Exceedingly Mundane

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Archive for January, 2007

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, January 19, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Seven

Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
I have a really long list of shows that we watch, but some of them I’m ok with missing an episode or two. I won’t miss any of 24, Lost, Survivor or Battlestar Galactica.

Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
Our nephew Zack 🙂

How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
2 for sleeping, and a whopping 7 on there for looks. The 7 get tossed in the corner at night, only to be put back the next morning 🙄

Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you’d love to have.
A nice big external hard drive to store lots of photos on

What is your favorite foreign food?
probably Chinese

Posted by Stace

Singing in the Shower

Singing in the ShowerI’ve got to scrub down our shower today. I try to do this once a week, and I hate doing it. I really have to get in the shower to scrub it down good, but I hate getting in there {gasp, naked} with all of those chemicals. I’ve tried spraying and scrubbing the shower walls (and shower door) down while fully clothed and I always end up getting wet. Today it’s really cold again, so I just take a really hot shower and scrub down the shower walls before getting my shower.

Today’s Question of the Day is a two-fer: Do you actually get *in* your shower to scrub it? And the biggie – do you sing in the shower? Not when you’re cleaning it, but on a regular day. On any given day, do you sing while you’re in the shower?

I never do, it’s just something I have never done. Singing at the top of my lungs while I’m dusting or vacuuming, or while I’m driving in my car is a completely different story, so I’ll save that question for another day. Today, tell us if you or anyone in your family sings while they’re in the shower. Tim does, on rare occasions, if he’s in a really good mood and has just heard a song he likes and is still singing it. Oops, he probably wouldn’t have wanted me to put that here! 😳

Leave me a comment and let me know!

Posted by Stace

Bullet Updates

Running Around!

  • Thanks for all of the helpful comments about my surviving the Chicago cold. Tim is so excited and I’m so worried about freezing and leaving Beau behind for the first time that I can’t see the forest for the trees 🙂
  • My sister brought me a bunch of her ski clothes, so I think I’m set. Thanks Gail! Now I have the following ready to go for our trip to Soldier Field – hat, scarves, red ski gloves, ski glove liners, red ski jacket, sweatshirt, turtleneck, Cuddle Duds (mine, top and bottom), spare pair thermals (waffle weave, top and bottom), jeans, 2 pair boot socks and my nephew’s insulated hunting (camo) boots. Oh, and a neoprene face mask that they wear skiing that will cover my nose and mouth and the bottom half of my face. I probably won’t be able to walk or sit down, I’ll look like the Michelin Man, but hopefully I will be warm! Look for me, I’ll be wearing a red coat, red gloves and a striped hat 🙂
  • Gail and I have been shopping the last two days, all of my favorite places like Walmart and Target. Fun, fun!
  • Watched American Idol last night. Boy, I’m already tired of the bad singers and the nasty comments from the judges. How much more of this do we have before we get to the “real” singing? 🙂
  • It’s cold here and has sleeted some today. Thankfully, no real ice, no loss of power and sadly, no snow. Although, on the bright side, according to Tim, they are now calling for a chance of snow showers on Sunday, while we’re at Soldier Field. Heaven help me!
  • I probably won’t fit into my jeans for the trip. I’ve done nothing but eat lately. We had Mexican last weekend, then brats and then Frito Pie for the playoff games. Yesterday, we had Back Yard Burger for lunch, then picked up take-out Chinese for dinner last night. We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet within walking distance of our house today for lunch, with Gail and Don. (That’s today’s photo, over on my Project365 blog). Blech. I feel like a bloated pig!
  • Did you know the new Survivor and the new Amazing Race both start in February?! Yeah, I can’t wait. Pretty soon, we’ll be so busy with TV – Race, Survivor, 24, Idol, NCIS, Unit, Lost, CSI, Shark, Battlestar. I’m a total TV junkie 🙂
  • I haven’t visited any of my regular blogs I love to read, or any of the Project365 blogs in several days. I’m so behind, my Google Reader says 100+ every day. I hope to catch up soon, before we leave. If not, please forgive me 🙂
  • Tags:
    Posted by Stace

    The Big Game

    N.O. SaintsIf you’ve visited here much, you know we’re football fans and my husband Tim is the world’s biggest Saints fan. We watched the playoff game Saturday night, and were both experiencing heart palpitations throughout. I didn’t have a single nail left to bite before the end of the game.

    It shouldn’t surprise you then (although it does me!) to learn that yesterday we got tickets and airline reservations to Chicago for The Big Game this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

    We’re going to the Bears-Saints NFC Championship game at Soldier Field on Sunday. It’s going to be cold and I’m going to be colder (I get cold if it’s 50 degrees outside). Tim is beyond excited. The Saints in the NFC conference championship. He can’t believe it and he’s too pumped for words. :mrgreen: We’re also really excited about seeing my sister Suzanne, she lives in Illinois, so we’re going to get to see her while we’re there, which will be great.

    Ok, send me any and all tips about surviving the cold. This Southern Girl gets cold taking the garbage out to the curb when it’s 50 degrees. Seriously. I know about layers, but here’s the kicker – how do you layer what you don’t have in your closet?! 🙂

    And, if you have any experience being the visting team at a stadium full of rowdy fans, let us know!

    Posted by Stace

    Blog Talkers

    Blog TalkersOne of my favorite blogs to read is Karen’s, over at Write from Karen. I love her take on things, the witty articles, comics and fun things she posts, her book reviews, the little sneak peak we get into her family life, the questions she poses, and really, most everything she writes. Karen has a new blog going, called Blog Talkers, that is designed to get bloggers blogging. She asks a new question each week and you have the entire week to respond. That’s a great timetable for a procrastinator like myself, LOL!

    This week, during week 3, Karen offers this question:

    Do you consider yourself a high-maintenance, or a low- maintenance person? Why?

    No-brainer for me. I’m definitely high-maintenance. Ask anyone who knows me in “real life”. I think I’m difficult to get along with, and I do require a lot of attention from the people I love. If that doesn’t make me high-maintenance, I don’t know what does. I don’t particularly want to be this way, but I do accept that this is the way I’m wired, and have learned to live with it. I think I come by it honestly, I think my mom was high-maintenance, and I learned it from her (is that passing the buck, or what?!) Tim, thankfully, has learned to live with it too. He’s great when I go into high-maintenance mode. He’s very patient and understanding with me. Tim has the longest fuse of anyone I’ve ever met and puts up with so much from me. I often quote him one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies, “You’ve Got Mail”. Tom Hanks is on the treadmill, talking to his buddy about Meg Ryan (while she’s on TV, protesting his big chain bookstore). He says to his friend “She’s a PILL!”. I tell Tim that’s what I am. I’m so glad it’s a pill he’s able to swallow.:lol:

    Great question, Karen! Be sure to go check out her blog and her Blog Talkers blog too, good stuff!

    Posted by Stace

    Menu Plan Monday

    Menu Planning Monday

    First, I thought I would do a couple of quick updates from last week’s menu. I didn’t make the new recipe for the Taco Pie, so I’ll have to move that to another time and week. We had the Golden Potato Soup on Thursday, while my sister Gail and her husband were here, and I think they enjoyed it. I usually add diced ham to that soup, but this time I didn’t have ham and just browned 1 lb of ground meat and added it. I think we both liked this better, so I may just do that from now on. We did have our Date Night on Friday, and I blogged about that here.

    Now, for this week, I don’t have much of a plan, but thought I would post what I had. A lot up in the air this week, and not too much cooking on the horizon. You’ll probably get a lot of good ideas if you peruse the menus posted by other participants over at Laura’s blog, they should be a lot more inspiring than mine!

    Monday Chicken Squares, Tomato Soup

    Tuesday & Wednesday – Free Days (Tim out of town)

    Thursday – Spaghetti and Meatballs, garlic bread, steamed broccoli

    Friday – Date Night

    Saturday & Sunday – TBD

    Posted by Stace

    Ridin High

    New Orleans SaintsNeedless to say, we’re still on a football infused high at our house. Tim’s beloved Saints won last night, and are going to the NFC Championship game for the first time EVER in their franchise history. We’re watching the other playoff games today, to see who we’ll play and who will play for the AFC title game. Pretty exciting stuff for us, considering the Saints are perpetually never in the post-season games. And… I’m still looking forward to the premiere of 24 tonight.

    On a different note, I blogged yesterday that I had started a new book. I did, and then about 25 pages into it, realized I was reading the WRONG book. Duh. I feel like a total mo-ron. I picked up book 5 in the series I am reading, and not book 3. Argh. Now I have a glimpse of what is going to happen and I feel terrible for starting the wrong one. I plan to rectify that this afternoon, if I get a chance (in between football games and commentary!). I had thought we would get a fair amount of rain this weekend, but it all appears to be going north of us. It’s partly cloudy here and in the 70’s. Not really winter, I’m afraid. Good news on our heating bill but bad news on several other fronts. Oh well, no complaining here. It’s all good here at our house 😀

    Hope everyone’s having a good day. Geaux Saints!!!

    Posted by Stace

    Blah, Blah, Blah

    New Orleans SaintsNot to much blog-worthy going on around here. I seem to be posting as much of what I’m doing during the day over on my Project 365 photo blog, since I’m taking a photo a day and blogging about what it is or how it relates to my day. Check it out if you haven’t already (yes, sorry, had to get that shameless plug in there :mrgreen:). Oh, and below, I just posted a book blurb for the book I finished last night. I’m going to start a new book this afternoon, hoorah!

    Let’s see…. quick recap. I had a busy day yesterday, going grocery shopping and running errands. I had originally planned to cook last night, but decided to ask Tim for a date night instead, to which he very graciously obliged. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican place (we split fajitas – shrimp, chicken, beef and chorizo and it was really good!). Tim even splurged and ordered me some guacamole to go with our chips. I adore guacamole if it doesn’t have big chunks of tomato in it and this place does not. Yummy. After dinner, we were headed to Hollywood Video to get a movie to watch for the rest of our date night, when Tim suddenly declares “I want dessert”. Then he says… “I think I want a shake”. Normally, for a shake, we go to Sonic, but we were headed in the other direction and suspiciously near Cold Stone Creamery. So, we stopped there to see if they had shakes. They do and smoothies too. I should have stuck to my original plan, I declared in the truck that we could just split one. But, as soon as I got inside and started seeing all that ice cream and reading all the descriptions, I caved and got my own! Tim got a chocolate shake with brownie bits added (a large one, so I could sample it) and I got a small Cherry Cheesecake shake. Divine, absolutely divine. We rented “The Da Vinci Code” and watched it last night. I had read the book, but Tim had not. He said he enjoyed it and rated it an 8 out of 10. I think I would give it a 7, but only because I *had* read the book and I think my expectations are always higher. I want to try to watch some of the extras today, while Tim is out playing golf. (By the way, as another project I’m trying to tackle, I’m trying to keep track of the movies we watch this year. Check it out in my sidebar lists or click here. Just a listing, no ratings, but I think it will be fun to look back at the end of the year and see how many movies we watch!)

    Tonight is the big playoff game, Tim’s beloved Saints versus the Philadelphia Eagles. Please consider rooting for the Saints unless you’re a dyed-in-the-wool Eagles fan. The Saints need all the help and good vibes they can get! They so rarely make the playoffs that this is a huge deal! We’re going to splurge again tonight and have brats with sauerkraut for the game.

    Then, tomorrow night, I’m equally excited about planting myself in front of the TV. The first 2 hours of the new season of 24 start, and I absolutely cannot wait! It’s going to really rawk this time because of our new hi-def plasma TV and the fact that our sorry cable company *finally* got around to adding Fox to our HD lineup. It is going to look fantabulous, and we’re going to get 2 hours Sunday and two hours on Monday night. By Tuesday, I expect to be a driveling 24 junkie 😆

    That’s about it for the excitement here – golf for Tim, reading for me, playoff games on TV and then 24. What are the highlights of your weekend? Pipe up and let me know what all I am missing out on! 😛

    Posted by Stace

    Finished “All That Matters”

    All that Matters by Jan GoldsteinI finished another book last night, one that my dear friend Susie sent me to read because she read it and liked it. It’s called “All That Matters” by Jan Goldstein and I must admit that I didn’t realize until the very end that Jan is a man and not a woman. This is very much a woman’s book, and it seemed to be written by a woman, and not a Jewish Rabbi. It was a good book, a really quick read, and a very thoughtful one as well. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked the characters, Jennifer and her feisty grandmother Gabby, and the stories what wove throughout the book. I love the things that Gabby tries to teach Jennifer, about how each day is a gift and for her to find one good thing each day to write down in her journal. A wonderful lesson for us all. I thought briefly of trying to write a review, but I decided to cheat and copy one from Amazon.com instead. Click on the extended entry to read their published comments, verbatim, of this book.

    This book left me with one overriding feeling – a sense of hope. In spite of the some of the main threads of the book (Jennifer, the granddaughter, attempts suicide, and Gabby, the grandmother, is a Holocaust survivor), this book was one of joy and hope. It was a very easy read, no hard words or difficult plot lines here, and it really ended all too quickly. 🙂

    For the record, that makes #4 so far this new year, with a total of 1,014 pages read. Up next, I think I’ll read book 3 in the Abram’s Daughters series by Beverly Lewis, called “The Sacrifice”. My mother-in-law gave me the last 3 books in this series that I lacked, and I’m so looking forward to reading them. 🙂 After that, I think I’ll read something light from my ever-growing “to-be-read” stash. Books, glorious books!

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Posted by Stace

    Friday Feast Meme

    Friday Feast Meme

    Friday, January 12, 2007
    Feast One Hundred & Twenty Six

    What comes to mind when you see the color orange?
    Sorry, boring answer. Halloween, pumpkins, etc, if it’s the regular, bright orange. There’s a shade of orange I love, like a burnt orange, that I see in a lot of home furnishings and I love it. Unfortunately, Tim doesn’t like orange so I haven’t been able to use it to decorate much.

    Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for?
    Not that I can remember. I was a MODEL child 🙂

    Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza?
    My perfect pizza is a Hawaiian one, with pineapple and Canadian bacon. I also love white pizzas, with spinach and Alfredo. Yummy!

    Main Course
    Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not?
    I don’t rule out the possibility. If God created us here, I see no reason why he couldn’t have made life elsewhere and we’re just not ready to find them yet. The universe is a tremendous place, but God is ever larger and I haven’t ruled it out.

    What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
    Burgundy and dark green with some beige thrown in.

    Posted by Stace

    New Words

    The book that I just finished (“A Year of Pleasures” by Elizabeth Berg) contained quite a few words that I have never run across. I always like to think of myself as a person with a pretty good vocabulary, but this is one of those books that makes me rethink that statement. It seems I found quite a few words that I have no idea what they mean. I’m one of these readers who likes to know all of the words in a sentence, so I tend to stop and look them up. If I run across a word that I’m pretty sure I know what it means but I am not completely sure how it’s pronounced, I will often just “make up” a pronunciation in my head and keep going. But a definition, that one always stops me in my tracks. I have to stop and look it up if I can’t figure it out.

    Anyway, here’s some of the ones I ran across:

    somnambulate– it means to sleep walk
    exophthalmic – condition marked by protruding eyeballs
    aphorism – an adage
    sybaritic – marked by pleasure and luxury

    (P.S. You can click on the link above and not only see the definition, but hear the pronunciation. If you’re silly like me and like to hear how things are pronounced. 🙂 )

    So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: If you’re reading a book or article and run across a word you do not know the meaning of, do you stop and look it up or do you just try to make up a definition and keep going? Leave me a comment and let me know 🙂

    Posted by Stace

    Finished “The Year of Pleasures”

    The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth BergI finished a most enjoyable book last night, “The Year of Pleasures” by Elizabeth Berg. I’m not quite sure what it is that first attracted me to this book; I know the cover grabbed me right away. The title also piqued my interest, and both of those, along with the blurb on the back made me buy it, even though I have a fairly hard and fast rule about buying books by authors I have never read. I rarely branch out and buy (aka pay my own money!) a book that I have not heard of or have previously read other books by that author. I usually prefer to take my chances and get a book from the library for my first time reading a new author. But, I had heard good things about Elizabeth Berg’s work and this book really sucked me in at the bookstore 🙂

    I think one thing that I so enjoyed about this book was that I could totally relate to the character. Betta Nolan is a 55 year old woman, who has been married to the love of her life for most of her adult life. After he dies of cancer, she fulfills a dream they shared, and he insisted that she pursue, of moving from Boston to the Midwest. She buys the first home she sees and likes, and moves to town. She makes old friends and rekindles her friendship with her three college roommates. She meets a younger handyman and an older gentleman named Tom. She debates on opening up her own store for women, another dream she has had and one that her husband John always encouraged her to do. And, she grieves and tries to learn to live her life without her soulmate.

    The book wanes a little in spots, but it’s the writing and the plot that appealed to me. First, I see myself in the character of Betta, a woman who was unable to conceive and spends her life devoted to one man and her marriage, forsaking most everyone and everything else in her life. Second, the book is really about learning to enjoy the simple things in life, small pleasures, and about how all of those strung together can make for a peaceful, happy existence. This is my philosophy on life, to be sure. I live a simple, abundant life full of small things that make me happy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am so glad I read it! I hated to see it end and would have liked for it to have gone on a bit further and seen more of what would happen to Betta in the coming months and years.

    For the record, that makes #3 on the year, with a total of 816 pages read. Up next is a book that my dear friend Susie sent me, that she read and really enjoyed – “All That Matters” by Jan Goldstein. I can’t wait to get started on it, thanks Susie!!!

    P.S. I decided to follow Dianne’s advice and post a “bit from something you’re reading”. Thanks Dianne! 🙂 Click on the extended entry if you’d like to read a few of the passages that I really enjoyed or that moved me in some way. Or I just really liked how they were written!

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Posted by Stace


    I have some bookshelves that need cleaning out (and a myriad of other cleaning out, purging and organizing projects that I *want* to do but never seem to get started). One of the bookshelves contains a bunch of old annuals or yearbooks from when Tim and I were in school.

    I don’t ever look at them, but I can’t seem to throw them out. I really need this shelf space though, for books I have bought over the last year and books I received for birthday and Christmas last year.

    So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you have annuals or yearbooks from your school years? If so, do you still have them “out” somewhere, or are they packed up? Or were you stronger than me and have you gotten rid of them? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Posted by Stace

    Daily Dose

    I bought a Daily Devotional book the other day at Sam’s, by the Guideposts people. My grandmother used to read Guideposts and I have fond memories of reading these with her when I would go stay at her house when I was young.

    Anyway, one of the thoughts on yesterday’s devotional was a quote by Rick Hamlin, who is a Christian author. Simple, but to the point:

    I rejoice, Lord, in all the blessings of life.

    So, that’s the thought for today. Be sure to go over and check out my photos I am posting daily as part of the Project 365. They’re just as mundane as this regular blog! 🙂

    Posted by Stace

    The One About Towels

    Bath TowelsI blogged the other day about how one of the first things I do every day is to make the bed, and asked everyone to comment about whether or not they make their bed every day. To my surprise, I got a lot of feedback! It was wonderful!!! :mrgreen: So, this time we’re going to talk about towels. I think this one will definitely have me in the minority!

    I wash towels on Tuesday (get the alliteration?!). Once a week. When we take a bath or a shower, we hang the towel back up and let it dry, to use it again the next day. I know a bunch of people don’t do that, they like to throw the towel out and get a fresh one. My husband was like that. It took him a while to “come around” to my way of thinking. We came from completely different backgrounds and totally different ways of looking at this. I came from a family of girls. We didn’t get that dirty and sweaty and nasty, and my mom’s philosophy was, you take a bath or shower, so you’re CLEAN when you towel off. You use the towel just to dry off your clean body. My husband, on the other hand, came from a family of all boys. And outside boys, they grew up on a farm and would often come in dirty or nasty after working, being in the chicken house, hunting, fishing or whatever. They used a towel and threw it in the dirty clothes to be washed. So, I explained my way to Tim and he agreed to try it that way. He understood the logic behind “you are supposed to come out of the shower clean, so the towel is just to dry you off”. Now, in the summer, when it’s really hot here, I do wash the towels more often. We’re not too gross. Well, maybe we are. That’s the point of this post 🙂

    That’s today’s Question of the Day: When you use a bath towel, do you throw it in the dirty clothes or do you hang it up to dry and use it again? Do you want or need a new towel every time you get out of the shower? And, along the same lines, how often do you wash towels in your house? Leave me a comment and let me know!
