Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Planning this week’s menu was a little bit of a struggle for me. This week, I have several ingredients that I am trying to use up and I have a lot of them! I bought a huge bag of potatoes at Kroger last week, on sale, and we’re having potatoes almost every day! I also bought a big thing of portebellini mushrooms (baby portobellos) and those are going to appear in the first couple of meals. It turned out to be an odd menu, but I’m sure we’ll survive!

Be sure to stop by Laura‘s blog and see what everyone else is planning for the week!

MondayTortellini with Portobello mushrooms (I don’t have a jar of alfredo sauce, so unless I run back to the grocery, I may try it using this alfredo sauce recipe), Salad, bread

Tuesday – Baked Potatoes with Creamy Mushroom Sauce, Salad

Wednesday – Grilled Chicken Salad with homemade zesty Italian dressing

ThursdayGolden Potato Soup, homemade bread

Friday – new recipe for Taco Pie

Saturday – Frito Pie or Wings – it’s Playoff Time, baby! Saints play at 7 PM, Woo-Hoo!

Sunday – TBD or Breakfast Food

The Creamy Mushroom sauce for the baked potatoes and the zesty Italian dressing recipes are older ones I have on recipe cards, and are not entered in our recipe system. They’re pretty simple recipes, but if anyone is interested in them, just email me or leave a comment if you want to see them, and I’ll be glad to type them up. 🙂

Have a great week!

  1. Gail Said,

    I have a recipe for twice baked potatoes that can be frozen, let me know if you want the recipe. I’ve done them before and they’re pretty good.
    I’m trying to decide whether to post my week b/c I have such a short week!

  2. rach Said,

    Your menu line-up sounds utterly mouth watering.

  3. Angie Said,

    Oh it sounds like a yummy week to me! Hope you have a great one!

  4. Jen Said,

    Looks great! I’d love the recipe for the sauce and dressing whenever you have the chance to post it.

  5. Kelly Said,

    Sounds delicious-big potato soup fan.

  6. Susie Said,

    That all sounds delicious. I need to start doing this.

  7. Sherry Said,

    Did you get the 15 pound bag for 2.99? Cuz I did and we have potatoes out the ears! lol I am going to make some oven fries for the kids one night and maybe dice some up w/ an egg white omelet one day in the morning and then I will use them in a few recipes!

    Have a great week!


  8. Laura Said,

    I always have trouble too coming up with recipes for ingredients I already have on hand and want to use up. So much easier to do it the other way around isn’t it.
    Have a great week!

  9. Debi Said,

    Can I come over for supper on Thursday? Sounds so yummy! In fact, I printed that recipe off…and can’t wait to try it! Have a great one!

  10. jen Said,

    Sounds very good…I’m not a mushroom fan unless its on Pizza….although I LOVE Potatoe soup…yummy

  11. Angie Said,

    I was trying to find the corn and black bean salad recipe you were telling Gail about – can you help me?

  12. Rona Said,

    What a yummy and versatile menu.

  13. Heidi Said,

    It amazes me that people are able to get a menu for the week together all at once. I am a planner, but I wouldn’t be able to do this.

    I love potatoes! Everything sounds wonderful!

  14. An Ordinary Mom Said,

    It sounds like an awesome menu you have planned. Everything sounds so yummy!

  15. Susan Said,

    I love having baked potatoes for dinner.
    The golden potatoe soup sounds yummy.

    Your whole menu sounds yummy.

    I’ll have to dig out my recipe for taco pie. I haven’t had it in ages.

  16. Jen Said,

    Hi Stacy,

    You had asked a question on my blog about the tilapia and I’m not sure how to respond so I thought I would post a comment. Anyway, I used the Foreman Grill to cook them. They turned out pretty good, but they did fall apart a little. When I cook fish on the outdoor grill I use aluminum foil most of the time.

    Is there a better way to reply to comments left on your own blog? Sorry, I’m new to this whole blogging thing. 🙂

  17. Becky Said,

    I can’t believe I’m just getting by to check out your menu! Mmmmmmmmmm…Sounds delicious. And, I would gladly take any recipes for pork chops that you have. We aren’t concerned with presentation here…just taste! 🙂 I am always looking for new recipes to try! Thanks for stopping by!

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