Howdy! I’ve now officially taken the longest break ever from my blog (two whole weeks!), since I started blogging over 3 years ago. I must admit, I’m really enjoying the break and am still seriously considering giving up blogging all together. I’m still really on the fence about it. I think I don’t quite enjoy it as much as I used to, or maybe I’ve just run out of interesting things to say and post about. After all, I basically post about the same things over and over 🙂
In keeping with that “over and over” thing, I thought I’d post a couple of the photos I’ve taken recently in my backyard. I bought some really puny looking bedding plants and got them into some pots and planters last weekend. I’m not sure they are going to make it, so I don’t have any photos of those. Trust me, they don’t look too hot right now, but I’m hoping some water and Miracle-Gro will help them out over the long haul. It’s already really hot here. Supposed to be in the high 80’s or low 90’s here for the next 10 days, according to Actually, it will be hot here from now until at least October 😀
I posted a photo of my clematis a little over a month ago (original post here, and mine is the one at the bottom that is not blooming yet). I’m happy to say that my white clematis is in full bloom now, and it looks so pretty. I love sitting on the deck and seeing it:

We planted a couple of new lantana… one is doing well and the other is half dead already. Sigh. This is obviously the one still alive. Tiny, but alive.

I bought a vinca vine and planted in a pot last year, and then in the fall, tossed the vine out behind the fence. Tim discovered it a month or so ago and said it was coming back. I let it grow a bit, and then dug it out of the old flower pot and replanted it with a new geranium… let’s hope they both do well for the summer:

And last, a basil plant. I say every year that I want to grow herbs, but I never have any luck. One year I tried seeds, which went nowhere. One year I tried oregano and another year thyme, and nothing. This looked like a fairly healthy “sweet basil”, so I bought it. I also got a “Patio Tomato” plant and planted for Tim (I don’t eat tomatoes). We’ll see what happens with these. Question – can you make pesto from any kind of basil? I wonder if I bought the wrong kind…

Hope things are happy, sunshiney and blooming where you are 😀