Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Another Meme

I saw this at Stephanie‘s blog and liked it, so I thought I’d be pushy and invite myself to play along! 🙂

1. If you make sweet tea, do you use Luzianne, Lipton or _______ whatever your brand is? We’re a Lipton family here. I buy regular black tea bags and I recently bought a bag of green tea bags to try. For herbal teas, I either buy Lipton or Celestial Seasonings (have Red Zinger right now)

2. What brand of toilet paper do you buy, and is it the larger rolls or regular? I buy the big mega-pack at Sam’s of Quilted Northern. 🙂

3. Which brand of bath soap do you use? Is it body wash or bar style? For both of us, I buy Lever 2000 body wash. Then, I have some scented stuff I use from time to time, from Bath and Body Works. Right now, it’s Cherry Blossom and in the winter, it’s usually Warm Vanilla Sugar.

4. Which cereal do you buy for yourself? Wow. We’re definitely cereal people. I probably buy at least 6 boxes a month for the two of us. We both eat Raisin Bran Crunch, I eat several of the Cheerios (plain, yogurt burst, both vanilla and strawberry, and I just bought the fruit ones), and then we also usually have either Special K or Corn Flakes on hand. I also keep granola on hand too, for cereal, topping or munching. 😀

5. What brand of dishwasher detergent do you use and is it liquid or tablets? Again, I go with what I buy in large quantity at Sam’s. For years, that has been Cascade gel. My mother-in-law swears by the tablets, but I haven’t tried them yet.

6. What is your favorite fruit to eat? Toughie. I love fruit and Tim won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. I would probably pick strawberries or grapes for me, although there’s really no fruit I won’t eat. I love bananas, apples, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, etc.

7. Which brand of clothes detergent do you use? All Free & Clear. We both have sensitive skin and this one works best for us.

8. Do you like chocolate? Good grief, do I! If you’ve read my blog any, you should know the answer to that. I’m a total and complete chocoholic.

9. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-handed, and very much so. I can’t do much of anything with my left hand.

10. Do you still write checks or use a debit card? Neither very often. Most everything goes on one credit card that we pay off every month, that earns us cash back. I only write about one or two checks a month and we rarely put anything on the debit card.

  1. Cam Said,

    Oh I like this one, too. I may have to steal it.
    I like reading your answers, as usual. I’m afraid I’m a lot like Tim on the fruit! :p

  2. Bev Said,

    I’m like Cam. I may have to try this out. It looks like fun and your answers were great to read. Cheers.

  3. paperback writer Said,

    Hey, I’ve tagged you for another meme. 😉

  4. stephanie Said,

    Fun! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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