I’m going to cheat and piggyback off of yesterday’s post about calendars.
I blogged about the fact that I’m a throwback to a previous generation. As much as I love technology and all of the geeky things available to us today, I still hang on to some older things. Case in point – calendars. I use electronic ones constantly, but I still have a paper one hanging on my wall near my computer.
Same with newspapers. I read news online, watch it on TV, listen to it on the radio sporadically, and still, we get a newspaper delivered daily. It’s something I’ve done since I was out of college and living on my own. I grew up in a household where you read the morning paper over coffee (and in my mom’s case, with a cigarette in your hand, while you worked the crossword puzzle). It’s something I’ve never completely let go of, although these days, I’m as likely to read the paper in the evenings as much as I am in the mornings.
I do love getting a paper for several other reasons. I love getting the localized news, the neighborhood kind of news. I love seeing the recipes and articles in our food section. I like our Entertainment section that comes out on Thursdays. I like being able to grab the paper and look up a movie time if we’re running out to a movie. But most of all, I love the coupons and circular ads on the weekends!!!
So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – do you get a newspaper delivered to your house? If so, it is daily or just on the weekends? If not, how do you prefer to get your news, on the computer, tv or what source?
My hubby gets the Sunday paper and my mom gets a different paper daily and Sunday. I used to get the local paper and I’d breeze through and read the police log (yes, I know, pretty boring) and then recycle. So I finally decided to cancel it and now I miss my Thursday paper!
I don’t read any part of the Sunday Boston Globe other than the Parade and Globe sections (and sales flyers, of course).
No paper for us. We tried the Sunday paper thing and ended up with 5 or 6 that we hadn’t even taken out of the wrapper. I look at Yahoo News when I pop on the internet and that’s it for my news coverage. Jeff does look through the USA Today when he gets it for free at his hotels…that’s where I learn most of my entertainment news. Terrible I know. I should be more educated on the going ons in the world.
Oh how I wish I had time to read the paper! But for now, I just don’t. Rich usually buys a Sunday paper, but I never even have time for it. I get my news from the radio…I’m a complete NPR junkie. And we have it set so CNN comes up when we turn on the Internet, so I occasionally with get sucked in by a headline there and read the article.
I’d say that I get about 90% of my news online, but I do sort of miss having an actual paper to flip through. Every now and then I’ll borrow my in-laws’ Sunday edition (but my mother-in-law always gets the best coupons out first!). I love to look at the wedding announcements, and read the book reviews, and I always check the weather section, too.
The rest of my news comes from the television, which we watch while eating dinner. There are certain channels I refuse to watch, but I won’t go into my political tirade here. 🙂
No paper delivery for us. I usually just check the news on the internet. I go to our local papers website, too. I do, however, get a community paper on Saturdays and I love it. We used to get the paper 7 days a week, but I was in school at the time and couldn’t keep up. Sounds weird, huh? But, I just could never seem to find the time to sit down and enjoy it. So, we stopped getting it. I would like to have the Saturday & Sunday papers, though! Have a great day!
Good question! I get the paper only on Sundays. I get it almost soley for the coupons. I figure I actually make money by buying the paper because I use so many of the coupons. I read the actual paper too, but can’t justify the expense of getting it everyday.
We get the paper delivered daily – my husband reads it cover-to-cover almost everyday. I skim through it and read anything that catches my eye especially local news and I read the comics. I get news highlights on-line everyday that keeps me up-to-date.
Great topic! I know you love to read the paper.
I love the ritual of reading the paper, too. We used to always buy the Sunday paper, and I methodically read nearly every section, and I loved the circulars & coupons, too. After G came along, I was still able to do that each Sunday, b/c I would do it while I sat breastfeeding him for a half-hour at a time. But after he weaned, my beloved ritual has had to be put on hold, because there’s no peaceful or quiet time for me to sit and pore over the sections. The paper kept sitting each Sunday, unread and wasted, so we stopped buying it. I’m looking forward to the day when I’m able to do that again! For now, I get my news as it comes over the TV every evening.
I get a daily paper from the Jackson and state area, same paper you get even though Jackson is an hour & half away from us! And we get a local town paper that comes out once a week. I like getting the actual paper too for the reasons you mentioned, other news, entertainment stuff, movies/reviews etc. It’s hard to let go of it but since I’m the only one that reads it, we should probably drop it. Even though we could get all that online, I think it might take more time to find it all and read, where as the paper has it all in one spot! Does that make sense?
I don’t use an electronic calendar at all although Rob does. I like my wall calendar.
We don’t take the daily paper but Rob goes out to get the Sunday papers. We buy the Grand Junction paper and the Denver Post. I love the Sunday paper for lots of reasons, not the least of which is the Michael’s 40’s off coupong that comes out every Sunday, the coupons, the book review sections and all the local sales fliers. Rob’s Sunday wouldn’t be complete without the crossword puzzles.
During the week, we watch Fox News at night (and The O’Reilly Factor).
That was a great question of the day!
I *love* reading the newspaper! We’ve always taken the paper every day of the week for as long as I can remember. Sure, I get my news from other sources these days — online news agencies of all types, TV, the radio if I happened to have it on, but I can’t see myself ever giving up the actual paper newspaper. Just like I’ll never be a person who reads by listening to audio books or reading eBooks on my PDA. I have to hold something that feels like a book and smells like a book in my hands. It’s the same with a newspaper. 🙂
We used to get the daily and Sunday Atlanta paper, but gave it up as it’s nothing but a little news and lots of ads. Now I read it online and look at other news websites. We do get a local paper delivered weekly (for free!) that I like looking at. My daughter Donna (next door) gets the daily and Sunday papers, and if she lets me know that there are some good coupons in the Sunday, we might run up to the grocery store and buy a paper just for the coupons.
I miss reading our newspaper, as sad and pathetic as it is. I’m never up with local news anymore. I would never find time to read it, though. And my husband would NEVER read it – he can’t handle liberal media.
Only the free papers come to our door, and I usually throw them away without even looking at them. I used to read the paper when I lived in my hometown because I knew the poeple in it. I prefer to watch the news on TV while my husband reads his online.
Oh my GAWD, everyone is going to put me out of a job !!! You know my answer, I get three papers every Sunday, and two each day………and read more……….oh my…….I could write an entire book on the newspaper biz………..
yep, yep, same here, for all the reasons you said – I may not read it like I used to, but we get it delivered 7 days a week. If nothing else, it’s good for starting the fire! I jest, I jest! 😉 Life just wouldn’t be the same without the morning paper.
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