Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

PSA – Books Coming Soon

I was going through a very large stack of mail last night, and one of the things I flipped through was a catalog from Sam’s Club. It’s a Valentines thing, and it has tons of chocolates, diamonds and yummy food in it. I got all weak in the knees. Anyway, in the back, there’s a couple of pages about books now available at Sam’s, as well as some coming soon. A couple of my favorite authors are listed, so I thought I would post the books that are coming out, in case anyone else is interested.

February 6 – Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky
February 27 – Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella
March 6 – Whitethorn Woods by Maeve Binchy

And some others from authors I haven’t read yet, but have heard good things about:

February 6 – Step on a Crack by James Patterson
March 6 – Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

And, I get a newsletter from Debbie Macomber, one of my very favorite authors. She has a new hardback coming out in May, called ” Back on Blossom Street”. Yippee!

  1. Susie Said,

    I’ve read several of Maeve Binchy’s books, and they’re almost always great. I’ll have to check out Whitethorn Woods.

  2. Debi Said,

    I like Sophie Kinsella. I’m interested to see what Shopaholic and Baby is like. Hopefully I can get it through my local library. I’m trying not to buy too many books right now. 🙂

  3. Debi Said,

    I love James Patterson’s books!

  4. Stacy Said,

    WooHoo! A new shopaholic book. 🙂

  5. tiggerprr Said,

    James Patterson is a great writer! I love his Alex Cross novels. It sounds like Step on a Crack might be one, I’ll have to check it out. 🙂

  6. shellsq Said,

    Ooooh, love James Patterson! He’s one of my favorites. Also liked the one Jodi P. book I’ve read.

    I’ll have to check out JP’s new one too! You cannot put his books down!!

  7. Gail Said,

    Well you know the only Shopaholic book I’ve read is that one we/you got at your library sale! I need to find the other ones, my library doesn’t have them. The one was good and light, just like I like!
    And yay for the Debbie Macomber one too, love her stuff.
    Have not read Binchy…..started this one I have by A Rivers Siddons and am trying to decide whether to keep going on it or not! I need inspiration!

  8. southernfriedgirl Said,

    I love Sophie Kinsella and Patterson – two of my faves for sure.

  9. Kim Said,

    I adore Jodi Piccoult’s books! She is one of my very favorite authors on this planet. I also love Maeve Binchy. I have been debating ordering her new one from England for a while, since they are always released there first. Books certainly do rule!

  10. Judi Said,

    OMG! I love Barbara Delinsky too!!! Two of my fave’s are Lake News and Accidental Woman. LOVE THEM! Thanks for the heads up on the new read.

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