Kim tagged me for this fun “where do you like to eat” restaurant meme that is going around. Goodness knows, we eat out enough and have tons of places we like to go!
A lot of the places we go are chains (Chili’s, Applebee’s, Red Lobster, Olive Garden), so I debated about whether to include those on this list. I could have easily listed 5 chain places and a host of foods we like to eat there. The Oriental Salad at Applebee’s is a favorite of mine, as well as the molten lava cakes for dessert at Chili’s. Then, there’s pizza, but we won’t go that route. Instead, we’ll go totally local.
1. Fratesi’s – a local Italian place that I love. It’s sort of small and a bit run down, but the food is so good. I’ve never had a single thing there that wasn’t totally delicious. You start out with their hot homemade bread and garlic butter, then move to their delicious salad (the house salad dressing is the best of any place we eat at), and then your entree. When we go to an Italian place, I always order tiramisu for dessert. Theirs is very good 
2. Cazadores – another local place, this one Mexican. We have 5 or 6 Mexican restaurants within a 3 or 4 mile radius of our house and we have been going to Cazadore’s almost exclusively lately. The food is good and the service is great. A guy is usually at our table with chips and salsa about 5 seconds after we sit down. Our food is usually delivered to our table within 5-6 minutes of ordering. And it’s always hot and delicious. They also have really good guacamole. I love guacamole, but I’m really particular about it. I don’t like tomato, so I don’t like it with chunks of tomato in it. And I have this weird aversion to cilantro, so I don’t like cilantro in mine. Cazadore’s guacamole is perfect for me – very creamy, no tomatoes, no cilantro. Good stuff.
3. Golden Dragon – yet another local place. This is where we like to go for Chinese food. They have a buffet on Friday and Saturday nights, which we go to sometimes. Tim likes it because they have steaks on the buffet, plus boiled shrimp, so he can eat that and not have to eat as much Chinese food! I love their pineapple chicken and their shrimp and cabbage dish they have on the buffet. If we order, we sometimes splurge and get their Shrimp and Kew dinner – which is a slew of appetizers and samplings of food, followed by a tableside cooking of shrimp, strips of filet mignon and Chinese style vegetables at our table. Wonderful stuff. We don’t splurge on it that often, but if we order from the menu, I usually order the shrimp and cabbage. I could eat that stuff 7 days a week, I think.
4. Cock of the Walk – this is a chain, but we have a great one here and have for over 25 years. I can remember going here in college, because the food is so good and the atmosphere is great. It’s so laid back and casual, we can go in wearing a tshirt and shorts and be totally comfortable. They basically do one thing – fried catfish with all of the trimmings. We order fish for two, and very soon, a large platter with fried catfish, french fries, hushpuppies, coleslaw, pickled onions and cornbread come out to the table. The cornbread, of course, is flipped in its cast iron skillet, tableside, by your waiter. You can also order fried dill pickles, which are to die for, promise. So much food, but not good for us, since everything is fried. We don’t go often but we love it when we splurge and go!
5. Pigskin – Another local place, a family owned restaurant that specializes in BBQ and recently added a lunch buffet (country type cooking, blue plate, meat and veggie type of stuff). We’ve been for lunch, but we mostly go for the barbecue. They have great ribs! Good sides (coleslaw, baked beans, fries, potato salad) and really big chunks of texas toast with the ribs. They have the best caramel cake for dessert, but we rarely get that, as we fill up on ribs and sides.
Honorable Mention: I asked Tim about his 5 and he said he would include Lenny’s Subs (sandwich place). They have a great chicken phillysteak sandwich that we always get. If he is picking a sandwich place, then I would probably pick Newk’s instead. Newk’s is a little pricier than Lenny’s, but the food is really good. Newk’s also has some awesome salads. 
I know the origins of this meme had you list your name, location, your 5 choices, then you were to tag 5 people from different areas of the country or the world. I’m not going to do that, but if you’d like to play along, that would be great! Leave me a comment and let me know so that I can come visit and see your favorite places to eat 