Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Trying to Decide…

I wanted a new template for my blog for fall. I have been looking around and have not really found anything close to what I want in a premade design for the version of WordPress I use. Alas, I’m not really smart enough to change one up very much and I am nowhere near smart enough to design one from the ground up. So, for lack of anything better, I found one with some fallish colors that I sort of like. Let me know if you’re seeing this ok now, it’s browns and rusty orange colors. Please let me know if you have any trouble with any part of the blog now… I may go back to my blue and white soon, you never know! 🙄

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Very cool. It’s a little hard to read some of the sections like this one though. I love your banner!!!!!!!

  2. Debi Said,

    It is a little dark. I do like the cloud banner. And definitely a fallsy feel.

  3. Claire Said,

    I can read it fine but it is a little dark. Maybe, if you know how (I know I wouldn’t!), change the font or make it bold? How about the Colts? Peyton could have played better and Eli did a great job, but I’m glad the Colts won! I didn’t actually watch much of the game as I was studying. Now I’m on to two DIFFERENT subjects for tests on wednesday. Such is the life of a student. i keep telling myself only 9 (down from 10!!) more months of this and then I’m on to clinicals!!!

  4. mamichelle Said,

    Stacy, the hard to read spots are the side panel (the ones that aren’t interactie), and this section. The name and mail are ok because they turn yellow but the website and comments are really dark. HTH!

  5. Gail Said,

    Wow, this is different than others you have had! I like it and can see it ok….it’s different to have your things on the left side.
    The only thing that I think is hard for me to read are numbers in parentheses by your archives (and that’s probably not that big a deal)…….dark? Maybe just a bit, but I think it’s like that because it’s different colors (like fall) and different than your previous theme which was light! So I don’t think it’s too dark….I like it!

  6. Laura Said,

    I like this one a lot! I like the dark colors. 🙂

  7. kathy m Said,

    It’s definetly fallish, but I think it’s a little hard to read. Can you lighten up the brown color a bit?

  8. Tracie Said,

    I really like it…..I love the fall colors, it gives me hope that the coolness is coming soon. Ah fall, my favorite time of the year. All right, I digressed. I think it looks great and the clouds on the top are pretty.

  9. Dawn Said,

    I love your fall layout! I haven’t changed my layout, since I started my movable-type blog, 1-1/2 years ago! Yikes!

  10. Susie Said,

    Ooooooooh, I really like this! It’s soothing and so fallish. 🙂

  11. Bev Said,

    I do love the colors. You might want to try to find a more contrasting color for the text though. Just to make it easier for oldster’s like me to read. 😉

  12. Cam Said,

    Hey, I noticed it right away! I like it! At first some things were a little hard to read, but I just bumped up the brightness of my screen, and I’m fine now. 🙂

  13. Cindi Said,

    I like the colors. It is inspiring me to change my theme on my blog too!

  14. Kailani Said,

    The brown could be a little lighter but it’s still very readable. Definitely reminds me of Fall.

  15. Jim McKee Said,

    I like it a lot. I would say maybe make the font a little larger, if possible.

  16. paperback writer Said,

    It’s a little wonky on the lefthand side of the blog, but otherwise, I love the coloring! I would perhaps not have the font be black on brown. Perhaps something lighter?

    Yeah, I know that was two comments. 🙂

  17. Pixiepincessmom Said,

    I like the fall colors; but I need a larger font in order to read w/out having to squint. 🙂

  18. Trista Said,

    I love the colors, but the screen size is set too large for my screen, and I cannot see your left hand sidebar.

    I love the new look though!

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