Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Question of the Day

Last week, I posed a what-would-you-do question that I stole from an online website. The question was – would you sneak a peek into someone else’s medicine cabinet in their bathroom (or drawers or other cabinets)?

My blog buddy Deb, over at Sugarfused suggested that I ask another question along the same lines… would you weigh yourself on a pair of bathroom scales in someone else’s bathroom? I probably would! It’s not nearly as nosy, and hey, you can say it’s for research, comparing your scales to theirs to see if they weigh you the same!

So, today’s Question of the Day, would you sneak a quick weigh-in on someone else’s bathroom scales?

P.S. Thanks Deb, for suggesting the question!!!

  1. Dawn Said,

    I have been quilty of weighing myself, BUT learned a lesson once and it was at my parents house of all things. Some scales now talk…..needless to say everyone heard how much I weighed too….

  2. Stacy Said,

    I’d do it in a heartbeat!

    I don’t like the scales at the gym though because everyone else can see too!

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    I probably wouldn’t, mostly because I don’t weigh myself unless I’m nekkid as a jaybird and I’m not gonna strip in somebody else’s bathroom. 😉

  4. rach Said,

    Yes, I would probably do that. When I see scales, I always have the urge to check my weight to compare it with my own weighing scale result.

  5. Laura Said,

    That is hysterical. You always have fun questions. I don’t think I would do it because I only weigh myself in the morning before I’ve eaten or done anything. So I wouldn’t be that curious what I weighed wearing shoes and fully-clothed. Heh.

  6. Laura Said,

    ps. Just read Dawn’s answer and I’m cracking up!

  7. Gail Said,

    I probably wouldn’t, just because it’s so painful to do anyway! Unless I was somewhere like your house where you’re family, and I wanted to compare my scales to yours.
    And good thing to know, what Dawn said! Now I probably wouldn’t do it at all thinking someone might hear it! 🙂

  8. Claire Said,

    I’ve done it on my grandmother’s just because they’re so old it’s funny to see what they say. I don’t think I’d do that in anyone else’s bathroom.

  9. Cam Said,

    I always do that! As long as they’re sitting out in the open (I don’t go snooping for scales or anything though), I always weigh myself. I want to compare, and usually their scale says more. 🙁 I must like the torture. 😀

  10. Stac Said,

    I have attempted it before, and the scale didn’t work, so I had to tell my friend I was trying to weigh myself after using the her bathroom…

  11. deb Said,

    Talking scales?!? Oh my lol!
    I’ll jump on anyone’s scales just as long as their behind closed doors ;~)

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