Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Daily Rambles & A Question

Well, all is right in my little world today. Mostly, anyway! I just discovered that Beau, the wonder dog, has chewed and scratched on some of my kitchen chairs. Oh well, it’s just furniture, right?! Other than that, everything is pretty rosy around here. I “survived” my doctor visit yesterday, and Tim got home really late last night. I’m so glad he’s back and didn’t have to stay the entire week on his business trip. Yippee! Plus, I got to watch the Dancing with the Stars results show last night, and Lost, both in HD. And tonight is another great TV night for us (CBS Thursday – Survivor, CSI, Shark). And…

Gosh, it’s just great weather here today!!! How about where you are? A storm front moved through yesterday, bringing us some rain, and a great drop in temperatures. It actually really feels like fall here. I love it! The high today is only supposed to be in the upper 50’s, which is great for us. Next week, it’s supposed to get back up near 80º again! This weather really makes me want to bake, and make a lot of soup and chili. Now that Tim is back from his business trip, I am revising my menu for this week. I think tonight I’ll make some homemade black bean chili to go along with the sourdough bread I have rising. I’ll post the recipe tomorrow as my entry into Favorite Ingredient Friday (last week’s recipes and links are posted here!)

I was blog surfing yesterday, and someone referenced a magazine I had not heard of, called Quick and Simple. I found their website, and was rather surprised to see that they had a poll up on their home page. The current poll is “Have you ever peeked inside someone’s medicine cabinet?” — which I thought would make a great Question of the Day. So, I’m hereby stealing it. :mrgreen:

Today’s Question of the Day: Would you ever peek inside a bathroom cabinet or drawer at someone else’s home? Only if it were a friend or close family, or not at all, or do you do it all the time?!! Inquiring minds want to know πŸ˜†

  1. Dianne Said,

    Only if i was in desperate need of some “supplies” and too embarrassed to ask. That’s the honest truth!

  2. Dianne Said,

    and then i’d feel compelled to confess anyways πŸ™‚

  3. Stacy Said,

    Only at my in-laws house & only in their guest bath. They keep it stocked with travel sized items for all kinds of needs. It’s handy! And you are supposed to look! πŸ™‚

    If you ever visit us, feel free to check out the medicine cabinet in our guest bath. It has vapor-rub in it. That’s it! Unless my hubby found out that I never check there and has started hiding some of his purchases from me … Maybe I should check with I get home.

  4. Laura Said,

    I don’t think I ever would. I don’t want to know!

  5. Bev Said,

    I’d be afraid I’d get caught and then what would I say? Glad to hear your doctor appointment went all right and that Tim got home early.

    Have a Happy!

  6. Becca Said,

    No, I don’t think that I would. I think that it would be hard for me to know that someone would invade my privacy. I think it is the do unto others thing. Just me..good question!


  7. Southern Girl Said,

    Our dog Jake has chewed off the corner of the baseboard woodwork on the door between our den and kitchen. He was pretty young when he did it, and has since out grown his taste for wood. *g*

    As for the QotD…it’s not a regular habit, but I’d be lying if I said I’d NEVER done it. *sheepish look*

  8. deb Said,

    Answer to your question…only with family lol!
    We love black bean chili! I think I’ll make a batch this weekend. The weather is perfect for it!

    As for your furniture…been there done that and have the claw / bite marks to prove it ;~)

  9. Cam Said,

    I’ve done it whenever I’ve needed something and expected that they’d have that particular toiletry/medicine/supply handy. But never just to snoop.
    That’s too bad about your chairs. I’d have to do some deep breathing to handle that nicely. πŸ˜€ LOL!

  10. rach Said,

    Thanks for the e-mail. Glad everything went well with your doctor’s visit. Thanks for all that Twix. *wink* πŸ˜€

    Oh, I envy you ‘coz the new season of Lost hasn’t started yet here. I’m getting impatient. ha! ha!

    Sorry to hear about your furniture. Maybe it’s your dog’s little way of getting your attention. Lucky for Beau, you’re very understanding.

    That’s an Interesting question. No, I haven’t peeked on anyone’s bathroom cabinet and drawer before. I don’t think I was ever curious about other people’s cabinet contents.

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