Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Bloggity Blog Blog

Blog BirthdayI got so busy over the weekend, getting ready for our Super Bowl party, that I let a very important date slip by me. I actually had it on my calendar, and a reminder popped up to remind me, and yet I still never had a chance to sit down and blog about it. So, even though I’m a couple of days late, I wanted to celebrate my blog’s two year anniversary! Or is it birthday? What does a blog have, LOL!

I started this blog mostly on a whim. I started out with the intent of learning something new, doing something to entertain my two sisters, and as a way to try to keep up with our family members who live far away from us, and might be remotely interested in what was going on in our house. I have learned a lot of new things since I started, I think I keep my sisters mildly entertained (and I’m happy to say, both of them have started blogging since I started), but as far as the family keep-in-touch project goes, I struck out miserably on that. All of my grown nieces and nephews that live out of state could care less about my blog. They don’t check it and they don’t try to keep up with us, which is fine, but on that point, I definitely struck out. What I didn’t envision, though, was something far greater. I’ve made new friends online, fellow bloggers, wonderful ladies who are sweet, funny, encouraging, supportive, generous and just downright lovely human beings. I never thought that would happen, and for that extra benefit, I am profoundly grateful. I have found so many blogs that I love to read. So many new friends. So many people whose lives I love to read about, whose opinions and values I share, whose recipes I have tried and loved, whose books they read I have read and loved, who watch the same TV shows, who listen to the same music, and the list goes on and on. It’s a funny thing, this Internet and blogging, but it can be a wonderful thing when you find people that you can make a connection with. Funny, and wonderful, and totally heart-warming. I never could have pictured that happening, and I am so happy it has. And I hope it goes on for a long, long time!

Along the same lines, be sure to go over and vote in the Share the Love” blog awards. So many of my favorite blogs are nominated in the different categories. I’ve already gone and voted, so be sure to head over and vote soon, I think the ballots close tomorrow sometime.

  1. Heidi Said,

    Happy Birthday to your blog! It’s fun to mark these occassions. I’m glad I found you, because you are fun and I like your blog a lot–even if your nieces and nephews don’t.
    Have a happy day!

  2. Becky Said,

    Happy 2nd Blogiversary! I’m so glad to have *met* you! I really enjoy reading your blog and chatting with you about recipes and books and more! I hope you and your blog have a very happy blogiversary!!! 😉

  3. Stacy Said,

    Happy Birthday blog! Thanks for bringing Stacy into our world!!! 🙂

  4. Suzanne Said,

    Happy Birthday, Blog. I am glad you were able to teach Stacy something new, and keep her entertained!
    We, in the newspaper business, are learning about “Social Networking” and how it applies to our business, so I am glad to be on board the Blogosphere.
    You two deserve each other, too, I might add !!
    Happy b-day.

  5. paperback writer Said,

    Happy birthday to your blog!

  6. Debi Said,

    Isn’t blogging fun? I’ve found a lot of great people through blogging, including you! 🙂 Happy Birthday/Anniversary/Blogiversary!

  7. Susie Said,

    Happy blog birthday to you, Stacy! The blogosphere is a better place because of you. 🙂

  8. jen Said,

    Happy blog birthday or blog anniversary…ha ha Congrats on this, I hope you have a great rest of the day….

  9. Debi Said,

    Happy belated birthday to Stacy’s wonderful blog!
    And thanks for reminding us about voting…I’d forgotten. So off I go to cast my vote…

  10. Lynne Said,

    Happy birthday to your blog! You’re one of the first ones I read each day. Your distant family doesn’t know what they are missing!

  11. Southern Girl Said,

    Happy Anniversary, Stacy! Wow, blogging for two years — that’s a lot of blogging. 😉 I’ll be excited to celebrate just my first blogiversary in May. I’m so glad I found your blog. It has a permanent place on my Bloglines blogroll. 😉

  12. deb Said,

    Two years already! Wow, Stacey! I’m so glad you’re here, Stace. You’ve been such a sweet person to get to know and I always feel so welcome here. I think you’re awesome :))

    Happy Blogiversay, my friend!

  13. Gail Said,

    Wow, 2 years! Happy birthday and way to go.
    Yes, I’m entertained!
    And those would be my kids that aren’t even remotely interested in your blog! or mine!

  14. Susanne Said,

    Happy belated Blogiversary! Wow, 2 years. That’s awesome! I too am amazed at all the wonderful friends I’ve met.

  15. rach Said,

    Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary! Wishing you more fruitful blogging years. It’s so nice to have met you through blogging. Take care!

  16. Cam Said,

    Happy Blog anniversary! I sure am glad you started it up, and even more glad that I found you here! 🙂

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