Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

First Things First

Making the BedI have several topics rolling around in my head that I want to blog about. However, I can’t seem to decide which one to start with. I probably need to jot them down somewhere or start some draft blog posts, because a lot of the time I can’t think of a single thing to blog about. Nothing, nada.

Anyway, I thought I’d start at the beginning of my day. One of the first things I do every morning is make the bed. It’s something I was raised with. I can’t ever remember a time when my mom let me slide and not make the bed. I’m sure when I was very little, she did it for me, but I don’t remember those days. I can remember being older and living at home, and she always wanted the bed made. Since I’ve been grown and living on my own, it’s something that I have always, always done. And I mean 365 days a year always. Even when I’m sick. I make the bed every day. It must be some kind of weird gene I have!

So that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you make your bed every day? Or does it just not matter to you? If you do, is it something your mom or someone else insisted on or taught you?

Have a great day everyone! I hope to get busy today with cleaning and getting things back to normal. I’ve made stabs over the last couple of weeks at keeping things picked up and semi-presentable looking, but I haven’t really done much cleaning, and my house shows it. We need some serious cleaning around here 🙄

  1. Eden Said,

    That’s a very good question. Well, I have to be honest and say that “NO, I don’t make my bed every single day.” It does matter to me, but it just doesn’t always get done. lol
    Maybe that should become one of my New Year Resolutions?!?!!?

  2. Dawn Said,

    i make mine *almost* every day. (and the days i don’t, it is still straightened out!) my Gram taught me to make a bed & insisted on hospital corners & everything! to me that is the only way a bed is considered “made” — other than that, it is merely straightened up. it’s worth it though because there is nothing like getting into a made bed at the end of the day. ahhhh…

  3. Stacy Said,

    *I* make the bed everyday. I will be late to work just to get the bed made. Hubby on the other hand never, never makes the bed and he sleeps in after I do. That’s an easy test of who is home in the mornings. I just got in the habit of making my bed in college. We had the show room on the dorm tour, so it was always nice to see our beds made. It just stuck!

  4. Dianne Said,

    Yep, you need to do draft posts – or at least send yourself emails with your ideas. I have a little notebook in my purse where I’ve started writing ideas down.

    And I almost always make my bed in the morning. I’d say 350 out of 356 days a year. Mike has gotten good at making it too. I think he just got used to it. Sometimes it’s not as perfect when he does but I never let him see me straighten it – LOL! BTW, my covers must be perfect straight at night before I can sleep – so making my bed in the am is part of that effort!

  5. mamichelle Said,

    Yes, I’m right there with you, Stacy! I cannot stand a messy bed.

  6. Gail Said,

    Most of the time I do! I’m the only one around here that will make them though. I’m like Dianne, I like it to be made and straight before I get into it again!

  7. Jen Said,

    I guess I’m one of the oddballs here. I do not make the bed every day. Mornings aren’t my favorite time of day and when I’m rushing to get out the door sometimes the bed has to be skipped. A few years ago when I was following the Flylady’s routines, I really had the bed making down. I’ve hit some type of wall with my housekeeping and somehow got out of these good habits. I’d say 2006 was one of my messiest years yet–not like that is something to boast about.

    Anyway, I’m trying to set mini goals instead of resolutions and my Jan goal for the house is to make the bed everyday. So far so good!

    Good question!

  8. rach Said,

    How I would love to put a good front and tell you that I make my own bed everyday but I’d rather be honest. The maid does it for me. She does it so much better than I do. But during her day off, I fix the bed on my own.

    I’m afraid I’m not good with house chores but when I’m in the mood for cleaning, I always end up doing a general house cleaning. It’s great exercise. 🙂

  9. Southern Girl Said,

    I make my bed when company is coming over and might somehow wander into my bedroom. Otherwise, it stands at the ready for me to fall into it at a moment’s notice, just as it was when I crawled out of it. 😉

  10. Claire Said,

    I generally make my bed but it’s not a 365 kind of thing. HOwever, I definitely make it on school days and Sundays.

  11. Laura Said,

    I only make the bed on weekends. I LOVE when it’s made, as I’m sure you understand. But most of the time, my husband is just getting out of bed (or still in bed) as I’m leaving for work.

  12. Debi Said,

    Almost every day. I really do try. I have heard that it is actually good to leave your bed unmade sometimes…something to do with dust mites. Probably a load of crap, but still, on those occasional days when I just don’t get to it, I try to console myself with that.

    Just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed your musings since stumbling across your blog (through Dawn’s always entertaining blog).

  13. Suzanne Said,

    I do NOT make my bed every day. Even though that is what was required in our house, I am more particular about other things. I do pull the covers up when I don’t make it up.

  14. southernfriedgirl Said,

    I used to be vigilant about making the bed. However, as of late, I have slacked off big time. It’s pitiful because I always feel better when I do it.

  15. Susie Said,

    I usually only make my bed on the weekends, maybe once or twice during the week. Isn’t that awful, especially since I work from home? It’s just not a priority for me, I guess. However, I do have to keep my kitchen spotless or I go nuts. And I figure that if we have unexpected company, they will see my kitchen and most likely not my bedroom! 😀

  16. Becca Said,

    I have to say I never seem to make my bed except for when we change the sheets. Good grief does that make me lazy?! 🙂 I just jump in bed and pull the covers up over my head…and on a rainy day like today that sounds like a really good idea!

  17. paperback writer Said,

    Oh, yeah. I make the bed everyday. 🙂

    I love the new look!

    Happy new year!

  18. deb Said,

    Yep, I make our bed every morning. It’s easy though because all I have to do is pull up the comforter and fluff the pillows. Takes a nanosecond 🙂

  19. Cam Said,

    I haven’t made my bed in YEARS. I was raised to do it–not forced to do it daily, but my mom was big on making beds and she often made me do it. I always thought (and still do think) it’s just a waste of time. I’m going to mess it up again in a few hours, so why bother? 😛
    If company is coming over (other than close family), I’ll straighten it, as in pull the comforter up to cover everything loosely. But otherwise, it stays the way I got out of it the last time, until the next time I get in it.

  20. Shawna Said,

    I rarely make the bed. We have a group of close friends who come over almost every Thursday, and we don’t make the bed for them. I only do it if I’m having an out-of-the-ordinary house party, like guests for Christmas.

  21. Heidi Said,

    Okay, I couldn’t resist finding the “bed entry” and commenting. I DO make the bed almost every day. My mom isn’t the cleanest person, so I have become clean because I didn’t like living in a messy house when I was a kid. But the reason I make the bed is two-fold. 1) I like the covers to be all arranged when I go to bed–it’s just more comfortable to me. 2) Making the bed makes the rest of the room look orderly even if it’s not.

    When I was a kid, I had a series of books on manners “How to be Kind to your Guest” and “How to Clean your room” and the number 1 thing they told you to do in cleaning your room was to make your bed.

  22. jen Said,

    I do make my bed everyday…it’s not made right now..for I havent been back in there….but will make it when Miller goes down for a nap….good question.

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