Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Cuddle Socks

This is a dual purpose blog post. It’s something I’ve been wanting to blog about since it turned colder, and it’s also my photo of the day for my Project365:

Soft, Comfy Socks!

Yup, it’s socks! Snuggle-up, cozy-up, lounge around kind of socks. I love these things! I wear them all the time in the winter. My hands and feet seem to stay cold this time of year, and I usually wear two pair of socks when I’m around the house for any length of time. I wear a pair of white athletic socks, then one of my snuggle socks. It helps keep my feet warm!

You see, I have self-diagnosed myself with something my grandmother had, and I think my mother had also. It’s called Raynaud’s and in its milder forms, it really just means poor circulation to the extremities, resulting in cold hands and cold feet. As it worsens, your extremities become increasingly colder and start turning white, blue and red. Now, no doctor has ever told me I have this, but I think I do. My hands and feet are cold year round, but its much worse in winter. I have often been known to wear gloves inside in the winter, and usually 2 pair of socks and even shoes or slippers. Once my feet or hands get cold, I get cold all over and it takes quite a bit to warm me up.

Aside from that medical oddity, I just love these big comfy socks. So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you have any of these cuddle socks that you wear? Or do you have a big pair of comfy slippers or something else to keep your feet warm when it’s cold outside? Or are you so hot-natured that you don’t need these kinds of things? Inquiring minds want to know 🙂

  1. Project 365 » Day 37 Said,

    […] Another dual-purpose post today over at my regular blog. My photo of the day is posted here, along with a Question of the Day.  It’s all about socks today!  Hop on over and answer the question if you’re so inclined, and check out the super-duper, totally exciting picture of my snuggle socks!!! 🙂 […]

  2. Stacy Said,

    I’m usually good with just a pair of ankle socks on. If I get cool, I grab a blanket and cuddle up.

    But, those make me want to go home right now and snuggle with a good book (which I started this morning at the allergist!)

  3. Susie Said,

    Aw, I’m sorry you’re a cold hands and feet girl! I do have some of those slipper socks, in red. Jeff calls them my Elmo socks. 😀

    Stay warm! Spring’s right around the corner!

  4. Susanne Said,

    I bought my girl’s each a set of 3 of these for Christmas. The one wears them all the time. I’ll probably steal back the other ones. :v)

    I have a fave pair of slippers but they are mules. I find the enclosed ones too hot. Usually a pair of sport socks is enough for me. We keep our hour fairly warm.

  5. Southern Girl Said,

    Oh my gosh! You just described ME! I never knew there was a medical explanation. And I haven’t always been this way, but in the last few years, my feet, but mostly my hands, have been perpetually cold. They don’t really turn red or white, but my nails do turn blueish purple. And you’re exactly right, when my hands are cold, ALL of me is cold. My mother, who is her own personal space heater, just doesn’t get that. 😉

    Anyway, I have those exact pink socks up there in that photo!! Aren’t they just the softest things ever?!

  6. Lynne Said,

    I’ve got a few pair of these socks too. They’re great in the winter. Even when I’m having one of my “power surges” my feet still are cold and these do wonders!

  7. Laura Said,

    I totally have socks like that, but I don’t wear them as much since I’ve been married. Not sure why that is… maybe because it’s warmer upstairs, which is where we usually are in the evenings. I do however wear plain white socks just for warmth quite often.

    My hands and feet are ALWAYS cold, been so my whole life.

  8. Becky Said,

    I do happen to have cold extremities myself! 🙂 And, you better believe I have cuddle socks!!! I have striped ones and purple ones and I have the warmest pink fuzzy slippers, too. My daughter loves her cuddle socks..she has probably four pair. I loved this post…I want more cuddle socks! Have a great day!

  9. local girl Said,

    I like the pink and purple ones, of course. The red and white one reminds me of a candy cane!

  10. Heidi Said,

    Hi. I have one pair of those socks that I got as a gift. They are really comfy.
    I usually also wear slippers or shoes to keep my feet warm. I also get really chilly feet, but I don’t think I have that Raynaud’s.


  11. Karla Said,

    I think I have the opposite condition. My feet are always warm and I hate wearing socks around the house.

    Maybe I’m a little bit “hillbilly”? 🙂

  12. Trish Said,

    Great picture!

    I love snuggly socks too!

  13. Desert Songbird Said,

    The red and white ones remind me of a candy cane, too.

    I usually just wear slippers, but when my ankles get cold, I have a pair of slipper socks (you know, the ones with “tread” on the bottom. They keep me really warm.

  14. Adria Said,

    I have kitty socks, toe socks, furry socks, and, now, Valentine’s Day socks. I definitely love socks!

  15. Debi Said,

    I’ve got a bunch of those kind of socks…I call them the comfy socks. And I do the same thing–I wear a pair of plain white athletic socks under with those on top!
    My brother has Raynauds. It’s kinda gross to see his hands sometimes…they turn nearly black.
    Good luck keeping your piggies and other digits warm!

  16. Gail Said,

    I usually keep socks or slippers on because my floors are cold! I just use whatever kind of socks I have handy though. My slippers are the kind that are open in the back, I just prefer that style I guess, easy to slip on and off!

  17. Dawn Said,

    you & i are very alike. nothing worse than getting a chill & not being able to get warm again. i don’t have any cuddly socks but i do have a big cuddly blanket that i wrap around myself!

  18. rach Said,

    Since we live in a country with tropical climate, I don’t have any cuddle socks. When it gets chilly at night, I just keep warm under a cozy blanket.

  19. Judi Said,

    I have a pair of cushy slippers. I usually wear socks with them.

  20. Cam Said,

    I just wear a pair of white athletic socks (size LARGE! :-P). I have two pairs of cuddle socks, and while they seem so cuddly, I never have liked wearing them. I’m just weird that way and don’t like “details”. Kind of like the PJ thing. I’m just too plain to enjoy things like that.

  21. Sherry Said,

    I have cuddle socks on right now. Pink ones. I also have some cushy slippers that are warm and old and furry. Love ’em.


  22. Another Desert Rat Said,

    Ooooh! Yes, yes, yes! I looooove socks! And I have MANY cuddle socks. Right now I’m wearing a pair that my sister gave me with little sticky nubs on the bottom for traction! Your socks look sooooo comfy!!

  23. Christine Said,

    Even in AZ, my hands and feet are always cold. I just bought a pair of nice fuzzy socks.
    I like your idea of putting the atheletic socks on first, and then the fuzzy pair.
    I like the purple snowflake one the best.

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