Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Blah, Blah, Blah

New Orleans SaintsNot to much blog-worthy going on around here. I seem to be posting as much of what I’m doing during the day over on my Project 365 photo blog, since I’m taking a photo a day and blogging about what it is or how it relates to my day. Check it out if you haven’t already (yes, sorry, had to get that shameless plug in there :mrgreen:). Oh, and below, I just posted a book blurb for the book I finished last night. I’m going to start a new book this afternoon, hoorah!

Let’s see…. quick recap. I had a busy day yesterday, going grocery shopping and running errands. I had originally planned to cook last night, but decided to ask Tim for a date night instead, to which he very graciously obliged. We had dinner at our favorite Mexican place (we split fajitas – shrimp, chicken, beef and chorizo and it was really good!). Tim even splurged and ordered me some guacamole to go with our chips. I adore guacamole if it doesn’t have big chunks of tomato in it and this place does not. Yummy. After dinner, we were headed to Hollywood Video to get a movie to watch for the rest of our date night, when Tim suddenly declares “I want dessert”. Then he says… “I think I want a shake”. Normally, for a shake, we go to Sonic, but we were headed in the other direction and suspiciously near Cold Stone Creamery. So, we stopped there to see if they had shakes. They do and smoothies too. I should have stuck to my original plan, I declared in the truck that we could just split one. But, as soon as I got inside and started seeing all that ice cream and reading all the descriptions, I caved and got my own! Tim got a chocolate shake with brownie bits added (a large one, so I could sample it) and I got a small Cherry Cheesecake shake. Divine, absolutely divine. We rented “The Da Vinci Code” and watched it last night. I had read the book, but Tim had not. He said he enjoyed it and rated it an 8 out of 10. I think I would give it a 7, but only because I *had* read the book and I think my expectations are always higher. I want to try to watch some of the extras today, while Tim is out playing golf. (By the way, as another project I’m trying to tackle, I’m trying to keep track of the movies we watch this year. Check it out in my sidebar lists or click here. Just a listing, no ratings, but I think it will be fun to look back at the end of the year and see how many movies we watch!)

Tonight is the big playoff game, Tim’s beloved Saints versus the Philadelphia Eagles. Please consider rooting for the Saints unless you’re a dyed-in-the-wool Eagles fan. The Saints need all the help and good vibes they can get! They so rarely make the playoffs that this is a huge deal! We’re going to splurge again tonight and have brats with sauerkraut for the game.

Then, tomorrow night, I’m equally excited about planting myself in front of the TV. The first 2 hours of the new season of 24 start, and I absolutely cannot wait! It’s going to really rawk this time because of our new hi-def plasma TV and the fact that our sorry cable company *finally* got around to adding Fox to our HD lineup. It is going to look fantabulous, and we’re going to get 2 hours Sunday and two hours on Monday night. By Tuesday, I expect to be a driveling 24 junkie 😆

That’s about it for the excitement here – golf for Tim, reading for me, playoff games on TV and then 24. What are the highlights of your weekend? Pipe up and let me know what all I am missing out on! 😛

  1. tiggerprr Said,

    Sounds like a great night! And a great plan for the weekend! My hubby teased me that we should go out to the movies on Sunday night. I nearly threw something at him. LOL

  2. shellsq Said,

    Oh, you are KILLING me with the guacamole & ice cream talk!! Two of my favorite foods!!! I could live on guacamole. My neighbor makes the best ever and his has chunks of tomatoes.

    I better get dinner going. I’m starving!!!!!!

  3. Shawna Said,

    That sounds like a typically date night for Matt and myself. We usually get Mexican or Chinese since we hate waiting for a table at other restaraunts, and we both love going in Hastings for a movie rental. When we take Scamp, we let her run around in the children’s book area. I think it’s one of our (all three of us) favorite places to go becaue they have books, movies, video games, and lots of neat gifts. Do you have one near you?

    Neither Matt or myself are big football fans. I did watch “Invincible’ the other night about the walk-on player for the Eagles (I think that was the team). Good movie!

  4. Susie Said,

    It sounds like you’re going to have a wonderful weekend. I plan to do a lot of lazing around next weekend, since this one is going to be busy for us. I’m working today, and tomorrow we’re going to my grandmother’s 80th birthday party. The whole bunch is taking her to a Japanese restaurant, one where they throw knives and stuff. She’s never been to one before, so it should be fun and interesting! 🙂

    I love that you’re listing the movies you watch. We don’t watch that many, or I’d steal your idea. 😉

    Jeff and I are going to sit down and watch 24 tomorrow for the first time ever. I hear we’ll be amazed, so I’m excited about it!

  5. Heidi Said,

    Against popular demand (in Pennsylvania at least) I’ll be rooting for the Saints.
    I won’t even say what team I usually root for because they NEVER get to the playoffs:)
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Bev Said,

    Hi Stacy,

    Chores are done so now I’m treating myself to visiting your blog. It’s been a long time and I know, just from reading through this first page of posts that I’ve missed a lot.

    I think keeping a list of movies is a great idea. I’m going to have to steal it. I keep a list of movies on my PDA so I know if I’ve returned (or not) movies I’ve watched. I never thought about keeping a list. I think everyone will think I’m a bit odd because of the movies I’ll watch. 😉

    I did just see Da Vinci Code and have to agree with you on it. It was a good thriller if one hadn’t read the book first.

    Guess I ought to quit rambling for now and taking up space on your blog.


  7. Debi Said,

    Sorry Stacy, but I can’t get on the Saints cheering squad (nothing personal, of course, just gotta support my hubby on this one).
    But I think you got me back by talking about Mexican restaurant! Mexican food is my absolute favorite! And when we lived in the south, there was never any shortage of great Mexican restaurants to choose from. But we seem to have hit a dry pocket here in our little corner of upstate NY. We have tried every one we can find in the area. Ugh. Not a single decent Mexican restaurant to be found!

  8. Barb Said,

    Even I can resist Cold Stone Creamery and I don’t like ice cream.

    I thought the book was much better than the movie even though Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors. I thought anyone who hadn’t read the book would have a hard time following the movie.

    I guess me and maybe two other people in the whole world aren’t hooked on 24. Hubby loves it – I can’t keep up with it. I’m not sure I know what that says about me. 🙂

  9. Gail Said,

    Darn, I KNEW there was something I should set my vcr for! 24, now I might miss it and if I miss these first few nights I might be lost as a goose! Any chance you can watch it online like Lost?

  10. deb Said,

    The highlight of my Saturday so far has been nap I just woke from ;~)
    We’re babysitting tonight and I’ll be up late so I had to get a snooze in while I could lol

    I wish we had a Cold Stone Creamery around here!

  11. Southern Girl Said,

    Don’t worry, I’m rooting for the Saints! And I’ll be right there with you (well, not *literally* :-D) in front of the TV tomorrow night for 24. woo hoo!!

  12. Jen Said,

    Sounds like a great date night. I liked the DaVinci Code movie, but definitely enjoyed the book more. I thought it might be confusing to people who didn’t read it.

    I didn’t know Cold Stone Creamery made shakes–mmmm. I’ll have to try one.

    I feel like I’m one of the only people on the planet who doesn’t watch 24. I really wanted to get in to it, but now I feel like I’m so far behind that I’m going to not enjoy it. I may tivo it and then rent the first couple of seasons on dvd to catch up. Then watch it over the summer when all my other shows are off. Gosh I sound like such a tv junkie–I guess I am.

    PS The mushrooms that you asked me about on my blog are just the basic white ones (snowcap I believe). I usually buy them presliced.

  13. jen Said,

    You know my weekend…except church just got cancelled. Scott got called into work we had a lot of rain and he works for AT&T so off he goes to repair the phone lines. It’s way too much for me to take the kids by myself….Miller likes Scott to drop him off in the nursery not me so I would never get out of there……we will probably hang here and watch some tv all day, it’s still raining.

  14. Debi Said,

    We had a Monopoly game night last night with a bunch of people from our church. We brought several different versions of our Monopoly collection and had 4 games going. It was a lot of fun, though I ended up losing. My brother is an Eagles fan but my hubby is a Redskins fan so he doesn’t like the Eagles. I’m a Vikings fan and they didn’t even make the playoffs this year.

  15. jen Said,

    Update…. I went to church with both kids and got home in one peice..the beeper didnt even go off while I was in class….and there were parking spots up front for me….hooray.

  16. Sherry Said,

    Yum, it all sounded really good…….. especially the cheesecake shake! lol When MIke and I were dating, he used to bring me cheesequake blizzards from DQ — (probably why I’ve continually put on weight, hmmm, LOL)

    I”m keeping track of movies too — I have to update those — and books! I’ve only finished 2 so far this year and in the middle of Jane Austen’s S&S still (reading that one slowly).


  17. local girl Said,

    I haven’t watched the DaVinci Code either for that very reason. It was a great book and I didn’t want to be disappointed.

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