Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Beau Video Fest

I gave Tim a new gadget this year for Christmas – a Flip video camera. It’s very small, and it was really sort of a selfish gift – I think I’m going to use it as much as Tim! Tim is always wanting me to tape his golf swing. He analyzes it on the computer, and then works on his swing with various clubs. I have an older Kodak camera that takes MPEG’s and we have a very old handheld camcorder, that uses Hi8 tape (so of course, he can’t use that with the computer). I got him the Flip Video because it is really small, and it has a nice little pop-out USB connector on it (which plugs right into the computer, or we can use the cables to hook it up to the plasma tv and watch the videos on the big screen). However, as I said, it was sort of a selfish gift. I thought I *might* use it sometimes to take videos of Beau. And of course, at family get-togethers and birthday parties and such. So, really, it was sort of a gift for both of us. 🙄

Guess what I have more videos of than anything? Yep, you guessed it – Beau. I only uploaded a couple, and I’m hoping they work. I have steadfastly refused to setup an account at YouTube so far, but I may have to do that soon. I’m trying to get these to work from Google Video. Please let me know if you have any trouble viewing these videos. If you even want to look at them. After all, he’s just a dog. He’s our furry child, but he is just a dog. 🙂

These are a LOT more pixelated and blurry looking online than they are on my computer. Oh well, you get the general idea. First, here’s Beau playing in the leaves a few days after Christmas. I uploaded it but forgot to post it!

Beau playing on his old bed, rolling around like a crazy dog. He does this a lot! (Note: Longest Video)

Beau playing with his new new Wubba (and Tim!) – he uses all his paws. Only fair!

P.S. My blog buddy, Desert Songbird, requested new photos of Beau, so I thought I’d try this. I can post photos of him too though. I still take tons of photos of him. Poor thing. He’s getting old. I found the first couple of grey hairs on his muzzle the other day. I nearly cried. I don’t want my puppy dog to grow up and grow old 🙁

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Posted by Stace

Books, E-Readers and a QOTD

I know a lot of bloggers aren’t avid readers, but I am one of those who is. I read a lot more since Tim took up golf, LOL! I ended up reading 88 books last year (get it, 88 in 08?!), and will once again shoot for 75 or more this year. 2007 was my highest year ever, when I read 104 books. I’m not sure I’ll top 100 ever again, but it was nice to do it that time.

Anyway, I’ve read a whopping one book so far this year. 😀 We are staying pretty busy and I haven’t had much time to read. We have gotten some new games for the Wii lately, plus it’s hunting and football season (Tim’s other hobbies besides golf). Maybe once the Super Bowl is over, I’ll have a little more time to read.

I was in Sam’s Club last weekend, stocking up on a few things, and I went to check out the books. Being an avid reader, I look at the book section in any store I go to (Walmart, Target, Sam’s and of course bookstores). I was really surprised to see that Sam’s is now selling the Sony E-reader. I was also surprised at its size. Not only is it smaller than I thought, but that thing is thin. I think the product info said it is 1/3 of an inch thick. I held my iPhone up to it and it is bigger than that, but it’s still a very manageable size. I guess seeing these things in person, as opposed to online, really makes a difference. I’ve heard so much about Amazon’s Kindle but I have never seen one in person. I have been thinking off and on, for a while now, about whether I would like one of these one day or not.

I’ve had a blog post brewing in my head for months, about the pros and cons of printed books versus electronic books. About the way things will go in the future and if these things will even be around in 10 years. Or if the way of the printed book is going to some day be like trying to find a coin-operated pay phone.

I, for one, am not sure that I’ll ever be able to transition from printed books to a digital reader. I think I like holding a book in my hand and turning the page. But I do know this, I think I could convert to a digital reader a whole lot quicker than audiobooks. I’ve tried those, and they just don’t work for me. Hearing someone else read to me just doesn’t work for me, I like to read myself and “hear” my own voice in my head. If that makes any sense at all. However, I must admit, after seeing this e-reader in person, it makes me think that on some level I might really like it. I certainly love all of the other electronic gadgets in my life and have adapted to them quite well. One of the biggest drawbacks for me, I think, is not being able to get books free from the library, but having to always pay for them. If my library ever starts offering free downloads to a digital reader, that might really propel me into getting one.

OK, so, if you’re a reader, or even if you’re not, I’d love to hear what you think. Today’s Question of the Day is – do you have a Sony Digital Reader or an Amazon Kindle, and if not, do you think you might ever get one? Do you think digital books will be the way in the future, or do you think printed books, bookstores, libraries and the like are here to stay for our foreseeable lifetime?

Leave me a comment and let me know! Happy Reading!

Posted by Stace

Railroad Crossing

On my way to the grocery store today (you remember me, I’m the weirdo who actually loves to go grocery shopping!), I had to cross the railroad tracks. I always, always, slow down and look both ways before I go over these tracks. It’s in a fairly high traffic area, and I’ve always noticed that most people don’t stop. There are bars that come down and bells that ring when the bars lower, but I never like to trust my safety to that mechanism. So, I slow down and look. I think there’s probably 15 or 20 trains that come flying through here on a daily basis.

I actually had the person behind me blow at me today! I guess they were in a big hurry, and I, of course, was not. I looked in my rearview mirror and the guy had thrown up his hands, I guess to say, hurry up lady, you’re slowing me down. I got a little aggravated. I mean, after all, isn’t it the law to slow down at railroad crossings? I know I see school buses do it. I always do it. But apparently most people do not.

I have tons of pet peeves about driving and other drivers (tailgating, people texting or talking on their cell phone, women applying makeup while driving, people pulling out slowly and making me slam on my brakes, etc. The list goes on and on!) Normally this is not one of them, railroad crossings, but today it got on my nerves. Or at least that other driver got on my nerves with his reaction.

So, let me know if you fly over railroad crossings, trusting that the bars and bells will come down to stop you if a train is coming. Or let me know if you’re like me and slow down before you go over them. I guess I really am turning out to be a little ole grandma kind of driver!

Posted by Stace

Another year, Another jigsaw puzzle

I really like doing jigsaw puzzles around the holidays. They’re cheap, they’re fun, and they are really good for someone like my darling husband (who is very driven, and likes to work on things until they are completed. In other words, type A) 🙂

Here’s the one we did this year. It’s a 1000 piece puzzle, and I must admit that Tim did way more than half of it. It took us a little longer than normal to finish, since we were gone a couple of days over the long holiday weekend. It felt like a big achievement when we finally put in the last piece yesterday!

Isnt it pretty?!

Isn't it pretty?!

So, how about you? Do you enjoy puzzles of any kind? Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or any other kind of puzzle game? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Posted by Stace

Chick-Lit Challenge 2009

I’ve decided to join the reading challenge at The Twiga Blog, the 2009 Chick Lit Challenge. The rules are:

Back by popular demand, the 2009 Chick Lit Challenge has been expanded for the whole year! From January 1 through December 31, 2009, read at least 10 chick lit books. Books can overlap with other challenges and you can change your list at any time.

Debi (aka Twiga) has set up another installment of her popular reading challenge. I didn’t participate in 2008, but I wish I had! I read a lot of chick-lit in 08, and I’m having a hard time finding books left to read for the challenge this year, LOL! Mostly because I’m trying to read books I already own before buying more or going to the library. However, I don’t have enough chick-lit books here in my TBR pile to complete this challenge, so I’ll have to do one of those to finish the list at some point.

Here’s what I have so far:

1. The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepherd & Eva Marie Everson – read June 09

2. The Potluck Club Trouble’s Brewing – read June 09

3. The Potluck Club Takes the Cake – read July 09

4. She’s All That (Spa girls 1) by Kristin Billerbeck- read February 09

5. A Girl’s Best Friend (Spa Girls 2) by Kristin Billerbeck- read March 09

6. Calm, Cool & Adjusted (Spa Girls 3) by Kristin Billerbeck- read March 09

7. Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner- read April 09

8. Crazy for You by Jennifer Crusie

9. Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah (not sure if this is chick-lit???) // Changed to:
9. The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter – read July 09

10. Happily Ever After by Susan May Warren – read January 09

Thanks to Debi for sponsoring this challenge and I’m looking forward to reading lots of chick-lit this year! 🙂

I participated in the first “What’s in a Name” challenge last year and had a great time picking and reading the books. So, it was a no-brainer that I would join again!

Annie is hosting again this year, at a new blog place (here). The rules are as follows:

*Dates: January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009

*The Challenge: Choose one book from each of the following categories.

1. A book with a “profession” in its title. Examples might include: The Book Thief, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Historian

2. A book with a “time of day” in its title. Examples might include: Twilight, Four Past Midnight, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

3. A book with a “relative” in its title. Examples might include: Eight Cousins, My Father’s Dragon, The Daughter of Time

4. A book with a “body part” in its title. Examples might include: The Bluest Eye, Bag of Bones, The Heart of Darkness

5. A book with a “building” in its title. Examples might include: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Little House on the Prairie, The Looming Tower

6. A book with a “medical condition” in its title. Examples might include: Insomnia, Coma, The Plague

*You may overlap books with other challenges, but please don’t use the same book for more than one category.

I am struggling a bit with books in one of the categories. I’ve already tentatively chosen the following books for my picks, but I might substitute one or two along the way if I come across a book that looks better 🙂

My choices:

1. A book with a “Profession” in the title – The Broker by John Grisham — Read in February 09.

2. A book with a “Time of Day” in the title – Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy or Four Seasons by Mary Alice Monroe — Read “Nights of Rain and Stars” in January 09.

3. A book with a “Relative” in the title – The Preachers Daughter by Beverly Lewis

4. A book with a “Body Part” in the title – The Amethyst Heart by Penelope Stokes — Read November 09

5. A book with a “Building” in the title – A Painted House by John Grisham — Read March 09.

6. A book with a “Medical Condition” in the title – Survivors Club by Lisa Gardner or Life Support by Tess Gerritsen — Read “Life Support” in January 09.

Thanks to Annie for hosting again this year. Happy Reading!

Posted by Stace

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve celebrating, and hopefully it was a safe one. We stay home on New Years Eve. I don’t like to be out with the crazies 🙂 I grew up working a jigsaw puzzle with my sister Suzanne during the holidays, and have carried that tradition over to me and Tim. We pull out a jigsaw puzzle on New Years Eve (or sometimes the day before, but this year, it was NY Eve evening before we opened it) and then work on it until it’s complete. This year it’s a 1000 piece so it will take a few days.

I haven’t had much blogging mojo lately with the holidays. I hope that disappears soon. I realized a few days ago that I’m coming up on my four year blogging anniversary. I really and truly often feel that I have run out of things to say! 😀 Hopefully I can think of something soon to blog about 🙂

I hope to be back after the long NY holiday weekend and talk books a little. I completed 88 books in 08. Love the alliteration! I am contemplating joining two reading challenges for 09, but I have to check to see if I can even still sign up now. I had it all in the back of my head, but with the holidays, I haven’t done a thing about signing up, or picking books.

Hope you’re all having a great holiday and are off to a fantastic start to 2009! Take care and have a great holiday weekend!

P.S. If you’re not seeing the new blue theme, with a snowy cabin at the top, please look on the top right side of my blog. There’s two “skins” to this theme, and the summer one is green. Click on the winter one to see what I wished it looked like here! 🙂

Posted by Stace

After the Holiday

It’s always just the slightest bit of a letdown to me after Christmas is over. We had three nice celebrations this year, and a wonderful Christmas. We went to my in-laws, to my sister’s and were actually able to stay home on Christmas Eve this year, which is a rare treat. Normally we travel on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but we had a great day to ourselves on Christmas Eve. I made my traditional sticky buns for breakfast, then a ham and several side dishes for our big Christmas meal at home.

After it’s all over though, I always have mixed emotions. For one thing, the tree always looks so lonely and sad with no presents under it. I still love seeing the tree and all the decorations and lights, but some part of me always wants to go ahead and get things taken down and put up for the year. My mom always took down the tree before the New Year, so we never left ours up for Epiphany. I am that same way, so I’m trying to decide when to take it all down. I started this morning, picking up a few things, but I still have a ton left to do. Just taking apart and packing up my Snow Village is a job 🙂

So, how about you… did you have a wonderful Christmas at your house? When does your tree and decorations come down? Soon after Christmas, by New Years, by Epiphany, or sometime after that? Vote and let me know!

[poll id=”8″]

Oh, and by the way, I’m trying out a new winter look on the blog – what do you think? Let me know if you have problems viewing anything 🙂 It’s sort of odd for me to be putting up this new look, considering it’s 76 degrees here right now. We spent most of our Christmas in short sleeves, as it’s been really warm here lately. Doesn’t feel like winter at all!

Have a great day!

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Posted by Stace

Merry Christmas!

We’re busy celebrating Christmas with family, so I won’t be posting much until after the holidays. I’ll try to post some after Christmas, and before New Years. I have one or two reading challenges that I am probably going to participate in for the upcoming year. But until then, I won’t be on the computer hardly at all. I wanted to stop and wish each and every one of you a very blessed, very joyous Christmas!

From our family to yours – Merry Christmas!!!


I finished the books I set out to read for the Winter Holiday Reading Challenge (original post here). I also read a book entitled “My Mother’s Wish: An American Christmas Carol”, which was very short and pretty decent, but was not my favorite of the books I read. My original three books I chose were more to my liking. I tend to like really sweet, really old-fashioned, easy books, especially at this hectic time of year.

The books I completed were:

1) Till Morning is Nigh by Leisha Kelly (part of the Wortham Family series of books I am reading)
2) A Cedar Cove Christmas by Debbie Macomber (part of the Cedar Cove series, fit in nicely after the 8th book I recently finished)
3) The Spirit of the Season by Dana Corbit (part of the Grace Chapel Inn series I am reading)

As you can see, these all fit in with current series that I am reading, so that was an added bonus for me. Irregardless, I really enjoy reading holiday books this time of year and am glad that I got a chance to participate in this challenge. I hope to do it again next year.

For the record, I’ve completed 85 books so far this year, for a total of 27,320 pages. I have started another book (“Sugar Cookie Murder” by Joanne Fluke, one of the Christmas offerings in a series of cozy mysteries that I am reading) and will probably finish it before the year is out. The really odd, anal side of me wishes that I wouldn’t read it or another book. I like round numbers, people. 85 is a round number, 86 or 87 is not, LOL! Anyway, I have so many more books to read, and I’m looking forward to turning the calendar to January and starting on a new goal for 2009. 🙂

Happy Reading!

Posted by Stace

Poll – Your Tree and Lights

I know everyone is busy, as are we. I thought a quick poll would be the best way to blog right about now! 🙂

Today’s Christmas-themed poll is always a favorite of mine. My tree and my Snow Village are some of my most favorite decorations, and I always love hearing about what other people have and how they decorate at their house. Everyone has their own traditions and reasons, and it’s always fun for me to read about them.

[poll id=”7″]

Feel free to leave a comment about what you have at your house, if it’s the same every year, different every year or this year for a certain reason, or whatever. Or just vote and go about your business of being a Happy Elf this joyous Christmas season! 😀

Merry Christmas!

Posted by Stace

Ain’t He Cool?!

Beau with his cool shades on

Beau is the coolest dog around!

Beau is the coolest dog around

Lest you think this was an easy photo to get, think again! Beau does not like anything on him. He tolerates a collar but that’s it. I’ve bought him bandannas and scarves and camouflage vests for hunting, and even some cute reindeer antlers for Christmas. He doesn’t like anything on his head or body. If he keeps it on two seconds, it’s a LONG time. 🙂 He tolerated Tim’s sunglasses for a second or two this weekend though, long enough for me to snap these! 😀

Posted by Stace

QOTD – Presents or Gifts or …

Christmas PresentsToday’s Christmas-themed “Question of the Day” is an easy one! It’s all about the presents or gifts under your tree. Do you wrap more presents using wrapping paper or do you use more gift bags? Do you try to wrap your presents as you go, or do you have one marathon wrapping session? Does your wrapping paper have a color theme or other theme? Or is it a mish-mash of colors, patterns and styles?

Here’s my answers – I try to wrap most of my presents, and I use an assortment of paper. Not the expensive stuff, or something with a nice coordinating theme. I buy a lot of paper from Walmart and Target the day-after Christmas and put it up for the next year. It’s whatever colors or patterns or paper catch my eye. It’s a total riot of color under my tree, not well-coordinated at all 😀 I try to wrap as I go, but I usually end up having at least one marathon wrapping session. I like to put on a Christmas movie and wrap while watching one of my favorite classics. Tim will help if I ask him – he’s good about doing the paper, then I do the bows, tags, etc. He won’t volunteer but he will help if I ask 🙂 I usually end up putting a couple of things in gift bags, but I try not to overdo it on the bags. I think it’s more fun to unwrap something on Christmas morning, rather than just opening the top of a bag and finding the present under a layer of tissue paper.

Oh, and for the record, I have only wrapped one present so far this year. I hope to get started today. The weather is dreary (raining and sleeting, we were supposed to get snow flurries, but so far, nada) and it’s a good day to stay inside and try to wrap some presents.

How about you? Do you have a well-coordinated tree as far as the presents and gifts go? Are there a lot of bags under your tree? Are you up late on Christmas Eve, still trying to wrap everything and get it under the tree, or do you have yours wrapped a couple of weeks (or months?!) ahead of time? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Posted by Stace

A Day in Pictures

I haven’t had much time to blog lately, and I don’t see that changing until after the holidays. How about you, are you crazy busy too? I’ve got a couple of Question of the Day’s coming up, and maybe a poll, but that’s the extent of it 🙂

We’re staying busy with the holiday season and birthdays. We went Saturday to my in-laws for our niece’s fifteenth birthday. When on earth did that child get to be 15? Seems like yesterday she was just 3 or 4, and climbing on my back all the time 🙂 Brittany got a digital camera and was so excited about it – me, too! I love having another budding photographer in the family!

I’ve thought for years that Brittany needs to go to vet school when she is older. The girl loves animals and they love her. Every animal I’ve ever seen around her just flocks to her 🙂

Brittany with Beau and Roscoe

Brittany with Beau and Roscoe

Tim got a chance to test out the gun he got for his birthday, and then take Beau squirrel hunting. The dog was in sheer heaven. No squirrels, but they had a blast together in the woods!

Tim sighting his new gun

Tim sighting his new gun

I took a couple of scenic shots that I really liked:

Dead Tree at Sunset

Sunset in the country

I love being out in the country at sunset and after dark. We just don’t see sunsets in the suburbs like this, nor do we see as many stars in a pitch black sky 🙂

Hope you all had a great weekend, and will have a wonderful week coming up. Enjoy the Christmas season!

Posted by Stace

Christmas Meme

I’m going to fall back on an old favorite, doing memes. I did a lot of memes when I first started blogging, but I don’t do them very often now. I think I got burned out! I’ve seen this one at Annie‘s blog, as well as several other blogs, so I thought I’d swipe it and play today. Feel free to keep it going at your blog if you’d like!

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags? Mostly wrapping paper, I like for people to have things to open at the holidays. I do fall back on gift bags if it’s an odd size or last minute thing. Very few though

2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial. And pre-lit now (post here when we bought it two years ago, Tim hates stringing the lights!)

3. When do you put up the tree? After Thanksgiving and Tim’s birthday

4. When do you take the tree down? After Christmas but before New Years

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, but Tim doesn’t, so I rarely buy any

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hello. I can’t remember my childhood. I have no idea!

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, and I’ve blogged about it before – it’s olive wood and my mother-in-law bought it for us in the Holy Land. A family treasure, to be sure

8. Hardest person to buy for? a tie between my dad and father-in-law

9. Easiest person to buy for? probably my mother-in-law or sister Gail

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I joke with Tim about the year he bought me a vacuum cleaner…. (oh, and I have blogged about that too. It seems I’ve already blogged about everything imaginable here, huh?!)

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? It’s A Wonderful Life to watch on Christmas Eve, and The Bishop’s Wife while wrapping presents 🙂

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving and Tim’s birthday, usually around the first of December. I’d start earlier, but I don’t get any suggestions or ideas until I beg for them. It’s like pulling teeth on both sides of the family!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Goodness, all of it! I miss my mom’s divinity, and I do love fudge, but I don’t turn down any sweets or “special” food 🙂

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear

17. Favorite Christmas song? I couldn’t pick one, but I tend to like more traditional hymns like O Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night, Joy to the World, O Holy Night, etc. I’m really enjoying the new Faith Hill Christmas CD this year, very traditional and she has a great voice

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Both. Always. We travel to Tim’s parents, my sisters and rarely stay home. This year, for only the second time in our marriage, we’ll be home on Christmas Eve and able to spend time at our house. I am unbelievably excited about that 🙂

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Yes, thanks to the Rudolf song!

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We’ll open 3 times this year, the Saturday before Christmas (Tim’s side), Christmas Eve (just us and Beau) and Christmas Day (at my sister’s)

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The materialism and overdone-ness at the season. We’re all such consumers and it’s about buy, buy, buy. The crowds and the traffic bug me too.

23. What I love most about Christmas? being with family, celebrating the birth of our Lord

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