Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

This N That

I haven’t been blogging much lately, because I haven’t had a lot of time. First off, I’m still on my month-long federal jury summons, but so far I have not had to go in. I keep hearing those three little words I love – “Do. Not. Report.” and they make me so happy. 😆

Da Blog – I worked the other day on a new look for the blog. I know a lot of you don’t like it, either it’s too dark or too hard to read. I’m still looking for something else that will work, but in the mean time, I’m going to leave this one up. I just don’t have time to work on another one. Sorry, hope everyone understands!

Menu ramblings – I post my weekly menu every week, as part of a meme sponsored by Laura. I love doing this, but we don’t always stick to the plan! This has been one of those weeks (starting tonight, the rest of the menu probably won’t go according to plan!) I did make the Tortilla Torta on Monday, and it’s really just an easy layered enchilada pie. Very gooey, pretty good, and meatless too (shhh, don’t tell Tim!). I also made a quick dressing to go on a side salad. I surfed around and couldn’t find a Mexican type salad dressing, but I saw an idea and used it, and I really liked it. I took some low-fat Ranch salad dressing, mixed it with some plain non-fat yogurt, a squirt of lime juice and a bunch of cumin. Whisked it all together to taste and had it over a green salad. I really liked it and will do that again. Last night, I tried a new way to do chicken, with feta cheese. It was good, but next time I will use more feta. Basically, it’s just a baked chicken with feta inside. I pounded my chicken breasts flat, dipped them in beaten egg whites, then rolled in bread crumbs. On the inside, I put some feta then sort of rolled them up. Next time, I’ll definitely put more feta. You couldn’t taste it in half the chicken, but it was still good. I also sprayed the top of the bread crumbs with fat-free spray butter, so that made it crispier. Tim loves fried chicken, but I never fry things, so this is as close as he gets!

TV – I watched the season premiere of “Dancing with the Stars” last night, and loved it. I didn’t see the first few dancers (long story, we had a lady knock on the door who bought something at our garage sale and wanted HELP with it. Argh. To me, if you buy something at a garage sale, it’s “As Is”. I would NEVER drive back to someones house and ring their doorbell at dinnertime and ask for help.) Anyway, I didn’t see Tucker Carlson except in the recap at the end, but he looked very wooden. So did Harry Hamlin and Jerry Springer, so I’m not sure who will be the first to go. It sure looks like Mario Lopez will be the one to beat this time. He looked really good out there. I also checked out the show after it, “Men in Trees” and it was ok. I’m looking forward to Survivor starting tomorrow night. We always watch that show. 🙂

Vacation – I’ve been doing a bunch of vacation planning and printing out maps and itineraries. We leave in a couple of days on vacation, so the blogging will be sporadic from here on out until we get back. We will have internet access from some of our hotel spots, so I will try to check in and post if I have time. No guarantees, though! Since we’re driving, we will take the laptop and maybe I’ll be able to post some.

OK, I have to go run errands and maybe do a little shopping. Normally, when we go on vacation, I always get some new clothes. I haven’t bought a single thing for this trip so far, and I am thinking I need to!

So, that brings up a question of the day – when you go on vacation, do you usually get any new clothes for the trip? Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Laura Said,

    Ooh, a question of the day! I love things of the day. I am more a seasonal clothing shopper than specifically vacation. I buy clothes like you would do for schoolkids – summer, fall. But I do look for specific clothing items that I might need for the vacation. This year I bought a few tank tops, some shorts, and two pairs of shoes for my LA vacation. 🙂

  2. mamichelle Said,

    Yum! You’re making me hungry! It’s almost 4:30 here and I leave @ 5. I have to take dh to the dermatologist and then figure out something to eat when I get home!! grrrr

    Where are you going on vacation?

  3. Claire Said,

    The last vacation I went on was two years ago to Chicago…I didn’t get any new clothes. I rarely buy new clothes since I pay for my own and live off loans right now (!!!). I did just get some Loft clothes in the mail which I did REALLY good on (3 items for about the price of ONE!), so that was fun. The feta chicken sounds good and easy….I’ll have to try it! Adding roasted tomatoes or peppers in with the cheese would be really good too!
    I “watched” DWTS last night. Turker C was horrible. Mario L. was great! I thought the little girl from high school musical was good, too but I think it’s hard for her partner to dance with her, as she is so young.

  4. Claire Said,

    Ooops! I hope you have a great vacation!!!

  5. Southern Girl Said,

    I just blogged about DwtS, too! Emmitt Smith was by far my favorite. Whoever it was who said he was like a big ol’ teddy bear dancing was right. *g*

    And I never go on vacation!

  6. Susie Said,

    I do usually get a few new things for vacations – not much, though – just a few shirts and shoes if mine are getting older. Gotta be comfy while on vacation!

    I hope you have a fabulous, restful, interesting time. I’ll be checking in to see if you are able to post while you’re away. Be careful and have lots of fun!

  7. SnoopMurph Said,

    Yes, I always buy something new for a vacation. Have a terrific time!!

  8. Gail Said,

    Lots of times I will buy something new before leaving, but I might not get to this time! So you’ll have to see me in the same ‘ol stuff.

  9. mamichelle Said,

    Have a great time, Stacy! I totally forgot about the Boston trip. I know Savannah is beautiful! Enjoy!

  10. Suzanne Said,

    sometimes yes, sometimes no.

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