OK, my sister Gail tagged me for this meme. The object, apparently, is to list 9 weird things about yourself. The innate problem with me doing this particular meme is that Gail and I are very very much alike. We’re more like twins separated by several years (although I’d love to tell you how many, Gail would kill me!!!
), so we like and dislike a lot of the same things, and surprisingly, we have a lot of the same quirks.
So, my answers could easily be many of the same ones that Gail answered (read hers here)… but, I’ll strive to be different. Without further ado, 9 weird things about me:
1. I have this thing about stuff being in the right place. For example, if Tim puts the mayonnaise jar back in the fridge (but not where it’s supposed to go, on the shelf on the door), I will move it back to it’s rightful spot the next time I open the refrigerator. Every single time.
2. Similarly, since I like things in their “correct” place, I have a tendency to move things like keys or coasters. Tim will drop his keys on the countertop in the kitchen, so I hang them up on their hook on the key holder. If he moves his coaster on the end table to the coffee table, I move it back to the end table. It’s the OCD/Monk syndrome in me
3. Tim offered this one for this meme – when I cry, I sweat a little on my upper lip. 
4. When I read a book or magazine, I won’t use anything but a bookmark or a spare piece of torn paper to mark my page. I won’t stick anything else in it, bend it back on the spine, or turn the corner of the page down. I don’t like messing up my books and magazines 
5. I used to win things all the time on the radio. I’ve won 2 trips (one to the Bahamas when I was 12 and one to Dallas to see the Dixie Chicks a few years ago), tons of movie tickets, albums, cassettes and CD’s (yes, I’m old), and even food. One year I won a honey-baked ham at Thanksgiving and one year at Christmas I won a huge tray of stuff from Chick-Fil-A. Alas, I haven’t won anything lately though. Since we got digital cable and I got an iPod, I don’t listen to local radio much anymore!
6. I have never seen the Wizard of Oz. And I never will. All of my family thinks that I am weird, but I don’t care. I didn’t see it as a child and I know it won’t mean anything to me as an adult.
7. On the same wavelength, I have never seen an entire episode of certain shows on television from start to finish. Shows like The Andy Griffith Show, Everybody Loves Raymond, Law & Order, etc. I have seen snippets, bits and pieces, but I’ve never sat down and watched one from beginning to end.
8. There are TV shows that I love though, and movies too, and I can quote long sections of dialogue. TV Shows like Friends and Mad About You (which I ADORED!) and movies like The Sound of Music, You’ve Got Mail, Princess Bride, all of the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies… I know tons of dialogue and even inflections in their voices and can replicate it.
9. Tim says that my obsession with Chinese food is “weird”. He gets burned out on certain kinds of food, and for the last several YEARS, it has been Chinese. I could eat it every day, but I have to settle for once every few weeks or months. He thinks I’m weird because I want to eat Chinese so much. I don’t think it’s weird, but I did ask his opinion on this meme, and he threw that one out at me 
BONUS: I just realized, as I was sitting here at my computer, in my computer chair, thinking about these and typing them up, that I sit in my chair with one leg up under me (or sometimes, both legs!). I do it all the time, and never think a thing about it. Other people might think it’s weird though. I have to have one or both legs up in my chair when I’m at the computer. I can’t sit here correctly, ergonomically, with my feet on the floor in a correct position. I just can’t. 
I won’t tag anyone specifically, but please feel free to play along, either at your own blog, or leave me a comment here about something that is “weird” about you, or that other people think is weird, and you think it’s just fine!!!!