Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Voting, the 21st Century Way

We just got back from voting. It always feels really good to get out and do your civic duty, and exercise your right to vote. Tim and I both think of it as both an honor and a privilege. Part of being an American and living in this great country.

Anyway, we walked to our polling place. That’s another one of the pluses about living where we do. Our polling place is on the outskirts of our subdivision, so we can just walk. It is so pretty out today. It’s still muddy from all the rain yesterday, but really nice and sunshiny, and in the mid 60’s today. Great fall weather.

We have finally entered the 21st century in our neck of the woods. We graduated from old style ballots to new electronic voting machines. It was really nice, especially for two geeky people like ourselves. They had to “show” us what to do, and they were all really nice and it was a lot quicker with the electronic machine. 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    We had new machines too….touch screen electronic I guess. Fast, but we didn’t have much on the ballot!

  2. Laura Said,

    How funny. We’ve had electronic ballots for years. I’m always baffled by people who are “confused” by it. It seems childlike-simple to me. Congrats on voting! It should be an interesting night. K is obsessively stalking the results. Lol!

  3. Cam Said,

    Yay for voting! And congrats on the electronic voting. We have to have the basic paper ballots with pencils here in FL, after the 2000 presidential election fiasco.
    We voted today too! Not really an exciting election, but we always vote.

  4. Stacy Said,

    We got to color! I like the “Color in the Box” kind of ballot. Brings out the child in me (of course, that’s never far from the surface)

  5. Susie Said,

    We’ve had the electronic thingies here in Georgia for about 6-8 years I guess. It’s nice, isn’t it? I really like it. We had a great turnout, which was inspiring. I’m satisfied with the results in my state, but that’s pretty much where my satisfaction ends. 😉

  6. mamichelle Said,

    I’m still waiting for us to be upgraded to the 21st century! We’re still using black markers!!

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