Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Forty Four
May 18, 2007

List 3 emotions you experienced this week.
Ugh, this was not one of my better weeks. Hate to not be positive. My three words would be depressed, bitter and frustrated ๐Ÿ™

Name a car youรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd love to have.
You know, I’m SO not a car person. I am happy to have a decent, reliable vehicle to drive. I don’t have a dream car I would just love to have.

Describe your typical morning routine.
Well, since we got Beau, this now involves dragging out of bed before daybreak to let Beau out. Usually multiple times before I really want to get up. On a good day, we get up and get dressed and go walking. If Tim is busy with work, the weather is bad or we’re not feeling well (like this week), we get up and Tim goes directly to work on his computer. I take care of Beau, make the bed, get clean water for Beau, feed Beau, grind the coffee beans and make coffee, fix our breakfast, etc. Then I start picking up – glasses in the sink that *someone* left out, clean dishes in the drainer from the last night, pick up stuff in the den, fluff the cushions on the couch, etc. Boring, huh?!

Main Course
Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply?
Nope. Never. Gee, I’m really boring with these today ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?
I’ve listened to a couple, but it’s not something I do often. I’ve listened to them for TV shows (Lost and Battlestar Galactica) and I’ve listened to some from a local hospital on women’s health issues. But, I don’t think to update or listen to them very often.

  1. Bridget Said,

    great feast! Have a great weekend.

  2. annie Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    depressed, bitter & frustrated do not sound good!
    I’ll say a little prayer for you :o)

  3. Carrie Said,

    Great feast! I hope next week is better for ya! (((Hugs)))

    Oh, I’ll post my spinach stuffed shells recipe for ya this weekend!

  4. jennyร‚ยฎ Said,

    gosh i hope u will feel better.it’s awful to feel depressed,bitter and frustrated…whatever makes u feel that way, hope it will go away…

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    I hope next week is better for you! It’s suppose to be a nice weekend and not so humid so I hope you enjoy the sunshine ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Susie Said,

    Your *someone* leaves out dishes, too? LOL! ๐Ÿ˜€

    I think it’s sweet that you fluff your couch cushions. Do you really do that everyday? If so, you’re my hero. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. mamichelle Said,

    Oh, sorry, Stacy! I hope your weekend makes up for the bad week?!!!

  8. Suzanne Said,

    You were depressed, bitter and frustrated because of Mothers day??
    hope you feel better soon……….

  9. Southern Girl Said,

    I hope next week finds you perkier! {{{{Stacy}}}}

    These animals…they’re lucky we love them to pieces, aren’t they? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Becca Said,

    Great feast! I hope that you have a better weekend!

  11. Susanne Said,

    There is not a one of us that can be positive 100% of the time. Praying you’ll have a weekend to lift your spirits.

    Someone needs to whisper in Beau’s ear to let you have a sleep in day! :vD Our four-legged family members, what would we do without them? :v)

  12. Judi Said,

    Fluffing cushions???? I can’t seem to get off mine long enough on some days! Oh, and mine have dried snot and smeared food from my baby left on them most days. So I have to clean them almost daily…….but no fluffing.

  13. sherry Said,

    I once emailed Sandra Gulland who wrote the Josephine B trilogy! She said she was working on another historical fiction novel and hoped I would read that one too ๐Ÿ™‚


  14. Cam Said,

    Stacy, I hope next week is much better for you. I’m sorry this one wasn’t so great. ::hugs::

  15. Mandalyn Said,

    I’m sorry your week has not been so good! I sure hope that next week is much, much better!

    And, I don’t think you’re boring at all!!

    I hope you have a good day!!

  16. Lauren S. Said,

    Come check out my blog, and then, if you don’t mind, send me your address! Congratulations!

  17. Melody Said,

    Hi Stacy, I hope the new week will be much better for you. {hugs}

  18. Dawn Said,

    wow… Beau gets himself a drink & leavesd the glass in the sink? ๐Ÿ˜‰ tee hee.

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