Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Two New Recipes

After several weeks of only making “tried and true” recipes, I have finally broken out of my same-ole, same-old mode and made a couple of new things. Yesterday, I tried a new recipe for a Crockpot Cranberry Chicken, which we both liked. It has sort of a sweet and savory taste to it and we both really liked it. I will do that one again. I didn’t take a picture, sorry. It wasn’t the prettiest dish, but it tasted good, and that is all that counts in this household! The sauce/gravy was good, and we had it over no-yolk egg noodles, with some steamed fresh green beans on the side (which I spritzed with fat-free butter spray, and then sprinkled on some salt and lemon pepper). I think the beans were my favorite part 🙂

Baked Oatmeal This morning, I made a new recipe for a Baked Oatmeal. Tim, as expected, wouldn’t eat it, but I really really liked it. I had made one version (recipe here) a couple of years ago and it was good, but this one looked easier and so I decided to try it. I am trying to eat more oatmeal, and eat a little better overall. It’s always a lot easier on me to eat oatmeal in the fall and winter, when it’s cooler. In the summer, I just want my bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch or Cheerios with skim milk in the morning. Nothing hot. But this time of year, I love eating oatmeal. I bought some milled flax seed the other day in the grocery store, and am trying to sprinkle some of that on my oatmeal, to be a little extra healthy. I didn’t add any to this recipe, but I might try some next time. It was really good, and very filling. I have a bunch left for breakfast for me for the rest of the week. I will just take a square out, pop it in the microwave, and voila, hot oatmeal :mrgreen:

P.S. The recipes are listed on the main website at Hambones.org (just click on the links above), so feel free to check them out. I must mention that I got both of these recipes from the message boards at the Cooking Light website. I always find a lot of really good recipes there, and I like reading all the feedback and comments there. The same with AllRecipes.com, I like to see what other people, “real” people, thought and what they changed or modified about the original recipe.

  1. Gail Said,

    I made that cranberry chicken one a year or 2 ago and have made it a couple of times. I think I remember too that it wasn’t a “pretty” dish. And the sauce was pretty good too.
    I’ve made baked oatmeal before but haven’t done it in a while! I love it with yogurt on it after it is baked.
    Tell Tim the rule is you are supposed to at least try a small portion of something new!

  2. presentstorm Said,

    Hey thanks for this recipe.. I LOVE Oatmeal and new ways to eat it. I can make this and lil one and I can eat on it for the week. I too have flax seed …I think I will add some to it 🙂 Thanks for that idea as well.

    Hope you are having a great week 🙂

  3. Dianne Said,

    Mmmm. I love oatmeal. I’ll definitely be trying this one soon. Thanks for sharing!

  4. rach Said,

    That looks very appetizing. I’ve been eating the same old oatmeal so it would be refreshing to try another recipe.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Shawna Said,

    The oatmeal sounds good. Thanks for visiting my blog the other day. Vader’s Mom told me I should check your site out. Also, a neat fact about flaxseed (if you haven’t heard) is you can use it in baking in place of an egg. Just add 1 Tbsp of ground flaxseed and 3 Tbsp of water. I like to use it in muffins.

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