Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Match Me If You Can”

Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth PhillipsI finished a really good library book last night, called “Match Me If You Can” by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. It is the story of a matchmaker in Chicago, who takes over the business from her grandmother, and is trying to jump-start her business by signing a high-profile sports agent as her client. She just has to find him the perfect wife, and believe me, he’s very discriminating. I really liked this book – good plot, predictable but good, great characters and a very good ending. I was thrilled with the ending and the way things were all wrapped up – always a big plus for me with a book.

For the record, that makes #51 so far this year, with a total of 18,029 pages read. Up next is the last book in the Tucker Mills trilogy by Lori Wick, called “Leave a Candle Burning”. I borrowed all 3 of these books from Tim’s mom and have really enjoyed the first two – they are light and sweet books. This should be a fairly quick read, and after I finish this borrowed book, I’ll probably head back to the library for more. 🙂 Then again, maybe I should try to tackle some of the ones I have bought, that are sitting on my bookcase shelf, all alone and unread. 🙄

  1. Susie Said,

    That sounds like a really cute book! 🙂

  2. Gail Said,

    I knew you’d probably like it since I really liked it! I knew it was predictable and you kinda knew what was gonna happen or rather you hoped it would happen & end like you wanted! And we weren’t disappointed, always a huge plus. Glad you read it.

  3. Gail Said,

    P.S…..you do have a lot of books listed on your sidebar you could be reading when you finish what you have! And I guess on your bookshelf too! Plus I’ll bring you my Montana Sky one to borrow as well, so no need for library maybe!

  4. Dawn P Said,

    Sounds like a great book!

  5. BillH Said,

    Reminds me of when our kids were in elementary school and the school sponsored the “Read A Million Minutes” program. Wow! 18,029 pages!

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