Friday, January 12, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Six
What comes to mind when you see the color orange? Sorry, boring answer. Halloween, pumpkins, etc, if it’s the regular, bright orange. There’s a shade of orange I love, like a burnt orange, that I see in a lot of home furnishings and I love it. Unfortunately, Tim doesn’t like orange so I haven’t been able to use it to decorate much.
Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for? Not that I can remember. I was a MODEL child
Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza? My perfect pizza is a Hawaiian one, with pineapple and Canadian bacon. I also love white pizzas, with spinach and Alfredo. Yummy!
Main Course
Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not? I don’t rule out the possibility. If God created us here, I see no reason why he couldn’t have made life elsewhere and we’re just not ready to find them yet. The universe is a tremendous place, but God is ever larger and I haven’t ruled it out.
What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt? Burgundy and dark green with some beige thrown in.
Orange is a nice reminder of Halloween.
I love Hawaiian pizza too. Never had spinach on pizza before. Interesting!
Have a nice weekend!
We would do just fine together in a Pizza Place…I love both of those pizza’s…my family however doesnt. So when I can get a chance to eat those…I DO! I actually craved pineapple and ham while pregnant with Madison….and was introduced to the spinach and alfredo while with girlfriends….I love both….great answers….
I love Friday Feasts…but forget about them…..I do Girl Talk something I made up to let people know how my week is going…..have a great weekend…..
Oh, yummy, yummy, yummy! Love white pizza with spinach. It’s been so long since I’ve had it, I forgot all about it! (Nobody else in the family will touch it.)
I have never had pizza with spinach and alfredo sauce, but one day… oh, yes…one day I will! I’m convinced that alfredo sauce is the greatest thing to put into your mouth ever invented.
Re: comment at my blog about shopping
I buy the store brand/generic a lot too! But when the coupons and the sales match up, the brand name is often cheaper than even the generic! So when that happens, I stock up.
I have tried to make my own bread 3 times — and each time it turned out really, REALLY bad. I’ll keep trying though!
And I’ve had a “white” pizza before, but it was chicken and garlic and cheese, I think. This was in New Hampshire. I love chicken bbq pizza! Yum!
I agree with you completely 100% on the UFO thing. God is so great (in size and character) and He can do anything, including having billions of galaxies with all sorts of life. I want to live here as long as possible, but I’m kinda looking forward to seeing what all He’s done when I get to heaven and can ask Him about it.
Okay that was way too deep for a blog comment.
Hope you’re having a great Friday!
This was fun!
I found myself agreeing with just about all of your answers except the hawaiian pizza. Never tried it, but it sounds good.
White pizza is pretty yummy, but I’ve only had it with chicken vs. spinach. Sounds great though!
Finally! Someone who understands the aesthetics of pineapple on pizza. Oh my word, thank you. I truly thought I was the only one.
Hey girlfriend! Talk about it being a long time! Hawiian pizza is my fav too only I rarely get to order it.
Hope you guys are doing well!
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