Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

It’s that time of the week again, to post our menus and check out the other ones at OrgJunkie ‘s blog. I love seeing what everyone else is cooking, and getting some good ideas for meals. Love seeing new recipes too! 🙂

Sunday – Game Day Food …we grilled burgers and turkey burgers, have enough left for lunches for a couple of days.

Monday – new recipe for Crockpot Cranberry chicken, couscous or egg noodles, fresh green beans

Tuesday – Grilled Salmon (Stacy)/Grilled Chicken (Tim), baked sweet potatoes, butter peas

Wednesday – Light Night (Tim weighs in at his weight loss group on Thursday morning) – Grilled Chicken Salad

ThursdaySausage Corn Chowder, bread

Friday – probably Date Night

Saturday – undecided…we might be out of town for the day

Sunday – Game Day Food – buffalo wings, oven fries

I’m also hoping to make a batch of baked oatmeal for myself for breakfast and snacks this week. I’ve made one before (this recipe) and while I liked it, I think I am going to try a different recipe. I found a Cooking Light version posted at their message boards that uses raisins, walnuts, applesauce, oatmeal, etc and I’m going to try to make that one to compare. If I get industrious, that is! Good intentions and all 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    Looks good! Is that my recipe for the cranberry crockpot chicken? I’ve made it a few times before….and I bought whole wheat couscous the last time I bought some!

  2. Claire Said,

    Crockpt cranberry chicken? Sounds interesting. let me know how it goes

  3. rach Said,

    Game Day Food – how nice! 🙂 I love buffalo wings and fries too.

  4. Krystal Said,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is awesome. I had cranberry chicken at a potluck several years ago and it was very tastey;0)
    God Bless.~Krystal

  5. Judi Said,

    Sounds good! By the way, on the Slow Cooker Thai Chicken….how much red pepper and garlic do you use?

  6. paperback writer Said,

    Monday – cibatta bread sandwiches filled with proscuitto, bleu cheese and roasted red peppers

    Tuesday – free day

    Wednesday – I’ll be in Erie

    Thursday – Coming home from Erie

    Friday – free day, I’ll probably be eating at Loki’s parents house

    Saturday – leftovers

    Sunday – leftovers

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