Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I have some bookshelves that need cleaning out (and a myriad of other cleaning out, purging and organizing projects that I *want* to do but never seem to get started). One of the bookshelves contains a bunch of old annuals or yearbooks from when Tim and I were in school.

I don’t ever look at them, but I can’t seem to throw them out. I really need this shelf space though, for books I have bought over the last year and books I received for birthday and Christmas last year.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you have annuals or yearbooks from your school years? If so, do you still have them “out” somewhere, or are they packed up? Or were you stronger than me and have you gotten rid of them? Inquiring minds want to know!

  1. Dawn Said,

    i have the four from high school. that’s it. they aren’t very thick & they are fun to flip through every once in a while.

  2. Shawna Said,

    I would never get rid of mine!! I have one for every year of school. They are packed up, but I hope to one day find a home for them. I loved looking at my parent’s yearbooks! I will always cherish them and hope that Scamp will appreciate that I kept them.

  3. Gail Said,

    I have a couple from high school and college and a couple for Don too. I still have lots of the annuals from my kids too and they are on the shelves in my den. I kinda hate to throw them out! I actually do use them from time to time, to look up people and such. Maybe just once or twice a year but I’d hate for them to be hard to get to when I did need them.

  4. Jen Said,

    I still have all my old yearbooks, but they are packed away. I would never get rid of them, though. They are fun to flip through every once in awhile. I especially love when I see someone out and I can’t remember their name or who they hung out with in high school. I will pull out the good old yearbook to figure it out. I think they are one of those things that I will keep forever.

  5. Eden Said,

    Since I was homeschooled, I didn’t have any for grade school or high school. But I did have the 4 from college, but I have thrown them away. I was tired of packing them all over the country in a box. I never looked at them, so, I didn’t see any reason in keeping them, since they were just taking up valuable space.
    My husband however has kept his high school yearbooks, but got rid of the college ones as well. Although, I am working on him to get rid of 3 of them, and just keep his Sr. year.
    I’m not very sentimental. It has been a struggle for me to keep Olyvia’s hospital bracelet, and other things like that. I’ve had to make myself not throw them away. She might want them later!?!?!? But if she doesn’t, I will gladly help her get rid of them.
    Photos are my only weakness. I have tons and hate parting with them.

  6. Debi Said,

    Still have all four from high school. Don’t think I could ever bring myself to throw them out. Honestly don’t know why, as I have no idea when I last looked at them. Have them stashed in the glorified closet I call my scraproom (figured that was an appropriate place…in with all the bazillions of photos that need scrapped).

  7. rach Said,

    I have three yearbooks. One for grade school, another for high school and one for college. The hs and college yearbooks are really thick and heavy. They occupy large space on the book shelf but I dare not throw them. I think of them as lovely keepsakes. I guess that makes me sentimental. 🙂

  8. Heidi Said,

    I have all our yearbooks (6 from Jr and Sr High, 2 from college, a couple of my husband’s high school) in the huge bookshelf in the upstairs hallway. I would never consider getting rid of them. I look at mine occassionally and my husband’s class had a couple famous-type people in it (in a bad way-like they became criminals).

  9. Laura Said,

    My four high school yearbooks and my husband’s four high school yearbooks are sitting on the bottom shelf of our bookcase. I guess in the same way that I’ll look at photo albums over and over, I’ve looked at them many many times. I love them. 🙂 My husband couldn’t care less. Heh.

  10. jen Said,

    They used to be in my hope chest in the attic…….then my 10 year reunion came around and we had to get them down……so for the last 4 years they have been under my bed…since we are too lazy to put them up. Box them up…clear it out.

  11. mamichelle Said,

    We both have ours packed away in a chest where the negatives are stored. We take them out every once in a while to get a chuckle.!

  12. Becky Said,

    Oh, I could never get rid of my yearbooks. All four years of high school and two of middle school. They are, I wouldn’t say packed away, but downstairs in our basement that needs to be finished! 🙂 I was just looking at one a couple of months ago…my 10 year reunion should have been this year, but we have some slackers in charge…anyway, I was feeling nostalgic (sp?) after running into 4 or 5 people I have not seen in years (maybe even 10). I love to get them out on occasion and take a walk down memory lane!

  13. BeckyKay76 Said,

    I have all four of mine from high school and at least one from college. I couldn’t bear to part with the high school ones. I like to flip through them every now and then, mostly to read the stuff people wrote in them!

  14. Southern Girl Said,

    Good gracious, it’s like you have a secret camera into my head or maybe just my house. *g* Just last night, I pulled out my college yearbooks looking for the one from my freshman year, trying to find someone. And I was planning to blog about that today, too! ; )

    Anyway, to answer your question — I have all of my high school and college yearbooks, and at least two from junior high. Until I pulled the college ones out last night, most of them were in the cedar chest where I keep all my sentimental “treasures,” with a few of them down in the bottom of one of my bookcases. I can’t imagine ever getting rid of them, at least not the ones from college. I’m not in them very much, but my college years were so special to me that I couldn’t bear to part with them.

    I’m going to have to link to this Question of the Day when I do my blog after supper! 😀

  15. Suzanne Said,

    I do not have any of my annuals from school………and I have no idea where they are……..how’d that happen?

  16. Cam Said,

    OH Stacy, don’t throw them out! Just pack them away. I think you’d regret it if you got rid of them.
    Philip & I went through the same Jr High & high school together, so we have duplicates of every year’s yearbook, for a total of 12 of them. I’ve always kept them on our bottom bookshelf, because since we both know so many of the same people, we often use them to look someone up, or sometimes just to reminisce together. If it were different (if we’d not gone to the same schools), I would imagine I’d just pack them up in a rubbermaid box. Maybe that will be a good solution for you. 🙂
    Great topic!

  17. Barb Said,

    For heaven’s sake. Have I been away this long? I can’t believe I’m so behind on my favorite people. Just goes to show you what happens when all heck breaks out in a person’s normally mundane, quiet life. 🙂

    To answer you question, Rob and I both have all our yearbooks and they’re big, fat, heavy books. I cannot imagine ever, ever getting rid of them. I make room for them.

    They are too important. They’re a recording of what life was like when we were teenagers. They’re truly priceless to me. If you don’t have room for them in your bookshelves, just put them in a box. It’s only one box and someday they will mean a lot to someone who loved you.

  18. Kathleen Marie Said,

    I still have my albums and I have saved all my kids. I LOVED looking at my parents albums and my kids have enjoyed looking at mine. Do not throw them away. Just pack them away until you find extra space to put them. Your kids may even want them later on in life, you just never know. Memories are important.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I will browse around yours a bit more.

    Nice to meet you!!

  19. Claire Said,

    I’ve got yearbooks all the way back to 4th grade (now they get them in kindergarten, CRAZY!). It’s funny to look at them and see how goofy we looked. The only ones I have “out” are my college and medical school ones.

  20. DawnK Said,

    DH and I still have all our yearbooks! LOL! No, I won’t get rid of them, either! I’ve been out of high school since 1978, too.

  21. ZuphChic Said,

    I have most of them on a very high shelf in the bedroom but I have a couple on a shelf under the coffee table that we were looking through when we had company. It’s too hard to put them back on that top shelf…or I’m too lazy…or BOTH! 🙂

  22. local girl Said,

    Mine are still packed up. I just don’t know where!

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