Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, September 08, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Ten

Name 3 things that you are wearing today.
Jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes!!!

Who was the last person you hugged?
my husband, just a few minutes ago

What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?
Hmmm, from Sonic, either a regular hamburger, fries and Cherry Limeade or if I’m being good, a grilled chicken sandwich, tots and Diet Cherry Limeade!

Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?
Late morning

Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
So Talk About Cats, Yes? {Boy, I really suck at these sentence things!}

P.S. I think the reason I came up with a sentence that contains a cat, is because when we woke up this morning – we had a cat trapped in our live animal trap outside! We’ve been using it to catch the coons and possums in our yard, eating our bird seed and squirrel food. Apparently, one of the neighborhood cats got curious about the corn, and went in the trap to check it out. Tim went to let her out this morning and you should have heard her crying and meowing! I know the whole neighborhood thought we were torturing a cat in our backyard!

  1. Marianne Said,

    Poor kitty…

    Ah, Sonic… I remember it well from my Colorado days. Almost as good as In and Out Burger in California (nothing, but nothing beats In and Out’s fries – they cut the potatoe in front of you – and milkshakes – made from REAL ice cream).

    Great feast… thanks for visiting mine!

  2. Kailani Said,

    Poor Kitty!!

    I wish we had a Sonic here. I remember seeing those mini banana splits on their commercial and then craving one.

    Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!

  3. YellowRose Said,

    I like Sonic’s Cherry Limeade’s….those are really good!

    Great feast, liked the dessert! Poor kitty! lol

    Happy Friday!

  4. deb Said,

    Poor kitty! I’m sure she was traumatized ;~)
    I’d go for the Sonic onion rings every time lol
    Hope you have a great rest of the day!

  5. Gail Said,

    Oh shame on you trapping a poor kitty! I better let Liz know!

  6. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    Serves the cat right! LOL! (After cat sitting for 2 weeks, they are not my most favorite animals at the moment!)

    Sonic sounds sooooooo good! Love the cherry limeaides.

  7. Cam Said,

    Poor kitty! LOL!
    Yep, love that Sonic.

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