Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Checkin In

Thought I would try to check in, while we have Internet access šŸ™‚

We left Friday and spent the weekend with Gail (my sister) and Don at Callaway Gardens Georgia. The guys played golf on all 3 courses and Gail and I hung out and looked for something blooming. šŸ™„ They have the coolest butterfly conservatory there, and I took over 100 pictures of butterflies! We also toured the horticultural center and other spots at the resort, did a short trail, and also tagged along on 9 holes of golf with the guys. We had great weather and had a great time. We wished Gail and Don had been able to come with us on the last leg of our vacation, but they had to get home.

We left Monday and went to Warm Springs, Georgia. I realized I had lost my sunglasses (something I never do!) and we had to stop at a Dollar store and buy me some replacements. We toured the ā€œLittle White Houseā€ in Warm Springs and saw the only home that Franklin Delano Roosevelt ever owned. We also visited the springs and the water is warm, but not hot. They had a good museum there about Roosevelt, his presidency, his life and works, and his polio. We both love history, so this was a great little spot for us to visit.

We got to Savannah yesterday (Monday) and we love our hotel and location! Weā€™re in the historic district, one block from the river and Riverwalk, in a historic inn that was originally built in the 1850ā€™s as offices for cotton merchants. The ceilings are very high, we think 16ā€² tall, and the rooms have these huge windows. The first floor facade is cast iron, which was common for the time. We love our room, and the location and have done a lot of walking around and visiting sites in Savannah. We are hanging out in our room this afternoon (Tuesday) because it is dark and pouring rain! A line of thunderstorms are moving through, so we hope it will clear up later. Thereā€™s more we want to see, although Tim is not interested in touring some of the old houses that I had wanted to see. He said heā€™d go, but I hate to drag him when heā€™s not interested.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hello to everyone. Iā€™m taking lots of pictures, and will post some after we get home. These are all scenic pictures though, thereā€™s very few ā€œpeopleā€ pictures on this vacation, except for a couple that Gail took for us over the weekend. I have lots of pictures of butterflies, flowers, buildings, monuments and old buildings though!!! šŸ˜€

Have a great week, weā€™ll be home soon and I hope to return to daily blogging then! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Road Trip

Road Trip!Weā€™re headed out on our vacation. I know we will have internet access from at least one place we are staying, but that is next week. Iā€™m not sure how often Iā€™ll be able to check in, but I will if I can and have time. šŸ™‚ We are taking the laptop, just in case!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and week! See ya when we get back!

Posted by Stace

Last Minute Stuff

Well, I hate missing a Thursday Thirteen (I had a nice little streak going :roll:), but I just donā€™t have time to throw one together, much less visit anyone else. And I hate not being able to reciprocate, so I just decided to skip it this week. And next week as well, as weā€™ll be on vacation.

I have tons to do, lots of last minute vacation stuff. I have to make a list and start packing, as well as get all of our clothes washed today. We went last night and picked up a couple of new things (yeah!) for vacation. Mostly golf-related stuff for Tim, but I did get a new pair of jeans. Wishful thinking on my part, I think, that I will be able to wear jeans and not shorts!

We taped the results show of Dancing with the Stars and I was not surprised by the outcome. Totally forgot to tape Bones also, which is a good show. Iā€™m looking forward to Survivor tonight! I hope our HD channel is going to broadcast it in HD, we love catching stuff on our new digital/HD line-up. I also have to get busy and make a list of shows to tape while we are gone. Lots of our favorites are going to be on while weā€™re off on vacation, and while we might get a chance to watch them, I donā€™t want to risk it! So, I want to try to tape as much as we can. On the list, the premiere of Amazing Race Sunday night, NCIS & The Unit next week, Dancing with the Stars, etc. Weā€™ll also have to tape our football game on Sunday!

OK, since it went over well yesterday, weā€™ll try another Question of the Day:

Do you make an effort to clean up your house before you leave on vacation?

I do, itā€™s this weird obsessive thing I have. My husband always teases me that Iā€™m cleaning up for the burglars. I think that mostly I just like everything to be as neat and orderly as possible when we get home. Weā€™re usually tired from vacation, and have mountains of laundry to catch up on, as well as a bunch of other stuff that needs to be done when we get back. A dirty or messy house is not something I relish returning home to.

Leave me a comment and let me know if you share this pre-vacation cleaning syndrome! šŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

This N That

I havenā€™t been blogging much lately, because I havenā€™t had a lot of time. First off, Iā€™m still on my month-long federal jury summons, but so far I have not had to go in. I keep hearing those three little words I love ā€“ ā€œDo. Not. Report.ā€ and they make me so happy. šŸ˜†

Da Blog ā€“ I worked the other day on a new look for the blog. I know a lot of you donā€™t like it, either itā€™s too dark or too hard to read. Iā€™m still looking for something else that will work, but in the mean time, Iā€™m going to leave this one up. I just donā€™t have time to work on another one. Sorry, hope everyone understands!

Menu ramblings ā€“ I post my weekly menu every week, as part of a meme sponsored by Laura. I love doing this, but we donā€™t always stick to the plan! This has been one of those weeks (starting tonight, the rest of the menu probably wonā€™t go according to plan!) I did make the Tortilla Torta on Monday, and itā€™s really just an easy layered enchilada pie. Very gooey, pretty good, and meatless too (shhh, donā€™t tell Tim!). I also made a quick dressing to go on a side salad. I surfed around and couldnā€™t find a Mexican type salad dressing, but I saw an idea and used it, and I really liked it. I took some low-fat Ranch salad dressing, mixed it with some plain non-fat yogurt, a squirt of lime juice and a bunch of cumin. Whisked it all together to taste and had it over a green salad. I really liked it and will do that again. Last night, I tried a new way to do chicken, with feta cheese. It was good, but next time I will use more feta. Basically, itā€™s just a baked chicken with feta inside. I pounded my chicken breasts flat, dipped them in beaten egg whites, then rolled in bread crumbs. On the inside, I put some feta then sort of rolled them up. Next time, Iā€™ll definitely put more feta. You couldnā€™t taste it in half the chicken, but it was still good. I also sprayed the top of the bread crumbs with fat-free spray butter, so that made it crispier. Tim loves fried chicken, but I never fry things, so this is as close as he gets!

TV ā€“ I watched the season premiere of ā€œDancing with the Starsā€ last night, and loved it. I didnā€™t see the first few dancers (long story, we had a lady knock on the door who bought something at our garage sale and wanted HELP with it. Argh. To me, if you buy something at a garage sale, itā€™s ā€œAs Isā€. I would NEVER drive back to someones house and ring their doorbell at dinnertime and ask for help.) Anyway, I didnā€™t see Tucker Carlson except in the recap at the end, but he looked very wooden. So did Harry Hamlin and Jerry Springer, so Iā€™m not sure who will be the first to go. It sure looks like Mario Lopez will be the one to beat this time. He looked really good out there. I also checked out the show after it, ā€œMen in Treesā€ and it was ok. Iā€™m looking forward to Survivor starting tomorrow night. We always watch that show. šŸ™‚

Vacation ā€“ Iā€™ve been doing a bunch of vacation planning and printing out maps and itineraries. We leave in a couple of days on vacation, so the blogging will be sporadic from here on out until we get back. We will have internet access from some of our hotel spots, so I will try to check in and post if I have time. No guarantees, though! Since weā€™re driving, we will take the laptop and maybe Iā€™ll be able to post some.

OK, I have to go run errands and maybe do a little shopping. Normally, when we go on vacation, I always get some new clothes. I havenā€™t bought a single thing for this trip so far, and I am thinking I need to!

So, that brings up a question of the day ā€“ when you go on vacation, do you usually get any new clothes for the trip? Leave me a comment and let me know!


The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith I finished another book from my ā€œpileā€ last night ā€“ ā€œThe No. 1 Ladies Detective Agencyā€ by Alexander McCall Smith. This is the first in a series of books about a lady detective in the country of Botswana. I knew McCall Smith was a Scottish writer, and I thought I was going to be starting a series about people in Scotland. I bought the wrong book though, as that is a different series. This book was good, not outstanding, but good and different. It was more like a series of short stories, as each chapter was devoted either to the main character, Precious Ramotswe, one of her friends or family members, or a case she was working on. Most of the chapters were short vignettes of cases in Botswana that she worked on. The books are filled with local color, words, places, and stories of life in that part of Africa (near South Africa and Namibia). It was different from the normal books I read, and therefore good for me to read, to break out of my norm. I think I will try to read some of the others in this series later, but I will try to get them from the library and not buy more of them. I also plan to start at least one or two of the other series by this author. In addition to all the other ā€œseriesā€ type books I have either started or want to start by many other authors! šŸ˜€

For the record, that makes #55 for the year so far, with a total of 19,393 pages read. Up next is a book I picked up recently at a library sale, ā€œSullivanā€™s Islandā€ by Dorothea Benton Frank. I read my first book by this Southern author recently (read the review here), and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a light, engrossing, very quick read, and I hope this one is very similar.

If youā€™re currently reading a book, or have one to recommend, be sure to leave me a comment! Not only do I love comments :mrgreen: but I am always looking for good books or new authors to check out.

Posted by Stace

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law Amanda! We hope she has a great day, and a wonderful upcoming year!

Amanda has a blog here at Hambones, but she hasnā€™t had much time to post lately, so I wonā€™t ask anyone to go there and post birthday greetings to her. She checks in here sometimes, so hopefully she will see this šŸ™‚ Happy Birthday Amanda ā€“ have a wonderful day!!!

Posted by Stace

Another Meme

I saw this at Stephanieā€˜s blog and liked it, so I thought Iā€™d be pushy and invite myself to play along! šŸ™‚

1. If you make sweet tea, do you use Luzianne, Lipton or _______ whatever your brand is? Weā€™re a Lipton family here. I buy regular black tea bags and I recently bought a bag of green tea bags to try. For herbal teas, I either buy Lipton or Celestial Seasonings (have Red Zinger right now)

2. What brand of toilet paper do you buy, and is it the larger rolls or regular? I buy the big mega-pack at Samā€™s of Quilted Northern. šŸ™‚

3. Which brand of bath soap do you use? Is it body wash or bar style? For both of us, I buy Lever 2000 body wash. Then, I have some scented stuff I use from time to time, from Bath and Body Works. Right now, itā€™s Cherry Blossom and in the winter, itā€™s usually Warm Vanilla Sugar.

4. Which cereal do you buy for yourself? Wow. Weā€™re definitely cereal people. I probably buy at least 6 boxes a month for the two of us. We both eat Raisin Bran Crunch, I eat several of the Cheerios (plain, yogurt burst, both vanilla and strawberry, and I just bought the fruit ones), and then we also usually have either Special K or Corn Flakes on hand. I also keep granola on hand too, for cereal, topping or munching. šŸ˜€

5. What brand of dishwasher detergent do you use and is it liquid or tablets? Again, I go with what I buy in large quantity at Samā€™s. For years, that has been Cascade gel. My mother-in-law swears by the tablets, but I havenā€™t tried them yet.

6. What is your favorite fruit to eat? Toughie. I love fruit and Tim wonā€™t touch it with a ten foot pole. I would probably pick strawberries or grapes for me, although thereā€™s really no fruit I wonā€™t eat. I love bananas, apples, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, etc.

7. Which brand of clothes detergent do you use? All Free & Clear. We both have sensitive skin and this one works best for us.

8. Do you like chocolate? Good grief, do I! If youā€™ve read my blog any, you should know the answer to that. Iā€™m a total and complete chocoholic.

9. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-handed, and very much so. I canā€™t do much of anything with my left hand.

10. Do you still write checks or use a debit card? Neither very often. Most everything goes on one credit card that we pay off every month, that earns us cash back. I only write about one or two checks a month and we rarely put anything on the debit card.

Posted by Stace

Trying to Decideā€¦

I wanted a new template for my blog for fall. I have been looking around and have not really found anything close to what I want in a premade design for the version of WordPress I use. Alas, Iā€™m not really smart enough to change one up very much and I am nowhere near smart enough to design one from the ground up. So, for lack of anything better, I found one with some fallish colors that I sort of like. Let me know if youā€™re seeing this ok now, itā€™s browns and rusty orange colors. Please let me know if you have any trouble with any part of the blog nowā€¦ I may go back to my blue and white soon, you never know! šŸ™„

Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Laura over at OrgJunkie sponsors this great meme each week. If you like cooking or planning your meals, go check it out! šŸ™‚

This week, Iā€™m going to try to use up some ingredients I have on hand, before we leave on vacation. Yippee!

Here we go:

Sunday ā€“ ā€œGame Dayā€ food ā€“ brats and sauerkraut to celebrate the first full day of NFL football

Monday ā€“ Tortilla Torta, and ??? ā€” Iā€™m at a loss as to what to fix with it, maybe just a green salad. The dish already has beans in it, which is my usual side dish for anything Mexican or Tex-Mex

Tuesday ā€“ new recipe for Feta Chicken, my Pan Roasted Potatoes, veggie or salad

Wednesday ā€“ our ā€œlight nightā€ ā€“ either eggs, oatmeal and toast or else soup and a sandwich

Thursday ā€“ TBD (probably grill out fish for me & chicken for DH, veggie, box rice or potato mix)

Friday ā€“ Date Night

Saturday/Sunday/Next Week ā€“ On Vacation ā€“ Tons of eating out!!!!

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good day to you! Again, questions right off the top of my head! Here goesā€¦

1. How long have you been blogging? Since Feb 2005
2. How many times have you taken a break from blogging? None. I try to blog every day.
3. How long is the longest youā€™ve gone, so far, without posting on your blog? After Hurricane Katrina, we didnā€™t have power or Internet access for several days. Thatā€™s the longest Iā€™ve gone. Only one other time Iā€™ve missed posting, and thatā€™s when we were out of town and didnā€™t have computer access from our hotel.
4. How many fellow bloggers do you keep in touch with, through your blogs, on a regular basis? Several, usually through emails
5. Have you ever met, in person, a blogger on your blogroll? None, unfortunately šŸ™
6. How often do you update/change the ā€˜extraā€™ stuff on your blog? I constantly update the book info on my blog, as I read more books. I try to keep the ā€œextraā€ stuff on my sidebar updated as needed (movies, TV shows, etc). I guess I need to be better at it, but honestly, some of it doesnā€™t change that much!
7. Do you think youā€™ll be blogging for years to come? I hope so!

Posted by Stace

Are you Readyā€¦

Football Season!!!Are you readyā€¦ for some football???? :mrgreen:

We definitely are. Football season is our favorite time of year. Tim has always been a huge fan and Iā€™ve learned, through the years, to love football as well. We like to go to games, play fantasy football in our league at Hambones, but mostly, watch our teams on TV. Now that we have the new hi-def plasma TV, we are very ready for football season to begin in earnest. Granted, we had the opening game on Thursday night, but today really starts football. First up, thereā€™s Timā€™s beloved Saints at noon, then the Packers at 3 PM, then the battle of the Manning brothers tonight. Weā€™ve got our fantasy teams ready to go and have purchased StatTracker so we can get up-to-the minute stats in real time to follow our teams. Plus, I got us some ā€œgame dayā€ food at the grocery store on Friday afternoon, so weā€™re all set. Itā€™s gonna be a great day!

Posted by Stace

Garage Sale

Well, our garage sale was a success, at least to us! We worked hard all week to pull stuff out of the attic, closets, cabinets, and get it all ready to go for this morning. Click on the extended entry to see a couple of pictures I snapped last night, inside the garage, of the stuff all laid out. It was dark, so they are not the greatest of pictures! And there was more, off to the sidesā€¦

We got up at 5:45 and had people here by 6 AM. We sold a lot of it, Iā€™d say probably 80%, and what was left, we took to the local Goodwill after it was all over. The only thing we didnā€™t sell was our old entertainment center, so weā€™ll run an ad in the paper soon or try Craigslist.com and see if we can find it a nice home. We made more money than I had anticipated, which is always really nice!!! I guess that old adage is true ā€¦ ā€œone manā€™s trash is another manā€™s treasureā€ šŸ™‚

Weā€™re both fairly tired now, so I donā€™t expect to do more than some housework and vegging for the rest of the day. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend! :mrgreen:

Read the rest of this entry Ā»


16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie MacomberI finished a really good book last night, that I had bought at Borders. Itā€™s the first in a series of books about a group of friends and family in the fictitious town of Cedar Cove Washington. I had to buy the paperback at the bookstore because my county library system had lost their copy of the first book in the series, but they do have all the others. Iā€™m a bit OCD though, and I always like to read the first book first.

ā€œ16 Lighthouse Roadā€ was a really good book, if you like this type of womenā€™s fiction, which I do. The first book set up the town and we are introduced to a group of family and friends as main characters. I believe the series will build on these, as well as probably add new characters along the way. The first book covers Olivia Lockhart, mother of 3, who is a local judge and lives at 16 Lighthouse Road. It also encompasses her mother Charlotte, and her daughter Justine and son James. Thereā€™s her best friend Grace, whose husband Dan mysteriously disappears in this book, and Graceā€™s two grown daughters Kelly and Mary Ellen. Grace lives at 204 Rosewood Lane, which happens to be the next book in this series, so maybe weā€™ll learn what happened to Dan in the next book. Then, thereā€™s the young couple we meet at the beginning of the book. Cecelia and Ian Randall appear before the judge (Olivia) and want a divorce, but she does not grant it and wants the young couple to work things out. They had recently suffered the loss of their infant daughter and were having trouble communicating. All in all, several different plots going with some really good characters, and I look forward to reading more about them, and meeting more of the members of Cedar Cove in the next several books in the series.

For the record, that makes #54 so far this year, with a total of 19,158 pages read. Up next is my first book by Scottish author Alexander McCall Smith. He has several series of books as well. I bought ā€œThe No. 1 Ladies Detective Agencyā€ to start with, as it begins a series as well. I was thinking since he was Scottish, this series was set in Scotland. Apparently, I neglected to read the jacket cover (which I did just now), and I see that this book revolves around Precious Ramotswe, the only lady private detective in the country of Botswana. Apparently, the author lived for a while in Botswana and was a professor at the University there. So, this will be a bit different type of book for me. Iā€™m looking forward to it! šŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, September 08, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Ten

Name 3 things that you are wearing today.
Jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes!!!

Who was the last person you hugged?
my husband, just a few minutes ago

What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?
Hmmm, from Sonic, either a regular hamburger, fries and Cherry Limeade or if Iā€™m being good, a grilled chicken sandwich, tots and Diet Cherry Limeade!

Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
Late morning

Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
So Talk About Cats, Yes? {Boy, I really suck at these sentence things!}

P.S. I think the reason I came up with a sentence that contains a cat, is because when we woke up this morning ā€“ we had a cat trapped in our live animal trap outside! Weā€™ve been using it to catch the coons and possums in our yard, eating our bird seed and squirrel food. Apparently, one of the neighborhood cats got curious about the corn, and went in the trap to check it out. Tim went to let her out this morning and you should have heard her crying and meowing! I know the whole neighborhood thought we were torturing a cat in our backyard!

Posted by Stace

Thursday Thirteen #13

Thirteen Random Thoughts in my Head This Week

1. Had a really good, long Labor Day holiday weekend, but now my week is all messed up.

2. Monday felt like Sunday

3. Tuesday felt like Monday

4. I have a sore throat and am so hoping that I am not getting sick

5. I canā€™t be sick, because weā€™re having a big garage sale this weekend šŸ™„

6. We have more junk accumulated than any normal person should have. I have every spare inch of space in our house piled up with junk at the moment, waiting to be put out
for the sale.

7. Itā€™s going to be a bugger to take this junk to Goodwill if it doesnā€™t sell in the yard sale

8. I have to go to the bank and get lots of change and oneā€™s for the garage sale. Note to self šŸ˜†

9. I still havenā€™t had to report for jury duty yetā€¦ thank goodness!

10. BUT ā€“ I have to call every day during the month of September. Bummer.

11. We leave on vacation soon and I have lots more trip planning to do

12. I tried the new Peach Smoothie from Sonic and if you like peach, definitely try it. It was good!

13. I love our new digital cable and this OnDemand stuff. We have an exercise channel and I have lots of exercise videos to pick from now. This girl loves her variety when it comes to exercise. I need motivation, lots of motivation! :mrgreen:

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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