures of family and friends. I think I couldn’t do without it — I like a calendar that has nice big squares for writing in, and that’s exactly what I do. There’s a perfectly lovely calendar feature on my MacBook, but I just can’t get used to using it.

  12. local girl Said,

    Thanks for the shout. I’m so glad that someone who appreciates it, won it!

    As for me, I have a huge master calender hanging on my fridge that EVERYTHING is recorded on. I also have a calendar on my Treo to keep track of my trips and crew members.

  13. mamichelle Said,

    Ok, you’ll be sorry you asked, Stacy! I have a paper and Palm at work, a wall in the kitchen at home, one in the office where we pay bills, and also in my sb room. I also use the Outlook one for my boss’ schedule.

    I have a hard time giving up my paper also. But I also love to click on my Palm desktop and see what’s going on in the future.

    I think I’ve been to local girl’s website. I clicked on it from the Friday Feast, I think! I will check out your photo. I love Hawaii!!

  14. Waya Said,

    I came via Kailani at Local Girl. It’s nice to read new blog and “meet” new bloggers.

    I have a calendar from my son’s elementary school with all the important dates, and appointments. But when I was working way back then, I used the Franklin Quest and it was a great tool. I know, it was before all the PDAs came on the market.

  15. Sadie Said,

    I have two wall calendars in my house. One is from StuffonmyCat.com, and the other is SkeezixtheCat.com. I like cats, you know. I also have a leather purse-sized calendar for writing school assignments, appointments, etc. I used to carry a PDA but I got out of the habit during my unemployment. I use Google Calendar online, and if that would sync with something I might go back to the PDA.

  16. Shawna Said,

    I love wall hanging calendars. When I worked, I had to bring one from home for the office. I have a new Bible verse calendar to hang up in our office at home, but I haven’t done it yet. I rarely use the calendar on my cell phone and never use one on the computer mainly because I don’t know where it is! I do have a pocket memo calendar for my bag for writing down appointments.

  17. rach Said,

    We received lots of calendars from friends last Christmas. I couldn’t use all of them so I just chose two and kept the rest. I chose the religious calendar for the area in between the kitchen and the living room and a small paper calendar for the room.

  18. Dianne Said,

    I’m a planner girl myself, paper planner – but I do have wall calendars at home and at work (at least 2 at work at all times. THey’re great wall decorations and cheap too, if you buy after Christmas! And I always have at least one desk calendar too. I use Google calendar online for keeping track of things I want automatic reminders of – birthdays, etc.

    Fun topic!

  19. Susanne Said,

    I have a big mother’s calendar on the wall in the kitchen. The kind with the big squares. I use a different color for each of us. Never use the computer calendars.

  20. Debi Said,

    I like to have a wall calendar to reference dates. But I usually put events and such in my PDA or online at 30boxes. So I guess I’m a hybrid :-).

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