Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace


Kong ToyBeau has a new toy, recommended to me by Stacy and my sister Suzanne. It’s a red Kong, and he really seems to like it. Of course, we’re filling the thing with treats, but hey, you do what you gotta do! :mrgreen:

I had never heard of a Kong, but after seeing it and reading about it, I really like this toy. You can fill the inside cavity with any kind of food or treat, and the dog really has to work at licking the toy to get to the food inside. The red rubber itself is very sturdy and looks to be fairly indestructible. The first toy we bought Beau was a soft squeaky toy (like the kind we used to buy our other dog, a golden retriever mix), and that was a big mistake. He had chewed the ears off that toy and was pulling out the stuffing in just a few minutes. We realized right then that he needed something stronger and sturdier. I bought him some Nylabones at Petsmart last week, and he really likes those. But, we like to give him different toys and different things to chew on and play with.

I bought a bottle of Kong Stuff N Paste in the Liver flavor (they were out of peanut butter, which is what I wanted to try on him), and he LOVES this stuff! We squirt the paste in the cavity of the Kong, and he has a blast licking it and trying to get it all out. Both Stacy and Suzanne had told me that they put regular human-food peanut butter in the Kong for their dogs, so after we go through the squirt bottle of Liver paste (which won’t take long, he loves it and we’re giving him a good bit right now), we’ll try the peanut butter. (Hopefully he’s not allergic to peanuts or peanut butter… one thing at a time!)

Click on the extended entry to see some pictures I took of Beau with his Kong…

Beau checking out his new Kong toy

Beau with his new Kong toy

Beau with his new Kong toy

Beau with his new Kong toy

Beau with his new Kong toy

  1. Stacy Said,

    Go Beau Go! You’ll be up to weight in no time.

    If you really want to spoil him try the recipes at the Kong website. http://www.kongcompany.com I am still amazed at all the things you can stuff in a Kong.

    Plus, you could submit some of those great pictures there.

  2. Dawn Said,

    LOL! that last photo is wonderful! Casey — little moster that he is — actually destroyed a Kong!! i swear i have never seen a beast that was so determined to eat *everything*.

  3. Gail Said,

    Aww, cute! I know you are enjoying him…..glad he likes that toy! Peanut butter will be cheaper to keep stocked I bet; I still wonder why it doesn’t stick in their mouth like it would ours!

  4. Cam Said,

    Aww…what a happy doggie. 🙂

  5. Trista Said,

    How precious! He seems to be enjoying the new toy. A kong huh? Never heard of it before either.

  6. Wendy Said,

    Chip loved the Kong. There is another toy we got him and I can’t think of the name of it. It’s a a big rubber ball with a small hole where you put in dry pieces of food , they roll it around to get the food out. It usually kept Chip busy for awhile.

  7. Suzanne Said,

    Glad you got him the Kong, knew he’d like it !!

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