Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Outdoor Pictures

I have taken a few pictures over the last few days of things outside in our yard and neighborhood, and thought I would post them here. We’re not having a lot of fall color, since we are so far south, but we are starting to see a little. The cooler temperatures we’ve had the last few days are really starting to help, I think.

I also bought a few more pansies yesterday, that I just finished planting. I *think* I’m through with planting pansies for this fall, although I have one more small flower bed I’m considering putting some in. My problem with flowers in the spring and fall is that I see them in the stores and nurseries and get all ga-ga over them… I love buying them and taking them home, and then I absolutely dread planting them! Isn’t that silly?! 😆

OK, here’s a picture of my Confederate Rose that started blooming about the third week of October. I don’t quite understand how this thing blooms so late in the year, with big huge blooms that are such a pale pink. These sooo look like spring bloomers to me, but they bloom in late October and early November every year. I love this one, because there was a bee buzzing around the bloom, look on the right:

Confederate Rose blooming

Click on the extended entry for another picture of my confederate rose, some of the fall foliage on our street, and some of the pansies I just bought and planted 🙂

Another view of my Confederate Rose blooming… the branches extend way above the eaves of our house, so I had to look upward to take the picture of these, so nothing but sky in the background:

Confederate Rose blooming

Fall Foliage on our street, and in our front yard:

Fall Foliage 2006

Fall Foliage 2006

Fall Foliage 2006

The pansies I picked up at Walmart yesterday, before I planted them today:

Pansies to be planted

And the ones that I just loved, I thought this was such a great color, they are sort of purple, sort of reddish, and sort of yellow. I think they are just really pretty!!!

Pretty Pansies

  1. rach Said,

    Wonderful photos. Those pictures inspire me to take advantage of the beautiful day outside.

    You have beautiful flowers. The burst of colors must really be a refreshing sight especially in the morning. Just looking at them will inspire your day.

    Have a nice Sunday.

  2. booklogged Said,

    Stace, those are beautiful pictures. Obviously the Confederate Rose isn’t really a rose, is it? It almost looks like it belongs to the hollyhock family.

    Sadly, fall has past in my neck of the woods. Now when I look at my bedroom window, my lovely Linden is just bare branches. :

  3. Stacy Said,


  4. mouse Said,

    Enjoyed reading your blog and hearing about your dog, he is a cutie. I sure hope he starts eating better soon. We use to have a big dog that just never ate much and his bones always stuck out, when we moved we had to find a new home for him but he drove me crazy with always burying his food and not eating it no matter what we bought him. The flowers are beautiful. And I copied a few of your recipes. really enjoyed the visit and will be back.

  5. Dawn Said,

    your photos are beautiful Stace!

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