Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

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Running Around!

  • Thanks for all of the helpful comments about my surviving the Chicago cold. Tim is so excited and I’m so worried about freezing and leaving Beau behind for the first time that I can’t see the forest for the trees 🙂
  • My sister brought me a bunch of her ski clothes, so I think I’m set. Thanks Gail! Now I have the following ready to go for our trip to Soldier Field – hat, scarves, red ski gloves, ski glove liners, red ski jacket, sweatshirt, turtleneck, Cuddle Duds (mine, top and bottom), spare pair thermals (waffle weave, top and bottom), jeans, 2 pair boot socks and my nephew’s insulated hunting (camo) boots. Oh, and a neoprene face mask that they wear skiing that will cover my nose and mouth and the bottom half of my face. I probably won’t be able to walk or sit down, I’ll look like the Michelin Man, but hopefully I will be warm! Look for me, I’ll be wearing a red coat, red gloves and a striped hat 🙂
  • Gail and I have been shopping the last two days, all of my favorite places like Walmart and Target. Fun, fun!
  • Watched American Idol last night. Boy, I’m already tired of the bad singers and the nasty comments from the judges. How much more of this do we have before we get to the “real” singing? 🙂
  • It’s cold here and has sleeted some today. Thankfully, no real ice, no loss of power and sadly, no snow. Although, on the bright side, according to Tim, they are now calling for a chance of snow showers on Sunday, while we’re at Soldier Field. Heaven help me!
  • I probably won’t fit into my jeans for the trip. I’ve done nothing but eat lately. We had Mexican last weekend, then brats and then Frito Pie for the playoff games. Yesterday, we had Back Yard Burger for lunch, then picked up take-out Chinese for dinner last night. We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet within walking distance of our house today for lunch, with Gail and Don. (That’s today’s photo, over on my Project365 blog). Blech. I feel like a bloated pig!
  • Did you know the new Survivor and the new Amazing Race both start in February?! Yeah, I can’t wait. Pretty soon, we’ll be so busy with TV – Race, Survivor, 24, Idol, NCIS, Unit, Lost, CSI, Shark, Battlestar. I’m a total TV junkie 🙂
  • I haven’t visited any of my regular blogs I love to read, or any of the Project365 blogs in several days. I’m so behind, my Google Reader says 100+ every day. I hope to catch up soon, before we leave. If not, please forgive me 🙂
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    1. Gail Said,

      Yay! Maybe I’m good for some things after all! I had clothes you need!
      I enjoyed seeing Idol with you guys but unfortunately, it will be a while before they get to the “real” singing……I would only like to see maybe 1 more show like the one last night!

    2. Heidi Said,

      Amazing Race is the best! Thanks for telling me when the next one starts. that ‘s the only TV show I watch.
      You sound like you’ll be nice and toasty!

    3. Stacy Said,

      I can’t watch AI until they get it down to the final 12. It bugs me to know that those people passed the first audition just to get to Simon, Randy & Paula so that they could bash them on tv. It was fun the first seasons, but it’s gotten so old now. Please let me know when they reach the 12, so I can start watching again.

    4. Laura Said,

      It’s so neat that you’re going to Chicago. I love Chicago! But I have to say I prefer that the Bears win. I’ll be happy for you if the Saints win, though. 🙂

    5. Susie Said,

      Oh, you have a Back Yard Burger place down there?! We used to have one in Chattanooga and I adored their grilled chicken sandwiches. I miss them 🙁

      Take your time in coming to visit blogs – we’ll wait on you! 🙂

    6. Jen Said,

      Idol was pretty good last night. There were some funny parts, but mostly I agree with you that I can’t wait for the better singers to really start performing.

      Have a great time in Chicago! That is so exciting.

    7. Debi Said,

      Not sure when you’re leaving, so I wanted to be sure to pop in to wish you a very “Happy Trip”! I’m sure you’ll have a ball. And I’m sure you’ll survive some real winter weather. And I hope you come away with a big Saints win! Have Fun!

    8. Bev Said,

      Like Debi I just wanted to take a minute to drop in and say “Stay Safe and Have Lot’s of Fun!”.


    9. jen Said,

      I love Lost, Survivor and the Race….we watch so much tv…..its awful..but it is our down time…we actually relax with tv.

    10. rach Said,

      Have a safe and fun trip. Just remember to have a fabulous time out there. Looking forward to hearing about the fun details when you get back. Take care!

    11. Dawn Said,

      i always feel cold when i am in jeans because they are too snug for me to layer under. i usually wear tracks pants with a cozy layer underneath. i am *freezing* by nature. (seriously, i set my a/c for 80* and when it’s colder the 65* i shiver.) i wear lots of layers (tank top, longsleeve tee, sweatshirt, coat, blanket). and for what it’s worth, i think it’s not as cold when it snows than when it is clear with a biting cold wind!

    12. Gail Said,

      I was worried about the jeans for the same reason that Dawn said, they are tight (at least for me!) and hard to get layers under…….have anything else that’s warm you could wear with several layers under it?

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